Deor having his days again.
posted by Engelbert
2001-01-14 03:28:50
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Hugegroup fight at Golden Cave tunnels. Pukes win. Gildor dies linkless. I go to
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Rogon2001-01-14 03:37:48
Gildur sure deserves a reimb for that, his eq was perfectly safe since there was no darkies left in the area and engelbert was doing his shadow. If deor was snooping, couldnt he be a tad bit more sensitive about his timing for the transfer?
Manaja2001-01-14 03:44:46
Yuck... that was UGLY 8(
Reimb Gildur
Tempest2001-01-14 03:48:13
I'm gonna submit my version of the fight next, involves line after line of kill *man* spam as you can see from this log hehe!
forek2001-01-14 03:50:12
2 questions outta curiosity:
1) you said gildur was linkless. You guys are in same lab right? How come he showed no flag like u did?
2) when the fuck did deor play labero? Thought petter was always labero
Tempest2001-01-14 03:51:24
Iranon was killed Forek, not Labero.
Pilois2001-01-14 03:52:09
Yup...Deor not Labero...Gothmog is Labero...Gildur definitely deserves reimb
forek2001-01-14 03:52:54
nods saw that. but engelbert made comments about labero. Heh and btw Bert, Eileen's comments on why your snooped should clear up the issue of why people continue to bust your ass. Run a cleaner ship and perhaps they lay off ya.
Pilois2001-01-14 03:52:54
Engelbert commented about Labero at end of log Tempest...think he meant to say Iranon
Oscarmeyer2001-01-14 03:53:19
Although I have always felt actionlooting is technically illegal (even before they clarified rules actions) I have to agree that it is probably the LEAST troublesome action in pk. And I feel REALLY bad for Gildur :(
Ethar2001-01-14 03:53:27
i got los only once in that fight, was fun. But honestly, i didnt think auto-loot coin was illegal (i took it off now though) and i have nothing against deor, but i kinda got the feeling the only reason i got transfered there was because engelbert whined :p
forek2001-01-14 03:54:53
feel bad for the poor orcs that shoulda got a no-shadow on his corpse like all the poor-ass darkies got.
Gildur2001-01-14 03:55:31
No, I wasn't linkless. He thought I was, since he got freeze and we had same connection but in different rooms. But that's not the point here as you already guessed. Deor, I'm disappointed in you, really.
Gildur2001-01-14 03:56:15
Oh, btw I had no looting action in this fight.
Gonfor2001-01-14 03:57:18
I like the part where you say 95% of people do it. That means 5% aren't. So they should be screwed cause they follow the rules? No. Those who break the rules should pay the price. Weeks ago with several news posts it became quite clear for those who can read that looting is illegal. I quote from RULES ACTIONS: "...flee, looting, etc, would not [be legal]." You couldn't understand that? If you break the rules, expect to be punished.
Prist2001-01-14 03:58:27
No reimbursement!!!!! Feel the pain!!! *cackle*
Azmodan2001-01-14 04:00:41
Skank2001-01-14 04:00:41
Was Fark linkless, or just had alot of balls? He stayed in there, and took 3 or 4 bashes in a row...
Lochdale2001-01-14 04:01:34
The "what have you done now?" line from Finwe is somewhat disturbing if it was said in more then jest. I think Rogon is correct about the timing (and nicely put if I may add). That said, however, in all of my dealing with Deor and his characters I have not found him to be abitrary or capricious. It really is not his m.o. Would be curious to see Phier's take on all of this.
Azmodan2001-01-14 04:02:06
Ah, btw, seems as if this freeze was some .ee stuff, noticed many .ee (including myself) losing link there... weird tho, i lost link at wounded, came back low bad... hmm... wonder why... *think*
Engelbert2001-01-14 04:02:24
Yup, meant Iranon not Labero (abit too sleepy right now). It certainly looked like Deor tried to stop me from looting Gildor (maybe he saw from IP addresses that we were labmates, and as we all know how much he hates me he just wanted to screw me). He said several times that he doesn't like it either that looting action is illegal in PK, but still he valed us.

Hm... as Deor is dealing with my legend home right now, maybe he moves it to Morgul Vale? I've always wanted legendhome in Morgul Vale :).

