Fun at DT
posted by Raichu
2001-02-16 16:25:11
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Dizz2001-02-16 16:35:01
Dark wraith bashes and rescues !!! *shiver*
Nepenthe2001-02-16 16:35:43
Manatark2001-02-16 16:46:03
Feriand is a badass.
Plato2001-02-16 17:20:00
wow, that was really cool, those boil-infested trolls rock :-P
Feriand2001-02-16 17:29:32
Wusses! Why didn't you post the mail i sent you?
Darn wimps! I portal in - have like 40 mana
and you guys still open woodendoor to flee from a wounded mob.
Shoulda let me block the damn door.. coulda been fun 8P

Pussy trolls nowerdays.
Skojardu2001-02-16 17:31:10
Well i wanted to kill you not your damn charmies :].
Raichu2001-02-16 17:38:20
Why u think I fled I did want to hit you not the stupid mobs =P *choke Feriand*
Feriand2001-02-16 17:41:14
well did you?
Did not 8P You should know me better.. -> Block door should work like
break door even on open exits [just kiddin (for the braindead)]
Petrel2001-02-16 17:59:05
Raichu: read 'help disengage' :-)
Raichu2001-02-16 17:59:13
Btw Feriand I drowned like 10 mins later at VT cause some dumbfuck leach hit me underwater, got trophy? =P I lost 100k *chuckle*
Raichu2001-02-16 18:00:01
Thanx for the idea Petrel =P snicker
Didn't think of disengage =P bleh feriand had storeport anyway =P
Raichu2001-02-16 18:09:36
Btw I think disengage would not have worked since I and skojardu both buffed different mobs =P
Unknown2001-02-16 18:13:46
Yeah sure raichu whatever
Feriand2001-02-16 18:19:07
Word of recall * Poor Very hard Cleric 8, Long
Portal Superb Very hard Mage
those are the only ones 8P
Feriand2001-02-16 18:21:06
thou! Just to piss you off.. i might decay lightning bolt and take it 8P *cackle*
Gonfor2001-02-16 18:22:02
I love seeing Feriand play. He plays the game the way it's meant to be played. *clap Feriand*
Raichu2001-02-16 18:25:55
Choke Unknown
Hehe yeah Feriand rocks =P
Feriand2001-02-16 18:34:38
lol, it's so easy being popular among opposite side.
- die a lot.
Tad harder to be unpopular (yes you guessed it).
- never die.
Even hard to be hated more than any1 else.
1.never die.
2.avoid deaths using lamos bamos things -> storeport/port/word of recall
3.kill a lot.
4.kill a lot using lamos bamos things -> call/quake?/overspamkill/traps etc.
5.skip "fair" fights

Whatever you guys say that formula works!
Raichu2001-02-16 18:45:33
I agree with Feriand =P
Thedeen2001-02-16 19:08:03
I never day, yet im not hated!
Thedeen2001-02-16 19:08:28
Wow, I do suck on spelling, Die I mean =)
Lore2001-02-16 19:09:40
This was a great log. Back in my day, I used to persuade [charm] 3-4 Elven Huntsmen [not hunters] from the west end of the Shire to head out on 'elven patrol' in the east. My huntsmen would wield swords, wear armour, etc. These guys rescued and bashed as well. It was quite fun. We often ended up portaling into the top of Dark Tower as well - to ambush nasty *orcs*.
Feriand2001-02-16 19:14:20
Wish they changed back so that EQ would affect mobiles.
Now it's pointless to dress up your charmies 8(
Raichu2001-02-16 19:26:12
Yeah I agree, it looks dumb that eq don't affect mobs =) more fun too for charmies to equip =P
Skojardu2001-02-16 19:39:36
A boilinfested troll is standing here in shining armour and a huge flaming sword. Habba habba
Feriand2001-02-16 19:49:03
Well wouldn't that be great? Kill a mob troll for full shining and flaming sword
Karu2001-02-16 19:56:26
order wraith c 'lighting bolt' athyr -- he can do that, you know!
Raichu2001-02-16 20:10:34
I agree easy kill for shining and huge flaming =P

Raichu2001-02-16 20:10:57
Hey Karu don't give him nice ideas =P
Raichu2001-02-16 20:11:19
Don't tell me wraith can fireball and harm too =P gotta try that =P strange wraiths can bash =P
Feriand2001-02-16 20:50:53
that doesn't work 8( charmies can't cast.
Edvard2001-02-16 21:06:23
bah, du spelar ju som en kärring thedeen, kutar omkring med lab =p
sharan2001-02-16 21:28:32
Bah boil infested troll is MY PERSONAL charmie! Btw abs eq seems to help.
baphomet2001-02-16 22:16:31
god dammit. what a crappy log to reveal such a nice secret as wraith abilities to the fuckin mume world. ive been waiting to use that on some warlord for over a year. oh well someone post a bunch of crap logs so this gets buried off the front page??
Rogon2001-02-16 23:02:09
Is there no message when wraith rescues? Or am I just blind?
Feriand2001-02-17 00:35:48
you ain't blind but it's called compact mode 8P or brief or whatever
Reivax2001-02-17 01:35:39
Quite odd that wraith can bash, but can't be bashed if it isn't wearing armour or shield.
Ethar2001-02-17 08:13:39
feriand rocks :P
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