Not even worth reading with all that Ansi code crap.
2001-01-30 01:49:59
watch it in rma? :) nice fighting
2001-01-30 03:02:05
eh that's for the rma format :P not spose to read it your spose to watch it
2001-01-30 08:37:54
Why would you wanna watch the fight in RMA? That beats me. I get much more out
from reading the log slowly (without that crap that comes with RMA). Not everyone
have the possiblity to watch RMA eaither you know.
2001-01-30 09:00:42
I agree with jocke stop posting logs in rma.
2001-01-30 11:37:22
well some like it some don' ti can't please any1 nor do i try to :P
2001-01-30 15:22:09
ya know, i appreciate that it might be cool to watch logs
happen as they happen, but I run linux. I have no desire to
run windows and get rma player to watch this shit, so these
logs are annoying as hell to see up with all the bullshit ansi
codes. not everyone is a windows whore. winblows
2001-01-30 16:59:15
Jalin try dosemu, it will run rma either on console either in X window.