You're not first, you're not last... Next time include part where you're reimbursed for it - at least we will see something REALLY interesting :P
2001-01-24 19:49:16
Like that will ever happen, Gray. :( *COMFS* to Lowest.
2001-01-24 20:25:17
I fucking cant connect to MUME, so i decide to speak here. IS any1 here having fucking shitlag like me ???
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 176, Received = 6, Lost = 170 (96% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 384ms, Maximum = 979ms, Average = 20ms
Actually FUCK Bill Gates once again. Damn stupid bug in ping.exe (win 98 here), I can even tell wtf i going on. When i get a request timeout, those idiot programmers dont count time (they simply cant as it's timeout) but the asshole count it gone throught packet!!! then the prog summarizes total time and divides it by the number of attempts. SO most probably the time for "Request timed out" is ZERO "0" .
That's why you can get funny figures, like these, that "average link" is better than the fastest ping :D
2001-01-24 20:27:02
.... *ponder* stupid formatting, i devide it all nicely into paragraphs :(
*apol* for every1 who bothers to read upper comment :)
2001-01-24 20:50:47
hiya Fisben!
2001-01-24 21:54:14
2001-01-24 21:56:02
DO WE REALLY CARE DID U MOB RIP OR NOT?? Several darkis rip to rangers due link and do u see them posting that shit? no! Cos no1 really cares!