Why do people play Everquest?
posted by Jahara
2001-01-01 19:06:08
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I just want to know why so many people are playing Everquest now.
DON'T FLAME ME. SEND FLAMES TO: table@furnitureporn.com

Some points I got from some people:
· Better attitutudes from people
· Not as static, the entire game is rather dynamic
· MUME is boring
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Jahara2001-01-01 19:11:46
Keep these post serious please.
Manaja2001-01-01 19:20:40
And you posted it because?
Jahara2001-01-01 19:23:27
I posted this since I want to REALLY know why people are giving up playing a great mud that is far more interactive than EQ.
Manaja2001-01-01 19:30:36
hehe.. You want to improve MUME or thinking of fleeing to EQ too? 8)
MagĂ­ca2001-01-01 19:31:10
MUME isn't boring for the new ones, Jahara (me) :) But I can imagine that it's boring for Nazgum etc, because he's played this stupid game for 5 years now :)
This is my first mud, so I dunno how ppls attitudes are on other muds, but ppls attitude on MUME isnt that good I think. Just look at the logcomments here on Mume.net, people just can't be nice to each other, instead they bitch and whine, mostly on other players rl. Once Nazgum told me that he liked everyone on MUME 4 years ago, people was different then and didn't attack other ppl like many of the mumeplayers do now. Example: those fucking Vainamoinens glasses-jokes (boring and childish). I dunno about why they switch to EQ tho, never tried it myself...:O)
Jahara2001-01-01 19:31:50
I just want to see if we can perhaps improve MUME.
One idea might be to add wildlife that doesn't only pop but actually
breeds. This could make plantlife rather interesting.
Tabris2001-01-01 19:32:56
I think they quite due to Mood Overload By Death Incident Exemplified
(M.O.B.D.I.E.) Syndrome. I think if the effects of this illness could
be cured(less exp lose) people would have much more fun so called "playing"
this "game." Just my opinion.
Jahara2001-01-01 19:33:54
I agree with you Magica, I'm rather new (only played 1 1/2 years) but I still don't really see the major difference.
So EQ is graphical, but it is still the basic RPG game. So what we need is an
entire new world or what?
Tabris2001-01-01 19:35:24
And yes, people's attitudes these days are rather bad, people need to lighten up more.
MagĂ­ca2001-01-01 19:42:55
Not a new world Jahara, just hope. HOPE THAT SOME PEOPLE WILL GROW UP :O) I mean come on, is it THAT hard to be nice? I think it's harder to be mean honestly.
Azg2001-01-01 19:48:16
Jahara, EQ active playerbase = 1,000,000 + people
MUME Active playerbase = 200 at the most?

The # of ppl going from mume to eq does not register, this post is useless. Why post it? moron god.
Jahara2001-01-01 19:48:41
Maybe we should alter the code so that newbies don't give wps and only Legends vs Legends get wps
since a Legend that kills a newbie won't gain "fame".
Jahara2001-01-01 19:50:13
Azg, I don't really understand your point here. I'm not complaining about
people turning to EQ, I just want to know why EQ is in a sense more interesting
to some people.
Rogon2001-01-01 19:59:25
it might have escaped your attention but this is a page dedicated to mume. if you want a serious discussion about everequest i suggest you go to some of the quite numerous everquest pages and read there instead. this page is for MUME LOGS. Oh by the way, mume is like 9 years old. If everquest exists after 9 years i'll be *THIS* amazed. boo! now piss off from this mume page with your everquest bull.
Unknown2001-01-01 20:13:07
mumes player # has been steady for 5 years, the game cant handle more players than about 100-150 (imagine warrens with 70 trolls in it...) so its best as it is. leave the 1000000ppl games to everquest.
Tabris2001-01-01 20:24:54
Again this thing about player's attitudes...
MagĂ­ca2001-01-01 20:28:05
*Peer* Rogon... see my point here? This is exactly what I'm talking about, is it so hard to be nicer? "Post your thoughts about Everquest elsewhere please, this page is dedicated to MUME." Sounds....nicer, dontyathink?
