Hugefight, hugelog
posted by Trágg
2001-02-22 21:30:09
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Lotsa pukes charge lotsa darkies, several pukes sanced yet some die. Before this
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Fredde2001-02-22 21:36:37
dident you know that logging in compact mode is forbidden?! =þ
Darkwind2001-02-22 21:36:55
I was the only bn that survived!

Raichu2001-02-22 21:49:01
Yeah like 10+ were standing n cloakroom, exit north was sun, I fled 2 times north then i decided to die, in cloakroom. I did flee 2 times wrong and did not eat burn didnt wanna try my luck too much, eq is eq and 300k xp is easy to get.
Was fun hugefight before I died =)
Trágg2001-02-22 21:58:16
For the record the darkies that looted eq didn't share anything fairly except for Raichu who offered to give away the eq he looted before he died *snif*. For all I know Darkwind kept all the eq he looted etc. Mammoth got his eq back, I guess other bns did too?
Trágg2001-02-22 21:59:45
I dont play in compact, I dont log in compact. I really don't see the big deal, you whine when no logs yet you don't wanna see who has the def to dodge 170 ob or who casts which spell. Logs are great regenfodder and IMO those logs (like Magica's above) that include 0 looks just plain suck, I don't wanna see spellspam, I wanna see BLOOD!
Alweon2001-02-22 22:07:52
You see me in this log for 3 seconds =p Enter, see a gazillion corpses and alot more bold names than non-bold names, so i leave. Its ok though since after re-equipping my death at Bree wgate looked like this:
healthy, fireball man twice, he goes wounded, Zanetha hits me from healthy to hurt and drops my armour, next Raichu (I think) hits me from hurt to low wounded, then Mammoth hits me incap. Took a fraction of a second to lose the eq it took me hours to get =p (Thats why I LOVE puke so much!)
Daevia2001-02-22 22:18:29
What were the total numbers on each side? Seems there were quite a few less pukes...
Mammoth2001-02-22 22:24:25
ACK 8( i agree with Fredde.
Compact mode loggers should be shot on sight.
Trágg2001-02-22 22:28:09
So why not post your version of it? I waited up to 1-2 hrs before posting since someone mighta had a log with cmds in etc. Anyways lameeeeeeee action by some of the darkies who looted :/
Magíca2001-02-22 22:52:25
What can you expect from Darkwind+ co etc, Tragg? *Comf* if you expected anything 'fair' or 'good' from them, I really hope that you got SOME of the loot though. For the record, Mumma is imho the biggest wimp of the year, he sat 2 n cloak room w/o dismounting and wanted to get grped but didn't enter, probably waiting for awful orcs or something when stonedoor broke at the end. *Shrug* you guys (trolls) rocked in there, what else can I say =) And I used ALL my mana to kill the bns, so I didn't break the stonedoor like i could have done =) I haven't figured out if that was smart or stupid of me yet *gig* (And at least I saved Lindos staff! HA!)
Edvard2001-02-22 23:19:51
Yeah, sure... or perhaps all this didnt happen, perhaps its just another one of Snowballs wet dreams... on a spiritual level, maybe this is soccer? or blackjack? "Allting är relativt..."
Edvard2001-02-22 23:20:31
this is what happens to a guy, if he doesnt play!
Snowball2001-02-22 23:21:05
hehe.. i love these fights... the problem is.. i bet my corpse got shadowed.. and looted.. and shared amongst the trollls or orcs =P
Prist2001-02-22 23:23:56
Hehehe... well, I didn't get any eq back at least, were happily sitting in island when gf came by, had to quit a bit faster than i wanted, hehe... ohwell, hope someone looted brd and bej for me at least :P fakk, was fucking unhealthy when i tried to block like crazy and every time i entered the room with pukes i got instahit and couldn't block :) oh, right, managed to get block off once tho but was in wrong room, hehe :P
Agonor2001-02-22 23:24:11
where's the second part where we came back and you all fled? some of you also died on the way east
Ringo2001-02-22 23:24:28
Ohoo, Durcano is back??!!!! go durcano, go!
Trágg2001-02-22 23:29:07
As I mentioned earlie Raichu died 1 vs 10 in cloakroom after this, dunno bout orcs since I wasn't grped but no troll died on the way east even though your grp was windswept spamming hit.
Trágg2001-02-22 23:30:27
And yeh it rocks someone looted our poor bns and didn't even try to give them their eq back. So fucking great to group with orcs like this, Sharmak etc. that never give a 2nd thought to other ppls eq (he sure spent enough time getting Mammoths eq even though some orcs also looted BNs and kept stuff)
Unknown2001-02-22 23:40:23
edvard get mental care.......
Magica2001-02-22 23:42:39
Hi!, Im very Mature and Im the coolest and prob. the best player on MUME.
