vtmobbed.txt // kinda a bug in new zon
posted by Cilúrâs
2001-01-18 18:25:02
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I swam into a beorning-infested tower, scouted it, then tried to swim back out..
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Beorning2001-01-18 18:42:47
Im really rock :)
Cilúrâs2001-01-18 18:44:56
btw this has been fixed. *praise* nienor
Unholy2001-01-18 18:48:31
Similar bugs exist all over new zones, most of them fixed by now tho...
Granvil2001-01-18 18:52:50
Did you get reimb btw?
Dr.Suess2001-01-18 19:18:24
Hullo my fellow MUME-ians. Just thought I'd drop by and say hullo. One fish, two fish-red fish, blue fish.
Malak2001-01-18 19:39:22
What was bugged? Just build a campfire...
Meteor2001-01-18 19:52:44
Fuck you Malak.
Btw I hope you did get a reimb, it was a bug so...
Unholy2001-01-18 19:54:13
Ahem... campfire won't work there... and how is he supposed to camp when 8-9 bloodthirsty beornings are after him?
Berin2001-01-18 20:32:09
Heh lake s Guardian in noc can be frozen too, i was camping there once for some 15 rl mins and it didn't help :P. Can be fixed too.
Bornack2001-01-18 20:56:37
Hmm i really dont consider water freezing to be a bug
Olorion2001-01-18 21:42:37
Its underwater, OFCOURSE it can be frozen.
Yeah to bad somone mobdied, but how cool isent that? The backdoor
cant be used in winter.
Daevia2001-01-18 21:58:54
Olorion: Have you ever SEEN a frozen lake? They don't freeze solid. :P Underwater areas tend not to freeze....not that that has anything to do with this. Just don't blow false info out yer arse.
Malak2001-01-18 22:24:12
I didn't think that expected a 'Fuck off', but if it makes you feel better... Anyhow, to my knowledge and experience, when you build a campfire (in the past) the water unfreezes.... Seems its not that way now since I tried to get the pick for SK earlier today and after 5 minutes of waiting for the river to unfreeze i said fuckit and did something else.. Also I am not gonna reread this log, but I remember him scouting the metaldoor room once and making it back alright... what was the point of scouting it while puke owned anyhow?
Malak2001-01-18 22:25:06
I do however see a problem with being able to emerge into that room and have the ice not stop you, but when you try to get back down, it does.
Nazgum2001-01-18 22:38:49
The water should freeze/unfreeze.. but it shouldn't happen in the time it takes him to surface to s come back n and try to go down (ie one tick) It should take like a few mume days, and once near freezing give a warning, and thena few days to unthaw also.
cil2001-01-19 01:19:09
now you're getting it malak
Malak2001-01-19 01:34:50
hehe, I guess I do get it now =p Sorry for earlier comments.
Nienor2001-01-19 02:09:12
Fror fixed the bug, I have nothing to do with that. (And yes, the unlucky guy got reimbed.) By the way, it really helps when you report bugs by using the 'bug' command instead of just saying 'sure bugs exist and will always exist'.
Uhan2001-01-19 06:32:01
Reporting bugs with the bug cmd doesn't seem all that helpful as pets are totally bugged even though I reported it ages ago, ye guys might "fix" them eventually but it takes freaking long time for anything to happen making it seems to us that nothing IS happening so ye have to whine some more :/ Btw. underwater rooms shouldn't freeze, neither should indoor water freeze :/
Brumm2001-01-19 07:30:32
As far as I know you can swim up through any ice, if you are underwater you can always surface, but if you are above the ice, you cannot break through.

Should be the other way around, if it was to be realistic. Hard to break ice when your below it in freezing cold water.

So being able to exit up through ice but not being able to swim back down seems like a bug to me, makes no sense to have it that way.
Brumm2001-01-19 07:32:13
Oh, heh, hadn't refreshed the comments since i opened this log 8 hours ago.
grunge2001-01-19 07:41:19
hheeeeeeeeeee, no offence malak but that shows alot of ignorance on your part...i have dealt with rooms like that on many occassions...
i have even controlled weather so that it was steamy hot like the stench from your mom's vagina...
don't go making comments when you dont know the story about how bugs work.
Johannes2001-01-19 07:42:19
Praise Nienor anyway!
grunge2001-01-19 07:42:29
sorry malak didn't see you renege on your previous comment :P
Rik2001-01-19 09:10:48
Hmm, when i reported that maiar could heal bn's at the hidden island it was fixed the next day.
I tried cure on low bn and it worked (was jsut curious), so i reported it and they fixed it almost inmediatelly, so i think the bug command is usefull.
Almacar2001-01-19 09:56:17
How can you say that Maiar healing someone is a bug? I mean why the heal spell then?
Dresden2001-01-19 12:24:57
Hehe, imagine dragon group trying surface with river frozen, ya gotta spam all the way to shallows at tmt under water, there you can push from the bottom, so that ice will break, hilarious :)
Jocke2001-01-19 14:09:39
Actually, making a camp fire on the ice and by that mean melt/break the ice, is
not very realistic either. I lived by a lake as a kid, and we used to plough
the ice and make camp fires around the ploughed area so that we could skate
and play hockey during night time. The ice never melted a single inch. Anyone
with the slightest knowledge in physics easily understand this. The heat/warm air
from the fire allways rise, leaving the ice below unaffected from the fire. The
little heat comming in contact with the ice below will instantly loose its efficiency
when it comes in contact with the cold generating frozen water below if the
surrounding air is colder.
Now i'm beeing a pompous ass. :)
Jocke reminds m2001-01-19 16:43:55
Nienor2001-01-19 18:55:46
Uhan: different bugs take different access levels to fix them. Some take only the builder of the zone to fix, some take a mudller, the toughest ones require people with access to the C-source. Any problem with charmed mobs falls into that last category - i.e. requires more access than, for example, I have. How fast stuff gets fixed depends very much not only on its difficulty but also on the access it takes.

Btw indoors rooms hopefully won't freeze anymore after the next reboot.
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