Give Me a F****** Break
posted by Vale
2001-01-21 08:00:25
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This game just blows at times is all I can say. You be the judge.
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Nazgum2001-01-21 08:12:14
heh, that spell just sucks.. Love the weather warning he got too :p
Vale2001-01-21 08:16:10
Well what can I say, this game just sucks anymore. NO lightning message. We were KICKING those elves' asses and I just instadie in two fucking stored lameass spells by two clueless players? It's just fucking wrong. Some players get full reimb over much less lame deaths (friends in high places I guess) and shit like this is allowed to continue. My level 38 elf mob-dies to repop-bug in DT, loses level and 100 years age - I complain and NO fucking response even. I fucking give up.
Blyn2001-01-21 08:20:43
*lick* Courage's ass and maybe he will ask his friends to reimb you too
Uhan2001-01-21 08:30:20
Oh so this is what Mikala+Galerech ment when "Azz and Vale die khuzur", I guess Deor shows his famous skill again!
Night2001-01-21 08:32:47
I dont see anything wrong with this, call lightning works well about 1 out of 100 tries. I tend to use it more on willow then orcs.
Vale2001-01-21 08:35:38
*laugh* Nothing wrong Night? How about a 'stormy skys' message?
Night2001-01-21 08:41:12
I know that you can't spam weather local everytime you enter a zone, no one does that. But if there was some message everytime you entered and exited a lightning zone, call lightning would be worthless. Think of it this way, what if watch room gave some message like scry, the pukes would just leave and no one would bother to even use it. Most of the time when call is attempted in a nonbashtrap, they eat one tops then run out of zone, you just got unlucky.
Mikala2001-01-21 08:42:17
We were there for the bn. I had stored calls up for wasting wc but ended up grouping with Galerech and finding ourselves at Khuzur instead.
Kazan2001-01-21 08:52:26
well didn't see why u stayed for the second call. lag?
Deor2001-01-21 08:52:49
If it makes you feel any better, I've been trying to get changes made to the weather code for awhile now. Forek died last week to call without any messages and I wrote to Fror and asked for a fix and a reimbursement. For reasons unknown, there was no reimbursement but the new "sky opens up and it snows on you" fix was created. I don't know why lightning messages are shown in some zones but not in others, but the management is working on it as far as I know.

I personally spam weather local as much as I spam search quick. shrug.
Vale2001-01-21 08:57:23
Last I heard the problem had been fixed. So, THINKING that the code was working correctly, why in the world would I spam for weather? Azz and I were actually just running to OOC, enter that room and see half elf standing there. Start fighting, and ... sorry you are dead. And to Kazan, it always looks easier in a log than how it actually happens. I died in like a split second.
Vale2001-01-21 09:04:46
Hmmm, Mikala ... I'm wondering if WC was moved to the Khuzur zone recently? Seems a bit odd to me to make the weather 'bad' in the Khuzur zone in order to wack WC. *ponder* That's just a lame story to try and justify your use of a shitty spell. Worse yet, why would TWO puke elves need to use the call spell for ONE BN? Oh that's right, I hear solo BNs are just a bitch to fight these days when you only have a smiter and caster. *stare*
Vale2001-01-21 09:07:50
And one more thing. Deor. I was kind of wondering just why you two chose that particular zone to make lightning in. In your comment you said ... "I don't know why lightning messages are shown in some zones but not in others". Perhaps the Khuzur zone is one that does not give the message?
Blyn2001-01-21 09:16:11
"We were there for the bn." - Ohh, what a nasty bn! Puke mage with stored calls and a warrior. Too much for bn, eh?
Ainagul2001-01-21 09:18:04
Kazan, if you your link is 20ms, then the question is natural. Some people play on 200ms+ links. I ate 2 quakes today, before I understood what is going on. Then I spammed flee, failed first, ate another one. Then fleed in and out to die. Therefor you STAY for another lighting also.
