Sloshed ruins everything! :-(
posted by Plato
2001-02-16 01:56:57
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Me and Echo were playing a game of chess as civilized trolls sometimes do. Litt
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Shimmer2001-02-16 02:30:45
*comf* :P Sloshed def has a attitude:P
Sloshed2001-02-16 03:00:52
woopsie :(
Smarty2001-02-16 03:19:29
*comf echo & plato* Now that trolls are an intelligent race all the inferior races simply can't understand the challenge of a chess match! The Trolls of arda shall not be dumb no longer!!
Plato2001-02-16 03:51:13
Argh, linkless in the middle of a chessmatch! I hope Nepenthe doesn't linklesskill my king!
Unknown2001-02-16 06:00:30
Stupid Canadians.
Plato2001-02-16 07:06:02
I think that it would be funny if someone made a character named Unknown then complained that everyone kept commenting on using his name. :-)
Fubar2001-02-16 07:26:10
Real trolls would have killed sloshed for that and then used his fingers and toes as new chess pieces, and if they needed more then used his teeth eyes and nose... of course i'm still a pseudo-troll :P
Kroms2001-02-16 07:56:58
nod we need more rl trolls :)
Shadrach2001-02-16 08:43:38
Petrel2001-02-16 08:52:10
Of course you (black) are pretty much dead here, but still it's very irritating :-) Especially for white :-) *comf* Echo
Plato2001-02-16 08:57:24
Hehe, yeah, he had me beat, but we'll just ignore that detail.
Echo2001-02-16 11:31:46
Chuckle, was all luck. shoulda logged the battle over first move, thats the best part of troll chess:)
Toe2001-02-16 13:45:15
*LOL* Funniest part is "Echo says: 1 sec gf calls".. I mean, 1 sec ?
Echo2001-02-16 13:47:38
RAther be fast on the phone with da ladies than fast during other parts *wink*
Hamfist2001-02-16 14:12:14
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*. *a Hobbit* kicks a chessboard and sends the pieces flying.
hamfist2001-02-16 14:15:09
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*. *a Hobbit* tries to rape your ass!
*a Hobbit* flees south.
*A hobbit* is here AFk masterbaiting.
Hamfist2001-02-16 15:23:37
GOD DAMNIT THAT LAST ONE WASN'T ME!!!was player mukami, wacker, toku, exterminator
Moonglum2001-02-16 15:24:35
Sloshed is a kewl orc but 'somewhat' of a hothead. You just have to love him for who he is. *wink* I'm pretty damn sure Sauron has sent Slayer back to inhabit the body of Sloshed. *snicker* Sauron forgot to send along the 'caplocks' key with Sloshed tho.
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