The ultimate Tjorv meets Ruskprick and K
posted by Tjorven
2001-02-02 02:12:46
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Not the coolest of deaths, always keep a backup...
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Vai2001-02-02 02:39:46
Ack! Comf!!
Lochdale2001-02-02 03:18:48
Is european tv still so bad that we have to post this sort of stuff. Good Christ, between this and the last log I am almost happy to be at work.
Sharmak2001-02-02 03:48:21
Dont any1 else find this strange 0/587 hit, and 104/120 moves. vs this 1/113 hit, and 96/101 moves.

Trick2001-02-02 04:09:26
sunrip sharmak :)thats why
Granvil2001-02-02 04:28:25
Ick.. nasty. Did Lockdale miss the point to the log?
Vorlin2001-02-02 06:06:02
What bad luck that you were stuck with a climb that did so little damage when failed, so that instead of killing you it just incapped you long enough for a sun death. Now, if you were trying to -avoid- dying to a climb, it would have killed you in the second fall. *comfort*
edvard2001-02-02 10:16:57
Raichu2001-02-02 10:22:04
Stare Crook in the Ravine is up warrens, its like 2s e s w to get out, but most trolls do not know that and have climb on fighting trees flee in sun and die =(
You don't get stuck there, try some dirs during nite to know how to get out there. *HUGE COMF* tho mate, hope you'll level back.... :/
Trágg2001-02-02 13:12:25
Umm you don't have to climb to get out of there :/
Trollshand2001-02-02 13:35:24
3 pracs in climb ? Since when can trolls prac climb ?
Gonfor2001-02-02 14:08:12
Wow. That really sucks :-( Play troll Lochdale and you'll have a little sympathy :-)
Raichu2001-02-02 15:36:22
Yeah he prolly means 3 pracs in swim but =P whatever no swimrooms near warrens =P and yes that is what I mean Tragg just learn dirs of exits you don't need climb =P
in time of 30 failed climbs you can go out easily =P
hamfist2001-02-02 15:55:42
no swim rooms near warrens???? YES THERE ARE NEWBIE right next to old east road there are plenty of swim rooms.....= good tps *nod self*
Fredde2001-02-02 15:56:32
så jävla otur man kan ha...
Lochdale2001-02-02 16:06:12
Sorry comment was meant for previous log.
Vorlin2001-02-02 18:10:15
As a side issue, I think it's sort of silly that trolls can practice swim three times and climb not even once. Trolls spend most of their lives in forests, hills, and mountains for God's sake. They shouldn't be -agile- climbers, but I think they should be able to practice it once.
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