Implithura narrates '7 puke stonestairzs sais reef'
Digtakh narrates 'tehy stone stairs'
Mammoth narrates 'we go'
Diamonium narrates 'well portal UP!'
Wenom narrates 'les all go?'
Digtakh narrates 'I can set portal now'
Mammoth narrates 'moonie portal us?'
Reef narrates 'forin, elf, hobbit, man, woman, hobbit, zaber'
Diamonium narrates 'lets target man'
Mammoth narrates 'safe'
Zé narrates 'we enter cavedinn?'
Gabriel narrates '*troll* mother'
Diamonium narrates 'all cavies dead'
Darkangel narrates 'melee'
Gabriel narrates '1 s mother'
Tryksh narrates 'where portal'
Diamonium narrates 'to wrns from dt'
Digtakh narrates 'dt quick'
Zaber narrates 'he bashed awful!!!!!!!'
Implithura narrates 'say crack blocked'
Zaber narrates 'he mother'
Gabriel narrates 'IN RUBBLE'
Zippo narrates 'shit'
Zippo narrates 'coming'
Reef narrates 'dang they killed bodycast afk'
Gabriel narrates 'NOW'
Darkangel narrates 'OPEn'
Darkangel narrates 'OPEn'
Darkangel narrates 'OPEn'
Darkangel narrates 'OPEn'
Darkangel narrates 'OPEn'
Darkangel narrates 'OPEn'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Gabriel narrates 'break crack now'
Zé narrates 'KILLL'
Bremen narrates 'shut shut shut up'
Gabriel narrates 'break RUBBLE'
Wenom narrates 'gabriel'
Diamonium narrates 'ALL COME CAVEDIN'
Diamonium narrates 'ALL COME CAVEDIN'
Diamonium narrates 'ALL COME CAVEDIN'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Jandor narrates 'lol'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Tryksh narrates 'GROUP ME'
Brogan narrates 'smooth move guys.. getting stuck in cavedin huh?'
Tryksh narrates 'GROUP ME'
Jandor narrates 'no'
Tryksh narrates 'GROUP ME'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Crackskull narrates 'stop spamming.'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Máx narrates 'some panic there or?'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Moonglum narrates 'group me too'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Reef narrates 'heh bup rented'
Kaldae narrates 'rescue'
Darkangel narrates 'wghat the FUCK'
Diamonium narrates 'alL COME CAVEDIN'
Darkangel narrates 'BREAK'
Zaber narrates 'RESCUYE KALDAE'
Bremen narrates 'hehe '
Darkangel narrates 'USE ROCK'
Darkangel narrates 'USE ROCK'
Zaber narrates 'LET HIM BREA'
Crackskull narrates 'stope spamming.'
Rogon narrates 'LOG IT!!!!!'
Brogan narrates 'I want to see log'
Ôstu narrates 'amen pukies'
Zippo narrates 'SOMEONE UISE ROCK'
Zaber narrates 'RESCUKE KALDAE'
Zaber narrates 'RESCUKE KALDAE'
Zaber narrates 'RESCUKE KALDAE'
Zaber narrates 'IT SAVED MY ROCKS'
Tryksh narrates 'group me'
Crackskull prays 'no shout spammers.'
Tryksh narrates 'group me'
Kaldae narrates 'no mana'
Diamonium narrates 'ALL COME'
Implithura narrates 'ALL COME CAVED IN NOW'
Zaber narrates 'OPEN'
Zaber narrates 'OPEN'
Tryksh narrates 'FUCK GROUP ME'
Zaber narrates 'OPEN'
Zaber narrates 'OPEN'
Maxium narrates 'off'
Rogon prays to Crackskull 'they busy pking, people dying, give them a break'
Zé narrates 'TAKE OUT KALDAE'
Maxium narrates 'oops'
Maxium narrates 'sorry'
Bremen narrates 'you guys out now ?'
Diamonium narrates 'donz pukes fdide'
Brogan narrates 'kaldae millaiardo darkangel zippo and gabriel in halls atm'
Diamonium narrates 'MOONIE PORTIN QUAKE'
Relim narrates 'holy'
Maxium narrates 'why ?'
Jandor narrates 'hehe'
Moonglum narrates 'where'
Maxium narrates 'they get trapped'
Jandor narrates 'lol!'
Jessie narrates 'my my'
Maxium narrates 'hehe ouch'
Jandor narrates 'zaber next?'
Relim narrates 'cus they died, perchance?'
Moonglum narrates 'we won'
Brogan narrates 'zaber not there yet'
Diamonium narrates 'ok we DO SHADOW'
Jandor narrates 'nod'
Jandor narrates 'he prob out'
Tryksh narrates 'i fucking lost all kills'
Jandor narrates 'hopefully'
Zaber narrates 'ofcourse'
Zaber narrates 'I dont die, thats it!'
Brogan narrates 'not _yet_'
Moonglum narrates 'i was not grouped btw'
Jandor narrates 'hehe'
Jessie narrates 'clap zaber'
Jandor narrates 'clap'
Zaber narrates 'Me and Forin survived'
Milliardo narrates 'bleh '
Uhan narrates 'drats, maybe next time'
Puar narrates 'WTF happened there!?'
Antar narrates 'How many were in there?'
Tryksh narrates 'forin spamms s'
Relim narrates 'we wouldn't expect anything less ;)'
Implithura narrates 'I need grey/iron btw :)'
Jandor narrates 'nod rleim'
Zoone narrates 'where's the action?'
Milliardo narrates 'we went into rubble not for sure why'
Moonglum narrates 'did zippo die ?'
Diamonium narrates '5 pukes DIE WE ROCK, CACKLE'
Diamonium narrates 'we rock!'
Implithura narrates 'yep :)'
Digtakh narrates 'lovely portal :o)'
Moonglum narrates 'ok i was loading fballs into zippo'
Implithura narrates 'so was i'
Moonglum narrates 'i blocked rubble 2x did it even get blocked ?'
Wenom narrates 'spare me ornate!!!!'
Implithura narrates 'i blocked too'
Moonglum narrates 'laugh'
Implithura narrates 'it got blocked :)'
Moonglum narrates 'so how did forin get out then ?'
Milliardo narrates 'i had shadow?'
Rogon narrates 'ok, is log posted yet?'
Diamonium narrates 'they used ROCK'
Brogan narrates 'hehe'
Implithura narrates 'Forin is a fucking SCROLLWHORE'
Zoone narrates 'woowoo rogon died?'
Diamonium narrates 'zaber forin ONLY ONE GOTOTU, FUCK'
Gabriel narrates 'that sucked moose'
Maxium narrates 'i say 100 darkies vs them'
Diamonium narrates 'nope'
Hazel tells you '*gig* :) *cuddle*'
Maxium narrates '*nod* self'
Diamonium narrates 'rorong just rented before'
Zoone narrates 'ah'
Moonglum narrates 'shadows dead yet ?'
Gabriel narrates 'btw embarrassing we died like pigs'