Meeting macros and maran. Maran RIPs.
posted by Wooh
2001-01-06 23:27:56
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Just spamming around when Macros and a grim man shows up.
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Magíca2001-01-06 23:35:14
Sheesh :O) Dunno what to say really hehe... that never happens to me though :)
*Comf* man for instadying and gratz to Wooh I guess :O)
1.Lurken2001-01-06 23:45:12
Please remove the rule that forbids people to post more than 50 lines logs.
Rogon2001-01-07 00:03:03
Third comment!
Unknown2001-01-07 00:05:39
Do you always "just spam around" with stored calls?
Uhan2001-01-07 00:07:28
Does everyone else think the last 2 logs were the coolest you've seen in a long time? I mean its not everyday you see people post instakill stablog and instakill call lightninglog! Way to go people!
Fredde2001-01-07 00:57:31
Tarden2001-01-07 01:21:43
now that was a sick log... god its almost like ya bent him over and raped him
in the ass... well i guess you did... (lessin damage on call)
Rogon2001-01-07 02:01:34
I think, if you're 1 against 2, and them two is swede labbies, you'll need something to even the odds into your favour. Call lightning might just be it! Alot better than bashtrap with 3 callers atleast :/
Oscarmeyer2001-01-07 02:27:06
Jesus, call takes MUCH less skill than stab, and is much more powerful. And even *I* (stabberwhore) know stab logs are boring in most cases, and I don't post them.
Dresden2001-01-07 04:33:42
NO WAY! Call takes much more skill to kill someone with than stab... i suggest you try it oscar! you can stab anywhere, for call you have to have lightning up and unsuspecting victim walk into lightning and not notice it, not easy to set it up at all!
Alweon2001-01-07 06:26:00
Well, at one time recently Maran hadn't died in pk... is this his first pk death?
Deor2001-01-07 08:11:26
Action looting of coins is illegal.
Gimilzor2001-01-07 11:38:00
Fat fat fat comf Maran
Oscarmeyer2001-01-07 13:29:35
*LOL* Walk through a zone, lightning up, a warrior hits you, you fail flee, eat bash. 2 mages walk in and call you to wizrip. Yes, that takes more skill than tracking someone for 10 minutes waiting for them to let their guard down so you can stab. And call is storable, so you can fight a caster 4 vs. 1, and the 1 has the better chance of getting a kill, unless he is bashed. Only a troll can live through 2 calls :P
Jocke2001-01-07 14:43:25
That was the first death of Maran. It's time for him to make a new bn.
Pampalini2001-01-07 14:50:19
Deor can you rewrite my client so it's not illegal and it's not empty file?
Knows2001-01-07 16:32:06
Maran - Lord of Darkness is a Man.

Pampalini2001-01-07 18:08:45
Btw it was lame kill and you are lamer because you get kills in lame way.
Linkless killers, bash trappers and callers make the game less fun or any
doesnt agree????
Rogon2001-01-07 20:38:58
Bash trappers specifically? What do you think about spamtrapping then in closeables pampalini? Oh right, you're of the spamtrap lab, so you have to say its great and good for the game, etc. Well, poison sure makes mume more fun!
a snot2001-01-07 20:53:43

I ate 2 calls yesterday at bree and survived! The breelengd punk probably casted them stored calls quick though.:P
Unknown2001-01-07 21:45:20
Maran & Macros action hunters with swede lab link so fuck them.
Malak2001-01-08 00:13:18
Maran and Macros rock!
Johan2001-01-08 09:31:05
It sure sucks to die to call but you dont hear me whine about it like some others. And for the record it was more like 123/1 now.
Meteor2001-01-08 11:04:25
Fakking boring log
Alcion2001-01-08 18:13:43
Stackars Maran, det där sög juh. Vilken taskmört den där Wooh är, jag hejjar på dig Maran&Macros!
Gray2001-01-08 18:21:37
"Action looting of coins is illegal./Deor" - what else can he say? "Shut up your smelly mouth, fucking paranoid cretin!" - what else can I say?
Jocke2001-01-09 08:13:17
I can't understand why ppl start to think Maran whined about beeing overkilled.
Both him and me laughed at the situation, and he ( maran) was just happy to get
the eq back so he could start hunting again. You kids take this game as if you
were dealing with your real private life. Also, guys like the unknown, 6 comments
above, are the worst. To chicken to say who they are and to stupid to know what
they are talking about.
There is nothing wrong with call lighting. Maybe it does just a tad bit to much
damage, but you won't hear me whine about it. I simply don't use spells that i
thik make the game less fun to play. If you're stupid enough to die to a call it's
your own fault, not the callers. Macros and Maran simply fucked up this time.
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