Anyway, I think Deor should play less and hang out with his RL friend(s) (hope he got at least one). If he uses all his time to snoop me and vale me every cpl days then some day ...
Rippin2001-01-14 04:05:30
Lotsa complaints: 1. Deor, u cant summon ppl out of pk situations? that is abuse of godly powers (getting ppl killed) if u do so summon em all and make some tea. 2. Deor, they COULDN'T do shadow, coz tunnels decayed almost insta as he got transed out. 3. Looting coins is the ONLY action that is NOT helpfull inside PK(see reasoning in RULES ACTIONS), doors closing by repop have same message as some1 spamming close from otherside in pk, and so on (still most powerful action all over is ZBLAM/eat/drink, apart from obvious cheats). 4. WHY does the management want us to act like 14yearold munchkins, spamming their loot all button while jerking with the other hand? 5. Deor, i used to respect u as a cool player, but somehow u changed over the years. 6. To all, COME ON, this used to be the best game anywhere, with lotsa cool players, why do we have to cheat? PLZ remember the first few times u logged onto mume (preferably taht happened outside of map) seeing the roomdescs, the first time you saw *an Orc*, and smiled at him etc...
Deor2001-01-14 04:08:38
Ya Petter plays Labero. For the record I really don't care if Engelbert killed Iranon earlier, it was my own fault. I got enthralled with the SNL I was watching and looked back at the screen to see I was at wounded. Spammed around fleeing everywhere and ended up dying in mid-cure to my wounds. He had chased me from tbad to fornost to tbad to khuzur to tbad again, I say he earned it. Shrug.

The fact is, Engelgayer is one of the biggest cheaters in the game and is always being watched by someone. Coincidence that I caught him cheating on the same day I died to him. I die every day, the odds were high :)

2001-01-14 04:09:08
i should get reimbursed!! he actionlooted me!
Nazgum2001-01-14 04:11:03
I love the argument, Everyone else does it... Why do these
people not get demotions, when it's clearly in rules. Nothing
personal to the people involved here I just fail to see why
when it's blantent you are breaking a rule you whine when you
get caught.
Voile2001-01-14 04:12:36
Hm.. transing him in the middle of his fight wasnt very nice. Gildur shouldn't loose his eq just because someone else cheated. I vote for reimb.
Unknown2001-01-14 04:15:10
Dozens of legend nearby and nobody goes to loot. Morons...
Tempest2001-01-14 04:22:41
Another unknown idiot makes his presence felt. We were still fighting is why we didn't loot dumbass. Several more trolls died because we hunted them down, and Eileen her exacted revenge on GoreTongue.
Prist2001-01-14 04:24:24
Rackhir2001-01-14 04:34:43
Hmmm i totaly agree with nazgum the ainurs should set an expample if you dont demote now you cant demote next time
Nazgum2001-01-14 04:50:06
And why are all you assholes attacking goretongue when you know
he is linkdead. I mean fuck he might have lived if you didn't
slam him with spells while he was linkdead. You all suck who
were doing this.
Confused2001-01-14 04:50:26
Well.. I have nothing personal against these folks either (I like them both), but what caught me off guard was this notion of "Deor" seems to be constantly enforcing these rules and then I see something like

Deft RIP by Shorty (Deor) 62.9KB : 2001-01-12 06:03:13
This fight could really have gone either way, I've had a lot of luck finding really fun fights lately. More arrow spam.

I didn't post it cuz can't cut and copy, but it's from his hobbit shorty fighting. If you look at the log and notice the commands of spamming east and west inside a closed "sesame", what you will see is the output from his spamming west back towards it saying.. "The sesame seems to be closed."
Now.. all I see in log is commands going in East k *orc*, the West K *orc*. several times in the log the spamming west k *orc* spits out the lovely "The sesame seems to be closed." response. When he first enters you see the commands "open sesame" block etc. but once in all you see is spamming west and the response of the exit being closed.
This 'appears' to be a clear violation of 'triggers' in a PK situation. This from the same god that is allowed to snoop and find someone grabbing gold from trigger..
I guess this could be that for some reason he is checking door each time he spams west.. although he already blocked it *stare* And then now once inside w/Orc you no longer see the command "open sesame" but "everything" else!

I really don't care either way, it just seems somewhat hypocritical that such swift justice can be applied from his immortal, while it appears he does the exact same shit. Or is this a char sep thing.. Since it's his p(hobbit) it's ok that as a god he can enforce others to abide by rules.

