posted by Elrik
2000-12-23 23:25:35
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well just logged on to mume nothing to do here home and i though hey why not log
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__/|' v .   .|\|||//|_______|\\|||/|. . Y . .|\_________________/ -  .. .\__ 
      ..   .                       . .   .                       . ..

                MUME: Multi Users in Middle Earth, Version VII.

                 Type 'news next' for the latest information.

Welcome to the land of Middle Earth. May your visit here be... interesting.
Never forget! Try to role-play...

Last login 2 days and 5 hours ago from
Misty Mountains
Exits: South.

Your default tongue is the Westron
Free rent.
# Friendly reminder: 
You can only have one account and it cannot be shared.
#                    See HELP ACCOUNTS and RULES ACCOUNTS for more information.

### The transatlantic link to the server is acting up, play at your own risk.


* W C>whe
Players in your zone
Elrik                - Misty Mountains

* W C>who leg
      Elrik The Black Istar 
      Zomb The Personal Bodyguard  (Linkless)

2 players on.

* W C>nar howdy

* W C>who orc
      Tomek Polacken 
      Groz the Orkish Fighter 
      Zomb The Personal Bodyguard  (Linkless)
      Pizdec the Orkish Battlemaster 
      Gurd the Snaga 

11 players on.

* W C>who tr
Saving Elrik.
      Ved the Troll Warrior 
      Spfthirty the Troll Softskin 
      Bamse the Troll Warrior 
      Lignite the Troll Warrior 

4 players on.

* W C>
Spfthirty tells you 'hi :)'

* W C>
Lignite narrates 'Hi Elrik'

* W C>nar hmm few on now

* W C>nar ;(

* W C>
Spfthirty tells you 'if you want to spam sleep on pukes, I can log on OM'

* W C>whois lignite
Lignite is a level eighteen Cave Troll Warrior.

* W C>
A hungry warg has arrived from the south.

* W C>
Bamse tells you 'hi there, wanna help me do foy?'

* W C>t spfthirty i quit playing mume :)

* W C>
You feel yourself exposed.

* W C>whois banse
No-one by that name.

* W C>whois bamse
Bamse is a level twenty Mountain Troll Warrior.

 I'm not gonna hurt you...

 I'm just gonna bash your brains in!

* W C>
Lignite tells you 'I figure it's schools out on break'

* W C>
Prist tells you 'don't worry, norsu and co is on as uaully...'

* W C>
Digtakh narrates 'great lost 80hps to gain 4 mana.'

* W C>
*a Dwarf* has arrived from the south riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the south riding a trained horse.

* W C>nar is it ok i log on ???? though i told ya i have quit mume :)
*a Dwarf* leaves south riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* leaves south riding a trained horse.

* W C>s

*a Dwarf* has arrived from the south riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the south riding a trained horse.

* W C>Misty Mountains
A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh.
Exits: North South West.

* W C>
*a Dwarf* has arrived from the north riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the north riding a trained horse.

* W C>s

*a Dwarf* cleaves your left foot extremely hard.
*an Elf* strongly pierces your right hand.

* W C HP:Fine *a Dwarf*:Fine>f
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C HP:Fine *a Dwarf*:Fine>s
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C HP:Fine *a Dwarf*:Fine>s
You flee head over heels.
A Gap between the Mountains
Exits: North West Up.

* W C HP:Fine>s
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* W C HP:Fine>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* W C HP:Fine>w
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* W C HP:Fine>u
Alas, you cannot go that way...
*a Dwarf* has arrived from the north riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the north riding a trained horse.

* W C HP:Fine>Wild Plains
Exits: East West.

* W C HP:Fine>
*a Dwarf* has arrived from the east riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the east riding a trained horse.

* W C HP:Fine>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* W C HP:Fine>
*a Dwarf* leaves east riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* leaves east riding a trained horse.

* W C HP:Fine>w

*a Dwarf* has arrived from the east riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the east riding a trained horse.

* W C HP:Fine>
*a Dwarf* cleaves your right arm extremely hard and shatters it.
You feel a strong ache there!
That really HURT!

* W C HP:Hurt *a Dwarf*:Fine>No way! 
You are fighting for your life!
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* W C HP:Hurt *a Dwarf*:Fine>No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C HP:Hurt *a Dwarf*:Fine>f
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C HP:Hurt *a Dwarf*:Fine>w
You flee head over heels.
Wild Plains
Exits: East West.

* W C HP:Hurt>*a Dwarf* has arrived from the east riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the east riding a trained horse.
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Wild Plains
Exits: North East.

* W C HP:Hurt>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* W C HP:Hurt>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

* W C HP:Hurt>
*a Dwarf* has arrived from the east riding a brown donkey.
*an Elf* has arrived from the east riding a trained horse.

* W C HP:Hurt>n

*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* W C HP:Hurt>
*a Dwarf* quickly approaches, trying to cleave you.

* W C HP:Hurt *a Dwarf*:Fine>No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C HP:Hurt *a Dwarf*:Fine>f
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!
*a Dwarf* cleaves your left arm extremely hard and shatters it.
You feel a strong ache there!
That really HURT!

* W C HP:Bad *a Dwarf*:Fine>e
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C HP:Bad *a Dwarf*:Fine>No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C HP:Bad *a Dwarf*:Fine>No way! 
You are fighting for your life!
*an Elf* utters the words 'lightning bolt'
*an Elf* sends a powerful lightning bolt at you, you stagger from the impact.
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

* W C HP:Dying *a Dwarf*:Fine>
You feel a strong ache there!

You are dead! Sorry...

o W C HP:Awful>
Alas, you realize that yet again the mighty knowledge of drowned Numenor has
been lost... Despair settles on you.

* W C HP:Awful>stat
OB: 70%, DB: -36%, PB: 0%, Armour: 0%. Wimpy: 49. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 197,420 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 0. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- depression

* W C HP:Awful>
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Elrik2000-12-23 23:26:49
nice link also :)
Unknown2000-12-23 23:27:45
i understand why you quit. you suck!
Galadon2000-12-23 23:33:01
eek, nice comeback
Anonymous2000-12-23 23:52:22
Elf & Dwarf were level 15...
Fredde2000-12-24 00:19:07
yeah Elrik REALLLY suck! moron! i bet he is like 3452362 times better then you
Sharmak2000-12-24 00:41:26
Durcano2000-12-24 00:44:39
elrik, lick! :)
Râzk2000-12-24 00:46:38
Elrik rocks, and he has got balls to fight fair fights also =)
I agree Sharmak... that was.. nasty...
btw.. Merry Christmas everyone! =)
Metsavana2000-12-24 01:34:35
Bns are truly pathetic
We were just exping around there...
baphomet2000-12-24 04:13:48
welcome back
Alweon2000-12-24 04:18:58
Uhm, first things you shoulda done was armour up...
Ethar2000-12-24 06:34:11
armour and shield woulda helped :(
Nepenthe2000-12-24 08:23:59
Wow, you have link like me!
Glader2000-12-24 10:30:31
This was honestly very funny.
Cur2000-12-26 08:44:52
*comf* man. And don't any of you dare say Elrik sucks. If more ppl had the guts to play like he does while pking, I'd still be playing MUME.
Meteor2000-12-27 21:26:51
Yeah funny very funny instarip to some dorkpukes.
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