Nazgum2001-01-01 20:35:49
EQ is more interesting because it is a change. You can do much
more with your character, there is more people and more places
to go, and more skills/spells to learn then your basics on
mume. Yea mume rocks, but eq does too, they are just different,
and when you've played one for ages trying the other will most
likely be more fun.
Rogon2001-01-01 20:38:25
Well magica, i'm not a nice guy. Unless you pay me of course, then i can pretend to be nice.
Antar2001-01-01 22:32:53
It appears I spent my money well, Rogon pretends to be nice to me... As far as Everquest goes, I've been told by many a MUME friend and my cousin that Everquest is actually a lot of fun. And who knows, you smob you just might get rich rl. And we all know I prefer smob to pk.
Vorlin2001-01-01 23:15:47
I found EQ to be a very nice graphical online implementation of a very mediocre mud. If EQ was text-based noone would look at it twice, IMO. Mume has much better game mechanics and rewards the player much better for their time spent playing. By that I mean that EQ has a very nasty flaw: the higher you level the weaker you are in comparison with creatures of your level. So you are basically working harder and harder for longer and longer to become less and less competitive. I don't find that a very motivating situation. If Mume was like EQ, a demon wolf would beat the stuffing out of an olog troll. And EQ pk is a joke. I guess I can sum it up by saying that if EQ was free and Mume was $10 a month, I'd still pick Mume.
Dorak2001-01-01 23:38:30
HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH someone said MUME players are not friendly? HEHEH go take a look at some other MUD - post a newbie question and you're dead under 5 minutes. Spam and your character (if not account) is banned if an arch takes notice. That is where I spent my last 8 years of mudding so ye might wanna get a clue.
Manaja2001-01-02 01:08:23
imagining 70 trolls in warrens is just as easy as imagining 700 mages nuking em 8)
Reef2001-01-02 02:02:20
I'd back 70 Ologs to kill those 700 mages....
lefali2001-01-02 04:22:41
lefali2001-01-02 04:29:28
I dont know eathquest, but i can say what i dont like on mume and what could be
Yes relationships was mentioned... Right this night some "whities" looted my
corpse when i drawned. I really wanted quit this game becouse of it :(. Next
point is boring xp and next is classes - why to not have even more classes or
subclasses? But what is great on Mume - couse i cannot decribed it in english
- so just the rest:P. And about newbies on another muds...I tried some muds and
always was so kindly to me.. cannot compare it with mume:((
Lefali2001-01-02 04:32:27
and about boring xp - why isn't more quests here? not just that stupid herblore...
Tabris2001-01-02 04:59:23
Not sure what muds you been playing, but the 4-5 others I've played had much
nicer players on it. And people aren't as exclusive on other muds as certain
groups are on MUME. When newbie asks question on MUME, no one ever answers, and
they ask again and people get mad at them for spamming. Most of the spammer
problems on MUME is causes by people acting like shit. *comf Lefali*
Vorlin2001-01-02 05:19:28
*nod Tabris* Mume is definitely not newbie-friendly (though I wouldn't consider it newbie-hostile). There is a certain snobbish elitism among many older mume players I don't much care for, but whattaya gonna do? *shrug* If you really want to play in a nicer enviroment the first thing you have to do is pick a non-PK mud, then the players are cooperating instead of competing.
Lefali2001-01-02 05:49:27
Nod Vorlin. It's sad but it's true. I came to the same conclusion. Pat me.
Which kind of people I expected that would play pk mud? I just hard for me to admit that :( . But anyhow they said it was different before, why?
Tabris2001-01-02 05:54:10
Easier said than done, although (most) players might not be very kind on
MUME the systems on other MUDs are nowhere near as fun as MUME. And it
should be able to be a nice environment on each side, if not cross-race.
Unknown2001-01-02 08:47:13
Hey grang go play everquest and use the where command you whoring newbie.
Lefali2001-01-02 08:54:08
yes, then they will maybe run from EQ to MUME ;-)
Ethar2001-01-02 16:23:23
I agree with rogon, if everquest is still around 10 years from now, ill be fucking amazed. mume rocks
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