And yes,I storeport,Call and lameass trap, eventhou Im very good at
blaiming others for it. That's why I rock so much!
Unknown2001-02-22 23:45:37
Everytime Some ppl warlord they get flamed for their playingstyles?
or am I only paranoid?
Prist2001-02-22 23:50:20
well, just counted the corpses and found 1 elf corpse (magica) and 4 *man* corpses... and i'm willing to pay my last coin (really, i don't have any:P) that 3 out of those 4 corpses belonged to bns :P well, was a fine redistribution of eq from darkies to darkies i guess, hehe... oki, stop whining, just wanted to make it clear, really don't care myself :P
Pop2001-02-22 23:53:05
Yeah i had alot of fun, ya know... sit in 1 room.. attacking elf. dwarf. man. elf. dwarf. man. elf. dwarf. man so on... woo i tell ya it was SOOOOOOO spamy from the begining to the end... (where we loot) and for the record.. trolls didnt loot shit.... oh.. yeah i looted mammoths corpse.. and he wasnt even thankful to get his shit back.. anyway 1 thing that really blew about this was the grouping bn died.. so alot of us got solo kills and what not... and i dont think it is in compact mode ;) i think thats what i saw with the spam... and at the end.. when everyone SPAM LOOTS.. man ya should of shown them :P anyway today i gained 500K xp a lvl and some nice eq.. and also got to see one of my best friends killed link dead in warrens... and thes 8 pukes knew he was LD because we sat with him for 10 mins in Priest waiting for sun down with him haveing a flag and all... you probly all know who it is... yes the mighty Lothar... and i dispise you fuckers for killing him... and now.. hes probly going to do the same to you :) good luck and watch your asses *bow*
the real Magíca2001-02-23 00:02:18
Rotfl, that 'eventhou' gave you away Mumma, you always say that =) I've never said I'm not lame/a wimp etc I'm just telling others what've happened today at Barbaras! And I don't flame Mumma because of that he warlorded, he probably deserved because BNs fucked up so badly in the last log, so I wanna say congratz to Mumma for warlording. (No sarcasm) Ok and then this shit about that BNs didnt get their shit back even though some of them were shadowed is just utter bullshit. So I've heard Gretna etc got BRD from a *BN*-corpse =) Well nice going darkies, just 'split' the eq that belongs to the BNs among the orcs too =) *Cough*
Magíca2001-02-23 00:04:44
Erm btw, I think it's bullshit that they killed Lothar linkless with flag- *Comf* Lothar that sucks arse. The pukes who killed ya linkless should be killed & looted linkless themselves =(
Prist2001-02-23 00:11:00
Lothar got killed linkless??? jesus christ, i'm losing the last fucking respect i've ever had for pukes... :(
Prist2001-02-23 00:11:51
Btw, post the names of those pukes?
gretna2001-02-23 01:26:51
pukes that killed lothar linkless that i saw entering oriest
not sure if they took part in killin lothar or just around at the time :)
Antar2001-02-23 01:42:32
Interesting comment... Since Sharmak actually gives away all eq, and usually gets none himself. At least when I'm grouped with him that's how it is. Same with all scrolls we find too... He may want them, but he doesn't enjoy the fighting over it. I'm sure if you ask him, he'll gladly give you whatever he took...
Darkwind2001-02-23 02:13:06
It was not Mumma, he was around tbad when lothar died and wimping
with his stored teleports
gretna2001-02-23 03:07:06
erm pop gave me brd
dunno who it from ?
gretna2001-02-23 03:07:06
erm pop gave me brd
dunno who it from ?
Mumma2001-02-23 08:50:36
I didnt dare to enter stonedoor either. I sat outside instead.
Hoeth2001-02-23 12:31:48
I found a brd in a pair of smooth boots I needed just outside cloakroom....
If whities had waited about 1 tick more, or maybe 2, we would have outnumbered em. Atleast 6 whities arrived to late (from Khuzur meself) and just waited to break stonedoor whenever the narrate would come. I later lost that brd when I folishly tried to blind a solo troll oermgw, got bashed, 3 orcs (or was it more?) walked in, and I die. I'm really gonna learn teleport next level. really.
Adi2001-02-23 15:35:20

I died first there I think, but Lothar requipped me before he ripped in
priest later. I think I have to learn sanct spell. So useful for bns. :P
dur2001-02-23 16:09:21
No one mentioned the fact that i died to bash->megahitspam in there, before gundor and anyone else. It's lovely to check opponents' number, isn't it just?
No one cares about me *sob sob*
Trágg2001-02-23 16:14:31
I recited my azure at Smrtak whom I saw was at bad hps, later one of the pukes dies and loads a pbs, I ask orcs for it since I used my scroll to heal orcs rather than hoard it since I was fine myself. Sharmak was the one who turned me down on it.
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