Devran can't mud
posted by Zaber
2000-12-29 02:32:57
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Moonglum tries one of his fancy quaketraps.
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Voile2000-12-29 02:47:43
Clap moonglum...i was so certain you would finally succed ina quake trap. Close call and better luck next time.
Gonfor2000-12-29 03:04:41
Well, he did succeed in some respects. Ethar was dead and Zaber and Forin had to use some stuff to survive. Sometimes it's about forcing your enemy to do everything to survive in hopes of killing them later. Of course, I never do either *giggle*
David2000-12-29 03:12:06
it woulda rocked if you had all buffer on moonie, toppled one bash and that other bn had 4 stored quakes to =P ohyeah.. and the bns woulda been sancted.. now THAT woulda been a logg =P
Grimble2000-12-29 03:25:03
Woulda been cool if Moonglum had fireballed Zaber while Shimmer was still buffing, then unleash the quakes - easier said in logcomments than actually done during that spam tho.
Jocke2000-12-29 03:59:52
You guys must have been really fucked up from the start no?
Nazgum2000-12-29 04:12:25
way to go moonie..

one question though why is log titled devran can't mud?
Who was he in log?
Niccolo2000-12-29 04:24:53
Hmm is there a bug there? You changed mood breserk but still got panic mesage? Berserk sets wimpy to 0 and you should get a you cannot flee while berserk message....
So what gives?
Forin2000-12-29 04:53:14
We were both at around half HPs, after fighting all the mobs.
Alweon2000-12-29 04:59:54
Am i crazy or does zaber have 460+ hps?
Koljat2000-12-29 08:38:33
awesome one:)
Shadrach2000-12-29 09:20:35
I could actually feel my hear starting to beat more and more as i was beginning to hope that zaber would rip. Shit and fuck and all that, pretty good try anyways moonie. Guess I have to do it myself then.
Unknown2000-12-29 11:41:59
when engaged, mood doesnt change instantly
Tony2000-12-29 12:03:35
Alweon he got 423 as it sas in the log :) ?
Glader2000-12-29 13:34:13
Voile: It's not a hard thing to quaketrap, you need to hit a total of 7 buttons.
Alweon: There is a score at the bottom of the log.
Elistan2000-12-29 18:28:24
Its called Devran cant mud because Galadon was outside sleeping while they were inside about dead. I wonder if he actually entered if he would have died to! That was mad luck if he would have.
grunge2000-12-31 08:43:36
HAHAHA, he made you guys recite!!!!!!!!!!
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