I didn't post name because this sort of example concerns me about fairness and overall justice from people in control.
Skojardu2001-01-14 04:53:11
I never used any action - not even to get coins that makes me a hero now?And btw i like what tempest says WE hunted em down because solo he couldnt even hunt down a cornflake.
Skojardu2001-01-14 04:54:00
Btw that was sarcasm before some smuck get the idea to post some smart idea.
Tempest2001-01-14 04:55:50
I can hunt cornflakes down just fine, in fact eating a bowl of em right now! They try to run, they try to hide, but same end every time *burp*
Deor2001-01-14 04:58:16
If you want to blame someone for Gildur not getting his loot back, you have several options. You can blame Gildur for dying in the first place, or you can blame him for not dashing back in time to loot his shadow, you can blame Engelbert for cheating and getting transed away from the fight, or hmm you can blame me if you want because I don't mind. :)

If someone is cheating, there are no rules about when you are allowed to punish them. The longer you let them cheat the more hassle it becomes, I should have transed him right when I saw it.
Uhan2001-01-14 05:48:45
Yes it is quite obvious Gildur should get reimbursed for this and it is also quite obvious the actionlooters should get spanked. You said snoop any legend and you'll find out something worth demoting? Well damnit snoop me and you won't find a single action - neither can I remember getting ANY coins off a single corpse in god knows how long, except when it's been a solokill. So this does put us nonactionusers in a disadvantage.
Fëagil2001-01-14 06:02:55
Some days ago my mortal met you mortal, Deor, in tbad and got blocked in with mobs, then i mentioned you have nice quick playing-style and thought i should add you to my personal little hall of fame as one of the best players, now i know a reason why you'll never fit there: you have no honour. The best player is the one who can spare linkless (even in shining) and newbies (sometimes), who feels good about fair fights and tries to find em and when he dies he can take it like a man! Quick fingers don't mean shit if your mind is only up to abusing power and winning at every cost. That is also the reason why you should never ever be a V+, you can't (or don't want to) use common sense in cases like this. You grab a player for minor misbehaviour which results in another player, who is absolutely innocent, losing a full set of legend equ. And that bullshit of "letting him cheat even more", doesn't make any sense at all! He would maybe loot even some more coins "OH GOD!" Also afaik p(Engelbert) was demoted last time for action-flee, imo that doesn't make him the biggest cheater in the game, not by far!

Well to be short, Gildur should get his shining (and other equ) back, cause it wasn't any of his fault. Maybe, if the high gods really think it's such a big deal, the demote should be given. Deor should be punished, for behaviour which really doesn't match his rank (it's really not reasonable to pull people to vale for coinlooting when it changes the outcome of the fight), by loss of ability to vale ppl, cause he can always let some V+ know of the cheating and let them do it instead, when it's the right time for it.
Bup2001-01-14 07:21:17
Which is more important: equipment or rules? IMHO, rules every day. Equipment, even legend sets, come and go-- but the game can't exist without rules. (Note that rules actions doesn't differentiate between coins and equipment, even though *it could if management wanted it to*.) Rules don't matter without enforcement. Props to Deor for enforcing the rules, wish it happened more often.
Grimble2001-01-14 08:42:33
Good to see Deor is enforcing the rules. If the corpse went unlooted it is hardly Deor's fault for that. He saw rules being broken and he did something about it. I think more ppl should get busted hard for breaking rules, especially people who have a habit of being consistent rule breakers. It is pretty specific in the rules that autolooting is illegal. Just because the corpse had a set of shining doesnt mean that Deor should wait to punish the wicked. Perhaps some people should GROW THE FUCK UP AND LEARN TO OBEY THE RULES once in awhile. Gods dont make the rules for shits and giggles, they make them to make the game more fair.
Bulldozer2001-01-14 09:22:28
this is one of the funnyest comments i've ever seen

Ethar says 'ive only been here with another char for spamming elfy with pigeons'

==> Go the battle pidgeons!
btw it sucks bow stupid lowbie hobbits *cough* thimble *cough* can run around and hide behind megabuffers and make comments like they rule :/

