Gimilzor killed linkless
posted by Vidminnik
2001-01-31 22:13:57
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My fault, mindless kill.
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Slobber2001-01-31 22:26:33
First comment!
:P no not your fault really, maybe he wasn't really ld but just really damn lagged *comf* gimilzor nice u left eq tho.. did you get it back Gim?
Edvard2001-01-31 22:30:41
jesus... you suck! =p that was the most obvious linklesskill ive seen in quite a while... and "was just lagged"? cmon, he's nsl for fuck sake =p
Vargas2001-01-31 22:35:38
ye he was nsl and died
no1 will miss him
Laugh2001-01-31 23:01:23
NSL lagged? confused..hmm but one less fuck-nut in the game for a while.
Slobber2001-01-31 23:04:49
Well i dont know (or care) who is nsl or not:P but sheesh when your fighting spamming dirs and spells unless you do have nsl link your not likely to stop and go hmm.. i wonder if... (bn regains link here) *FIREBALL* FIREBALL* ZAP *mandos*
Galerech2001-01-31 23:21:58
slobber, that was SO obvoius, youd have be to a moron not to see it from the log
Torment2001-02-01 00:12:59
Unless the guy has a flag not always obvious a person is linkless, especially when they die quick. That prob took place in less than 8 seconds, and while it looks really obvious in log where you have infinite time to study every detail, prob alot differant in real time.
Uhan2001-02-01 00:18:40
This NSL guy wouldn't have cared if you were in a similar situation, but agreed he was quite clearly linkdead.
Galerech2001-02-01 00:27:10
torment, i said "from the log" *tickle*
Juston2001-02-01 01:08:23
Every kill on this mud is mindless so *shrug*
Dorien2001-02-01 01:10:00
Stupid fucking retards. I'm bout' ready to shut this fucker down.
Aggressive Joe2001-02-01 01:30:36
hey galerech, its not torment's fault that he always takes stuff out of context. its just in his nature just like its in his nature to travel in smob type groups
Brumm2001-02-01 01:37:42
I'm glad I can say I'm a swede, and if any of you kills me, it's linkless or lagged. So from now on, noone kills any swedes, else I'll label you linklesskiller!
Aggressive2001-02-01 01:42:03
you tell em sven!
Jaron2001-02-01 04:53:45
Well brumm you're the master of fleeing, so i gotta agree, if u die it had to be linkless...Whats the big deal? he wasn't flagged, he was NSL....nothing more to it. clean kill
Zarhuk2001-02-01 07:13:21
Just repeat what others say,when yar link isn't pretty damn fast,you won't see
he's linkless,it will just flash over.all I notice when big fights happen is my
Unknown2001-02-01 07:14:21
he was most likely afk getting some coke to drink or taking a leak.
Curufin2001-02-01 08:31:42
Now I'm getting really pissed, how the FUCK are you gonna be able to play this game at all with these lame whiners around, all they do is whine whine whine, ok he didn't fight back that you can see in the log, but have you guys any clue how quick those spells are and how short god damn timespan that is in game time. Fair kill, he prolly just looked at some porn at the time or something, shit happens.
a snot2001-02-01 08:56:37

yeah the nslfuck was afk watching porn, not linkdead! He can suit himself!
Clara2001-02-01 09:01:55
Nice kill on a total moron, he would even deserverd death with flag :-)
Dresden2001-02-01 10:24:23
Looks like afk
Ginlon2001-02-01 10:42:07
It took 4 quick spells... the time to cast
4 quickspells is nothing, and i doubt anyone
here would have done anything diffrent there...
Very few people kill someone that they know are linkless
and its getting silly with this branding everyone as linklesskillers..

Shit happends... comf to Gimilzor for dying in a boring way...
Alcion2001-02-01 11:48:51
Well put, Ginlon.
ABBO2001-02-01 12:41:42
Homhndnms dmnf nYoyoyoyoyobabab bab babbapapap
lothlori2001-02-01 12:58:20
heheh very nice for this linklesskiller (you should get his eq nad give it back to me) hehe Gimilzonre where were you dicklickers to protect you small ass?
what is the strange that nls always die when they solo. hmm i wonder why
linkless killin2001-02-01 13:40:39
Pampalini2001-02-01 15:54:47
Yes from fine to death and Ginlon sez that any1 woulda do the same. Think at lesat
a little?
Ginlon2001-02-01 16:34:20
Fine to death in 4 quicknbolts with staff.. yes...
thats the time it takes you to cast 2 bolts..
Pampalini, arent you the one that kept killing people WITH flag?

Unknown2001-02-01 16:39:17
cha link 10
#ac >+autdisc ^WARNING: inactivity timeout in 5 seconds.={#print;#send score}
Problem solved
MagĂ­ca2001-02-01 16:51:28
Comfies to Gimilzor... And Ginlon, it was PALPATINE, not PAMPALINI :) *Poke*
Raichu2001-02-01 17:06:07
I don't mind if he is NSL or what, but this was OBVIOUSLY linkdead. STARE get a clue!
Elestir2001-02-01 17:14:24
After 2nd bolt it was very likely that he is linkless. After 3rd bolt it as obvious.
MrJoe2001-02-01 22:05:43
You can't say it is obviously linkless, it might be afk, but then. WHACK! Dont go AFK.
Echo2001-02-02 10:07:00
MrJoe!!!!! Damn dude, you disappeared on me, i thought you quit
Raichu2001-02-02 11:30:22
Ginlon is cute.
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