Anyone explain this mood anomaly?
posted by Soerd
2001-02-22 14:29:32
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Was bashing Skeletal Warrior, failed, realized I was on wimpy mood and changed t
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Rippin2001-02-22 14:40:01
Known bug i guess... The way this game is coded.
Atastor2001-02-22 14:43:12
NO bug, but ancient feature...when you change your mood during a fight
there is a delay of a few seconds. This perfectly shows in
your log.
Bubla2001-02-22 14:43:19
You fool! In fight are all commands delayed, especially change mood.
You have to wait half of round or one whole round to get your change
mood command go throu.
Soerd2001-02-22 14:46:16
Hmm, somehow I was sure that the mood actually changed, for I managed to bash the sucker...
Sabadon2001-02-22 14:54:41
the delay is actually not a few seconds but rather until your next (attempt to) hit. cha m a, You try to asswhack *an Elf*., mood change goes through
Rippin2001-02-22 14:56:54
Well atastor, this happens both in and out of fight... the game is coded like that, and it is both/neither bug/feature...
Muck2001-02-22 14:58:25
actually if you change mood during a fight it will change the next time you hit the victim
Soerd2001-02-22 15:21:48
Erm so Muck, if I am a caster and I whacka snake on aggro, forget to turn it wimpy and warrior starts hitting you and you set mood to wimpy, it changes only after you hit him, which might never happen :)? Next combat round sounds more likely.
Unknown2001-02-22 15:40:24
Soerd2001-02-22 15:45:01
Damn right, unknown!
Gurcrog2001-02-22 15:50:18
no mood changes the next time you hit anything if you in battle. snake or the warrrior. If your not in battle in changes insta. I dont know who you are calling a newbie.
Nighthawk2001-02-22 16:22:12
Your mood changes the instant you actually do change it but the bonuses take 1 round to take effect
Daevia2001-02-22 16:57:18
If none of your bonuses change, which is the sole reason for having a mood in the first place, then your mood hasn't changed. Just because its says agg right away doesn't mean anything. Nighthawk is a freak.
Mammoth2001-02-22 17:05:48
Bla Bla Bla! It is not a feature and it is not ancient.
Changing mods used to be instant even in combats not so long ago
it was changed because some1 (stupidos) god thought it wasn't realistic
to change your tactics in combat that fast. (making warrior combat even
more dull.)

Now your mood changes every time it's your turn to hit.(no matter if success or not)
Ie you wield a warsword the best speed you can change your mood is once per 1.5 rounds.
Depends on mere luck weather you get instant mood change or not.
If you use piercing and attack on the other hand you'l be able to ......
you got the point hopefully!
Mammoth2001-02-22 17:07:45
Ouch! Comes out bashes-or hit times during delays(bashes/spellcasting)
won't trigger your mood, which yes can be considered a bug ( i think )
Mammoth2001-02-22 17:07:47
Ouch! Comes out bashes-or hit times during delays(bashes/spellcasting)
won't trigger your mood, which yes can be considered a bug ( i think )
Mammoth2001-02-22 18:48:30
I am gay.
Nighthawk2001-02-22 18:53:31
The reason why it was changed I believe was because people with very fast links had an advantage in old mume combat system although I could be totally. wrong. Daevia please do some tests on it and you will find out that what me and Mammoth wrote is 100% accurate
Mammoth2001-02-22 19:14:37
Unknown2001-02-22 22:36:20
Why it was changed (IMHO) is that nasty uberwarriors who could bash at wimpy did that and when opponent bashed changed to aggressive, that way they didn't get hit during the time opponent is standing and hit extremely hard when opponent was bashed.
Mammoth2001-02-23 01:01:23
Unknowns being bright again. (not)
If you can bash at wimpy you can hit at wimpy so there's no need to
turn back aggro. So the new system doesn't affect the so called uberwarriors much.
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