Blyn2001-01-14 10:00:20
hmm everyone? I dont use it like 2 years+, so it doesnt hurt me now :>
Blyn2001-01-14 10:01:40
And yes, why do soem ppl just autoloot coins in pk faster than i press key? Unfair gredy whores!
Tarden2001-01-14 10:18:34
Rza2001-01-14 10:52:19
I think this is an absolute fucking joke and never would have happend if iranon
didnt die, also fuck snoop off, unless the person wants to be snooped, how sad would u have to be to spend all day snooping people who dont know about it, how fucked up is that
Cur2001-01-14 10:54:28
I have to say I support Deor wholeheartedly on this one. Rogon has a good point though, about him possibly being able to be more sensetive with the timing of his trans, but let me add this: FINALLY someone is actually enforcing the rules. I really hate it when more than half the mud -knows- someone cheats on a regular basis and nobody 'up there' seems to care enough to do something about it (or is able to dedicate the time it takes to finding someone out). I've always found Deor to be a strong advocate for those who want MUME to be fun for all fair players, and have never ever in all my years in here witnessed anything other than good sportsmanship on his behalf. If some cheaters have a problem with people actually being consistent about the rules or even a game that has rules at all, I suggest they remove their sorry selves to some other game and let the rest of us go on having fun playing by the rules.
Deor2001-01-14 10:55:08
What are you talking about "confused"? It says "The sesame seems to be closed" because that's what all closed doors do when you run into them.
Manaja2001-01-14 11:24:41
catching cheaters -> good
making innocent suffer while doing it -> worse
Tommyboy2001-01-14 11:35:30
Ok. Deor, i think you have your blindsides on? You see that corpse if *Dwarf* sitting there? Did it ever occur to to what happens when i run to a location to help someone and doors get blocked and then 15 darkies arrive and you have transferred my team? Well, I was from a limited scrollback trying to figure out how I was standing there inside alone. I died in 10 seconds.

If I care?. Gee I think mume, after 10 years of work, should be bent over for guys like Za**r, who are use actions and probably 12 binds all the time, but got a link 10x faster than me. Yeah, that means you, labrats. You want to have a good laugh? I removed actions not because Deor snoops me, but because 5 open door actions take longer than 50 of your commands to go through. Want to think about that? Can you bear to think about that?

People have and STILL ARE using actions, I spent 6 rl years dying to actions on a shit link comperable to yours. Then some "smart guy" decides actions are illegal. Wow. About time. About the time I started using them. What is the exact intention here? Is there some large Sweedish brain with keyboards around that Geddy Lee would have spent $500000 in 1981 for killing us all?

If you want to make MUME fair, put all players on a MEDIAN timer, which im sorry means to all you 20 ms assholes that you got a 120ms link. Got it? NOIDEA NOIDEA NOIDEA
Rza2001-01-14 11:41:26
no make it 700ms!
Rogon2001-01-14 12:18:54
While there is no rule against transing people away etc blah yadda. Maybe common sense should be applied too? As for other people going there to loot, it would be very possible, if we knew he died. Me atleast didnt see his corpse and engelbert didnt narrate it was there so ..
Shadrach2001-01-14 12:51:59
GO DEOR ! GO! I hope u end up a level 2 newbie !
Gildur2001-01-14 12:52:37
Tell me about this ENFORCING the rules. The only reason Deor did this was that he once again managed to die, and probably was more than pissed to Engelbert. That's why we wondered with Engelbert when Deor didn't log on right after the death of Iranon - usually he does and bitches then some. But this time it wasn't enough for him. He wanted to strike us from the back. And seems he managed to do that. Of course it sucks to lose shining but I can dor rogge again, so who cares? The main point here is the fucked up behavior of some boy-scout God. If you can't handle dying then don't play mortal! Stay in the Valinor. Don't come to ruin this game for others *spit*
engelbert2001-01-14 13:12:07
Rogon, Gildur narrated once twice that he died, also he told me twice.
Bashful2001-01-14 13:42:15
Mwahahahaha, the day is mine! I'll take famous tities for 400. (stoned)
Darkwind2001-01-14 13:51:42
i died once, spark spamlooted me so i told gods, they said who gives a fuck?

