The Balrog group gets hit
posted by Brawn
2001-02-26 18:20:53
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A short version. I think the winners will post a full version.
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Raichu2001-02-26 18:40:23
Nice escape =P and Doreth kinda rocks in map knowledge =P
Gonfor2001-02-26 18:45:54
Nice escape indeed.
Brawn2001-02-26 18:45:59
The names Lightfoot and Firmfoot werent given to Doreth and Brawn for nothing - we can walk around and know our way.
Zeddicus2001-02-26 18:59:28
Zeddicus2001-02-26 19:02:42
Well my lantern saved doreth and I had to spam around without light some :(
But I lived!! And thats all what matters... Comf on death to all who died.
Malak2001-02-26 19:37:44
Doreth parries you, Doreth dodges you, Doreth parries you, Doreth parries you... He was wounded, I had 148% ob... Doreth is a machine... what else is there to say =p
Arkine2001-02-26 19:40:56
Nice one orcies. Nazgum remains one of my favorite ppls. I would have liked to have read the escape though Brawn as it looked genuinely impressive.
Vecna2001-02-26 19:54:58
Need Winners half! Must see blood!
Unknown2001-02-26 19:55:34
doreth is wimp.
Estonian2001-02-26 20:07:42
estonians is wimp
Nazgum2001-02-26 20:15:53
well Drain was "LET TO LIVE" at muranog by me, where he whined he did not have link to get away so I told him he has 2 ticks to run then I come hunt, but he refused to move so I just left him. And dwarf who got out e gate is damn lucky ;p
sharan2001-02-26 20:55:22
doreth sold his OB to satan for defence.
Jaron2001-02-26 20:59:33
Doreth sold his guts to satan
Brawn2001-02-26 21:19:59
Arkine, what is so impressive about spamming all west :) Getting out is kinda easy, if u know way...just follow Hwains Way :)
Arkine2001-02-26 22:40:39
I don't know the way. Not all of us have played mume 24/7 5+ years mate. With darkies on you it can get confusing if you are not very familiar with it and are on a 250ms link.
grunge2001-02-26 23:03:51
face it arkine, you are a lazy putz lacking the remedial skills to memorize 500 rooms of textdirections...its ok, I expect less from attorneys
Gonfor2001-02-26 23:21:26
I second Grunge's opinion. Case closed.
Juston2001-02-27 00:27:46
That's known in spanish as "un groupo muy big and darko"
Manute2001-02-27 01:56:28
'big and' there juston is still in english ;) is 'grande y'
Ethar2001-02-27 03:22:04
uh, dark is moreno kinda too :P
Juston2001-02-27 03:54:00
hey i didn't say i spoke spanish fluently
Arkine2001-02-27 05:50:37
When it all goes bad, when nobody can help you, belive me boys and girls, it aint the doctors or the mud freaks who can save tell all to your attorney and we are the only defense you have. BTW Gonfor, re-count is in..wasn't even close!
Raichu2001-02-27 07:40:33
Yeah yeah the ppl who learned all MUME by head cause they play since MUME 1 they only rock the rest sucks eh Doreth Grunge? Mebbe some ppl like me play since MUME 7 and they don't know all areas but still play a little good? =P
Edvard2001-02-27 08:06:07
There's just no jesus like show jesus!
Ainagul2001-02-27 09:40:54
Memorising all roomnames in Moria is pish. The real MoriaGuides (TM) also know room descriptions by heart. And if I was put into any Moria room and shown 1 line of the room description, I already knew where I was. Lets take map knowledge to a new level!
Ainagul2001-02-27 09:42:28
Oh, and btw what do you guys do, when you want so fall asleep? Count sheep? Normal mumers memorise dirs from Amanrandil to Moors, I tend to go wrong after hedges/thorns...should be 4n, but I tend to go 5.
Ainagul2001-02-27 09:46:47
And before you ask silly questions, ofcourse optimal dirs (regardin movecost)for different races and seasons is different. So going from Amanrandil to Moors as a on-foot dwarf and rideing back as an elf is a good memory training excercise and makes me sleepy usually. Sometimes I add a sneaking BN scout version, with appropriate resting places to it.
Enforcer2001-02-27 09:51:11
Ainagul - u have MUMEoverload in Your brains department, seek help =)
Zhagrat2001-02-27 09:55:02
15 darkies to beat up 10 pukes out of whome half were clueless in Moria :)
NOt bad at all not bad at all....
Enforcer2001-02-27 10:30:21
anyways, this log was of very poor quality! You edited out toooo much, really!!
Doreth2001-02-27 11:29:16
wtf U guys are talking about my defence? since when is 150 def a huge def? and 150 is max for me in any case so I wonder how u gonna whine when my 170 def other warrior gets outa retire.
Malak2001-02-27 14:31:20
Wasn't whining about your defence, I was complimenting you on it. Since the 4 crushes from the Huge, blace mace that you managed to avoid at wounded probably would have incapped you, your defence saved you *wink*
Rain2001-02-27 15:07:43
Pftt even i have 175def and I'm a stinky dwarf.
hamfist2001-02-27 15:39:28
some of us are quite happy with our 325 ms links
Berin2001-02-27 16:01:23
Easy to get 170 def in plain shit :P But what is worse here are ppl with 170 def in shining a other absorb crap :P So u don't hit them and when u finaly hit u tickle and tickle and tickle :)
Corvin/Gray2001-02-27 16:56:07
What point to say your defence if not saying zone/level? Lets compare same levels in same zone - and you will see that elves can get even more defence! Beat lev29 in GH with 172 def? Counting that he's in plain metal, and with no tower.
Raichu2001-02-27 17:49:51
I got 159 def in warrens! Fear me! (maxeq tho =P)

Rogon2001-02-27 18:55:17
Doreth, they will whine about your defence, and laugh at your tickles. I'm just wondering. How do you get war points? i've never seen you hit anything hard. You run past people who then die to others and get wps that way? As for max defence, i'll say 187 on ford and rest my case (boring as hell to play too)
Gray2001-02-27 20:34:21
Rogon, once again: ???which level??? Sure lev 80's defence beats anyone - I meant to compare same levels, diff classes/races...
Malak2001-02-27 20:49:01
Well, Doreth had some nice kills when he was using the blacksword (Mammoth and Forek) and I will admit, he is a pretty good player (escaping at awful after being blocked under priest for 3 ticks with about 6 darkies on his ass). I believe Anolad at level 30 had %198 defence inside rd with the gleaming bs, tower, and all the dodge shit minus grey tunic. Then damage taken was made more dependant on absord and less on defence, so he kinda sucked =p
Daevia2001-02-27 20:49:24
Its pretty much been the standard for years that you give your def in bend zone.
Vorlin2001-02-27 20:52:04
Ainagul, when I want to fall asleep I just picture the text for a typical dickwaving session. Works like a charm. ;)
Rain2001-02-27 21:04:01
Hmm I'd have 54db 116pb in shining/metal at lev33...and well over 400hps! :P
Armadillo2001-02-27 23:29:43

Doreth gets his WPs by chasing BNs just out of retirement who haven't learned wilderness/block/bob/ride etc yet.
Oh and he has blacksword sometimes.
Volare2001-02-28 09:27:03
no, Doreth gets his wps from yelling WIMP, there is apparently a bug in the system, each yell is 1 wp...
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