Night2001-01-21 09:20:46
I play on a 250ms link about, and I have no problem noticing when im getting quaked :)
Mikala2001-01-21 09:20:55
I know you are pissed because you died. Since you aren't an idiot, you know that stored spells last up to 90 minutes. Since you aren't an idiot, you also know that someone could spam to every zone in the game in that time. Therefore not being an idiot, you also know that I can spam from wc to khuzur 30 times in 90 minutes. Thereby concluding that "I got those spells up to waste WC, but ended up using them at khuzur" is a valid statement, able to be accomplished by anyone in the game. I don't need lessons of what is lame or not from Portalglum. And like I said before, I have no idea why some zones show messages and some don't, and I certainly don't keep track of the ones that don't if that was what you were insinuating. I think you should mail Fror and ask for a response as to what is the deal with lightning messages.
Mikala2001-01-21 09:25:47
Actually we were waiting for the door to unblock so we could go in and fight granvil. He had all his spells plus khuzur+mobs in there so a warrior and caster wouldn't last that long solo. I normally play solo.
Vale2001-01-21 09:29:03
BTW ... I was pissed at the WAY I died not that I died. I never mind dying but when it's to decent players using horrid tactics I get a lil pissed.
Nazgum2001-01-21 09:57:29
well, mikala knows what he's doing and galerech kinda does but he's a little more newbie. Everytime the weather in your area changes you should get a message about it. (Ie if you spam 4 zones and all are lightning you would only get the initial message when you entered the first zone, and then the 5th zone was rainy you would get a message in the 5th zone too. This is how gods want it to work I think, but it doesn't). Dying like this just sucks they need to do something or get it working correctly quicker. And I fought snowy some at dt today and never got weather message at all crossing zones in and out lightning, I was only getting the message when he would cast 'control weather'. Shrug, fix it.
Vale2001-01-21 10:07:46
In the past, when backstab needed fixing for instance, a skill was removed from the game until it was corrected. Actually, backstab was out of the game for quite a while. Remove call until this problem can be fixed correctly. Pretty simple if you ask me.
Sloshed2001-01-21 10:15:48
funny how we notice a little snow or water on the fucking ground but dont notice a great big fucking thunderstorm over your head fucking fix the god damn bug and quit delaying i'ts been fucking like this for LONG TIME not just since last week when forek died fuckkng people warloding on this Snowy goes sits dt his whole log in unless a good player comes on to haul his sorry ass around goes dt blocks door stand there for an hour rl hoping to get a call lightning victim. I've never seen a log of snowy doing anything that took any skill to get a pk :p and it's not just him all the lame fucks are using it since they know it's easy kill, yeah i bet mikala is trying to fix the bug, that's why he's on as mage with it practiced and using it eh that makes sense :P
Fredde2001-01-21 10:24:02
well to even have prac call lightning shows that you are a lame player. you dont prac call lightning to xp when your legend!
Willy2001-01-21 10:41:11
I can feel the love in this page.
grunge2001-01-21 11:05:49
hehe you guys post here like it is some forum read by the gods? :P
Forin2001-01-21 11:21:47
Actually, Nienor writes comments here from time to time, but then, she even
bothers to fix bugs from time to time - and even sends a mail to whomever
reported the bug!
Salmar2001-01-21 11:25:46
Ermm, Mikala, I didn't know you can call indoors :p (wasting wc)
baphomet2001-01-21 11:43:03
he said portalglum
Vale2001-01-21 12:22:20
Even more funny Salmar. Who knows tho .. maybe the towertop where WC lives is considered an outdoors room?
adroit2001-01-21 12:34:59
i'mm not saying anything about content here since its been beaten to death, but nod salmar(had been wondering how everyone was whining on other topics and missed that)
Grang2001-01-21 13:33:00
hehe, sloshed's usually comment that is purty much 1 big sentence,
and has horrible grammar. you're always good for a kick canadian...
er, sloshed :)
Vorlin2001-01-21 14:13:33
Fixing the weather messages (whenever that happens) is all well and good, but the real problem that needs to be dealth with is that this spell is wizkill as it is currently coded. It needs some sort of tweaking, any number of things could help: make it a cleric spell (more RP anyway, and unstoreable then), make it slower to cast (harder to spam off two like seen in above log), give it a chance to hit the caller (that would be cute), you get the idea. But as it is, weather messages working or not, this spell is unbalanced compared to any other offensive spell or skill.
Meteor2001-01-21 14:49:18
Night is just a fucking dork, his comments are as clueless as the player.
Boring shit this, change the weathermessagebug!