ppl must have something against you alo =)
Unknown2001-01-14 14:18:05
I thought Deor's timing was good. He waited for the battle to finish. Sure, the looting wasn't done but the battle (at least for Engelbert) was over. Gildur has a right to be pissed. If I were him, I'd be pissed at the dozens who went chasing after Goretongue and the others who made it out. Instead of helping Gildur, they were selfish and went for more kills instead. Of course, what can you expect from Rogon and his "4" followers.
Bob the hobbit2001-01-14 14:23:47
deor is childish, very childish :(
Spark2001-01-14 15:39:53
I spamlooted you, Darkwind? Wow, since when is spamlooting illegal?
Frode2001-01-14 17:10:31
Deor stop calling Engelbert greatest cheater in mume. Already forgot me?
I was biggest cheater,overkiller,spammer,stabberwhore and probably something more for a long time. Sorry for all the valuable time of immortals waisted on punishing me. Sorry for those who got stabbed to death. I feel sorry that game what i loved became kindergarden.
Unknown2001-01-14 17:41:31
who cares, you lost 2kb of text in your character's pfile, numskull.
Tommyboy2001-01-14 18:40:57
I was angry otherwise when I posted. Sorry. Lets not let this devolve into "I always hated X because they Y". Hehhe

I guess Deor has the "duty" to do this, seems a bit harsh to not wait until the end of the combat. So much of mume seems to be a loose interpretation of things. Yet this is a very straightforward interpretation of the rules that hasnt been acted on much I guess.

Tempest2001-01-14 18:58:19
I saw the dwarf shadow during the fight, but who gives a fuck when you got darkies all around? The corpse was safe from being looted due to shadow, so why not hunt down the other darkies? And you know what, I had no idea it was Gildur who died. Maybe you unknown jackasses spend time during fights examing corpses, but I spend my fights doing something weird, like fighting! There were a bunch of dwarves there, could have been any one of them who died.
Unknown2001-01-14 20:03:17
Slay deor linkless........
James2001-01-14 22:17:47
i say demote deor, he has used his god powers wrong many-many times.
Gildur2001-01-14 22:59:07
Hey, I got reimbursed :) Thanks all!
Aggressive Joe2001-01-15 06:34:23
deor is the biggest piece of shit god. i hate these fucking losers like deor and paras who abuse their power and try to act tough. you pieces of crap should take the stick out of your ass. i mean fuck you died to him and you immediately went to go and snoop the guy? i mean come on. its so damn obvious you hold a grudge against engelbert. i was laughing my ass off when i seen that post on board 2 by i think draught about not abusing the snooping ability. fucking loser deor
Jocke2001-01-15 09:43:01
A 200 fucking K log? Get out of here!
Osmon2001-01-15 13:13:11
Well to the actionlooting i hope they reinforce it so get rid of it.
WERRY CLEARLY against the rules.!
Comf to gildur though.
Meteor2001-01-15 14:17:33
Good u got reimbourse, but next time don't fucking nuke Goretongue linkless. So much for my spam to save Courage linkless in lb fort. Fuck you dorks.
faint2001-01-15 16:33:54
We dont need cheaters in this game and sure i cheated once to but i got punished and i havent cheated anymore and i wont do it either but t me it seems that you just keep on cheating dude.

* C>sa problem is that i'm snooped 90% of my playing time

* W C>sa getting boring
cause you cant use yer actions? And about the iranon thing, you said you thought he was lagging or something... Is that better then linkless!?!?!
it is the fucking same thing! especially when it comes to bn`S cause you dont need to kill them lagging or afk, heck you can solo a bn when levl 15=P if you play it right...
Gray2001-01-15 19:25:49
Welcome to police mud. Never forget... DEOR IS WATCHING YOU!
Tempest2001-01-15 19:29:16
Eh, when was Goretongue linkless Meteor? He ran around those tunnels pretty good for not having a link, then spammed to windswept where he was most likely out of moves. Then again, GoreTongue never complained, he just fought as best he could like a real warrior. I respect GoreTOngue as he actually tries to fight outside of warrens, and even past E Priest like the trolls of old. Hope he comes back soon, someone has to show the new trolls of today what they are supposed to be like.
Nazgum2001-01-17 00:02:09
read the fukking log tempest, there's a big section of about 3 pukes saying goretongue linkdead as he just stands there and all the pukes say "shrug he'd die anyways" And attack him
Unknown2001-01-17 14:05:34
Don't flame Deor here! He will probably fuck up your char!
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