galarin1.txt // more brave smiters
posted by Cilúrâs
2000-12-24 06:47:48
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STARRING ** me (level 23) and dengue (level 17) ** ALSO FEATURING galarin (leve
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Galerech2000-12-24 06:55:31
well, galarin rocks kinda
Kodon2000-12-24 07:05:55
fun log, glad to see 2 people that are willing to risk lives to
have that fun you get when you're both really really close to dying :).
Koljat2000-12-24 08:11:54
ehhhhh, that missing kill sucked! btw nice fucking charging at bad/awful! :)
Manute2000-12-24 08:53:13
nice kill, but um, why'd you narrate it? you could have killed him...and i wouldn't say they were risking their lives, they were 2v1 (sneeker may have been around longer) and dengue could have hit if you were really wanted to :P, oh well, he died either way you look at it :)
Manute2000-12-24 08:54:04
hrm, i meant to say you could have killed him w/ out narrating it :)
Relim2000-12-24 09:45:41
Heh. Found the bash thing amusing - autowimpy can still kick in, hence allowing you to flee even while bashed. Surprised you hadn't figured this one out after 23 levels?
Relim2000-12-24 09:45:43
Heh. Found the bash thing amusing - autowimpy can still kick in, hence allowing you to flee even while bashed. Surprised you hadn't figured this one out after 23 levels?
Cilúrâs2000-12-24 09:52:34
Manute: because normally pukes don't stick around when they are at bad ** Relim: 23 levels? more like 6 years. Sorry if i confused you, I realize this always happens in the game, but it still puzzles me, hence the comment
Skojardu2000-12-24 09:55:08
yeah like you knew what that was in the start relim.
Or you was just hmmmm brave?
Glader2000-12-24 10:34:15
Jesus christ, that's a good log.
Unknown2000-12-24 13:38:10
sneaker rocks!!!
Fyrestar2000-12-24 21:58:49
thing i dont understand is, if bash triggers wimpy, why don't spells? Not like as tho you're gonna stand around and eat quickballs at any given time if you're set not to go below X hp, right?
Drayl2000-12-25 01:27:33
Dear Fyrestar, hits don't trigger wimpy, spells don't trigger wimpy, in fact no damage does. If you are below your autowimpy hps, you will attempt to flee everytime you would normally hit in combat. Or at least this is how I understand it. Spells make fast dmg thus you attempt to flee less than when getting mauled to death.

Drayl2000-12-25 01:28:06
Um and yes fleesystem depending on your weapon truly sucks arse.
Ethar2000-12-25 04:19:38
hmmm some valar made a comment think it was explaining how the flee system worked
Cur/Roadkill2000-12-26 08:41:07
Get it straight. You -are- allowed to attempt to flee while bashed. The thing is, you only get one attempt per fighting round (or sometimes two if you have the attack skill and are using a piercing weapon). This is regardless of how the damage is done that puts you below your wimpy mark.
Unknown2000-12-26 17:12:08
Best fucking exp stealing I have ever seen! *clap sneaker*
Dresden2000-12-26 19:21:19
You sure Cur? Always seemed to me hits make you autoflee, but not spells *shrug*
ciluras2000-12-27 06:26:49
Im well aware of how bash works Cur, if that comment was for my remark during the log was not one of uncertainty as to HOW the game responds, but rather just a comment that I think it's dumb. btw i already said this to relim. =) thanks. bye.
Meteor2000-12-27 21:45:49
Fucking dork sneaker stealing the kill.
Furthermore nice log.
Jocke2000-12-28 06:06:57
I have seen even better exp stealing then this. Snick bash dises a guy who is killing
a heavy mob, hits the mob who dies, and walks out. Mean, but funny. :)
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