Rogon2001-01-21 15:53:54
I was kind of feeling sorry for you, until you started to WHINE like fucking crazy, about courage getting reimb over bug-death etc. Now i dont feel sorry for you anymore :) boho!
Meteor2001-01-21 15:58:04
Rogon sucks too, we all know it.
Blyn2001-01-21 17:27:37
Hmm, I dont need your sorry Rogon. And yes, I dont feel sorry to you too! no MERCY!
Vale2001-01-21 18:06:11
You don't need to 'feel sorry' for me. Just be pissed off that the game has crap like this in it and loser players like Mikala that like to use these neat spells.
Mute the Silent2001-01-21 20:03:19
........ ...... .....! ......... .... ........ ... (Take heart evil-doers of Arda, I, Mute will learn call but i will resolve to never use it on a player! I will nuke your warg or horse with my pathetic display of a lame power then run!)
Mlendion2001-01-21 20:03:57
I fail to see how call lightning or control weather would be more rp if it was a cleric spell. I'd think it'd just be stupid if it was a clericspell, who ever heard of an elemental cleric? not me atleast =)

Not that I know how Tolkien says magic in his world works tho, but in general it makes more sense for elemental spells to be mage-spells. like earthquake, lightning bolt, call lightning, fireball..
Daevia2001-01-21 20:24:57
Why not put a weather letter in the standard prompt? Just like light and dark rooms, have % for lightning or something similar. Then you would always be aware of the weather in rooms you walk into, seems fairly straightforward to code...
Laris2001-01-21 21:25:25
So using call lightning is lame and using poral is not?
After 4 years I'm still trying to understand the morality
within MUME and I'm still clueless.
Laris2001-01-21 21:26:23
the above should be 'portal' but I guess you knew that.
Galerech2001-01-21 22:11:44
i totaly agree laris, how vale can justify this whine shit and calling us clueless people because he died to call, is beyond me, because on more than one occasion i have died to his bn's PORTALS WHICH BROUGHT IN ABSURD NUMBERS FOR FEW PUKES. drop the fucking holier than thou attitude. i agree weather messages DO need to be fixed, and give more warning.
Galerech2001-01-21 22:16:02
and by the way, granvil had blocked himself in khuzur with gray, and killed him. khuzur was also in the building, so having 2 for 1 bn i think was pretty justified, dont you?
Prist2001-01-21 22:59:59
When you portal you usually can't control the amount of darkies that enter it...
Mikala2001-01-22 01:09:27
WC is not indoors.
Grimble2001-01-22 05:58:10
Funny how spammertrappers call ppl who use call lightning lame. People that use ultra-lame tactics on an EVERYDAY BASIS have no right to call anyone else lame for any reason.
Lurken2001-01-22 13:30:49
The moral in MUME is simple. If you kill someone using any method its ok, but if anyone else uses the method to kill you its lame overkillspam.
grunge2001-01-22 14:05:14
addendum to lurken: unless its linkless killing in which case you are just plain lame.
Pampalini to Mi2001-01-22 14:43:49
So you dare to complain that your char was killed because of fucking call and
the same day u abuse it against others? Wasnt it Deor's page where was written
poor action user Luke???? So you proved to be the same. Both call and actions
are the same abuse of bug in game. Maybe title Idiot Deor is all right...
Pampalini again2001-01-22 14:48:27
I lost respect for Deor. I think high god's should show how to play, like does
eg Labero.
Bup2001-01-22 19:36:52
I dig Daevia's idea of adding weather to the prompt, though it should be an *optional* prompt flag, of course (since it would just confuse newbies)
Meteor2001-01-22 20:14:12
Yeah it is not such a bad idea...
Unknown2001-01-25 10:17:28
The problem with this open forum is MUME is essensially a commie free-for-all, the commenter above is correct, most gods dont even play the game, so respects for anyone who does. Good intentions pave the road to Hell, blah blah blah. Overkill vs Spamflee. Snore. If MUME were adjusted properly and intellegently none of the losers from the commie countries would play anyways. Ever wonder why the people with the 20ms links dont play darkies anymore much? Its the path of least resistance, they are trained to follow it from birth.

Jocke2001-01-26 18:56:46
I think the call lighting code will continue to be buggy for quite some time if
it is true that Fror is trying to fix it! *cackle* The "fix" wil probably also
include a number of new bugs not concerning call lighting.
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