Sisalik the Great
posted by Macros
2001-03-01 11:24:14
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You have all seen this kind of log before, now it's my turn. It sure rocks whe
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Enforcer2001-03-01 11:29:02
eech, he was solo?
Unknown2001-03-01 11:30:53
first comment and only comment
Jocke2001-03-01 11:33:55
Of course he was solo. We had not seen any puke around for 30 minutes besides
Iff who instantly ran away, i walked some north and lost link. Came back dead.
From what Pampalini told me, the only puke around was Sisilak entering on us,
killing me with spells when i fled 1 room at a time.
Ostu2001-03-01 11:37:32
Oh fuck it:p
Edvard2001-03-01 11:38:46
Awesome kill! *blink*
Ostu2001-03-01 11:40:10
Sisalik, is it so hard to notice bn is linkless?
Enforcer2001-03-01 11:40:21
damn estonians! damn them all to hell!!! etc..
Iff2001-03-01 11:40:29
sure, i ran, in the split second it took me to cancel my stab
and move out of room on my 400ms link tonight, you had both
bolted me twice and we're already casting again. ive fought you
many times and know my link against yours. sorry about your luck tho
a snot2001-03-01 12:21:45
argle bargle iff?
Zanetha2001-03-01 12:21:49
Yeah i am embarrassed to be an .ee player cos .ee always does something bad :(
Someone offer me political 'whatsoever' in sweden?? Comf macros , i know how bad link feels .. and i know the fear of death same time:(
Unknown2001-03-01 12:51:11
Macros (King of the linkless killers) complains when it happens to him? You had it coming.
Raichu2001-03-01 12:53:03
Unknown still not using name... snore
Comf mate, ld dying sux
Alcion2001-03-01 13:33:27
Ack, det där suger. Kostar att ligga på topp - hände mig med nyligen. :(
Prist2001-03-01 13:54:20
DUH Sisalik, we all spared you when you dropped link in our tunnels some time ago w of bree, and now you go around killing linkless ppl yourself??? sheesh man, you fucking suck... god, don't be fucking surprised when some day you reconnect in mandos even tho it's not me who will kill you...
Baazunga2001-03-01 14:33:11
Look at the facts before you accuse people "Unknown". I can assure you that Macros doesn't kill linkless people (maybe if they lose link at bad in a fight, then I kill them aswell).
Sisalik to Pris2001-03-01 14:40:24
I didnt drop link it falled
Well when i got link back you spared me yeah at awful :)

Fredde2001-03-01 14:43:06
You really dont think p[fingeror] would just stand there and die to you? man that was stupid! comf macros! *skratta åt alcion* hehe...
Prist to Sisali2001-03-01 15:23:46
Well, we chased some dwarf around dunnels and he died in your room just as you reconnected... so of course we started to hunt you :P but we didn't even touch you while you were linkless...
Unknown2001-03-01 17:00:14
Bullshit Baazunga. Macros is absolutely one the worse linkless killers. He play with a great link and finally gets whacked linkless and wants to bitch about it. Fuck that. He got what was coming to him. If you want facts, I can show you copy and pastes from two of my historys where Macros whacked me from full hps while I was feeling less in control of myself than usual. So fuck off.
Fredde to unkno2001-03-01 17:11:18
now why dont you show us your name?
Unknown2001-03-01 17:19:20
Why? So Macros can whack me linkless next time because I told the truth about him here? Macros got what was coming to him. Everyone knows Macros is a cheater. Do we need to bring up the Warlord incident? Or the loss of 5 levels for action-hunting with Macros? Leave it as it is. I may be unknown but I'm not a cheater.
Lochdale2001-03-01 17:31:23
If you have evidence that corroborates your statement unknown then show it. Also, use your name. Awful way to go Macros but I have to defend Iff. I would rarely fight you. You are a much better player and you have a much, much better link so it really doesn't make much sense for me to fight you. That said, If I am getting hits in on you and your not casting even at my drunkest I could figure out you had link problems. Whats you excuse Sisalik?
Unknown2001-03-01 17:37:25
Amazing that so many people come to Macros's defense. Nobody comes to Engelbert's defense. A cheater is a cheater. Unless of course they give you a legend set. And Lochdale needs evidence? Clearly your a newbie to MUME. Jockes been demoted on numerous occasions for cheating. You want evidence for that? Ask any veteran.
lothlori2001-03-01 17:57:57
heh he got what he deserves for. when he whacked me linkless he just write me that he ask other darkies if he shoudl kill me or not (i yell that i have huge freezes, i was healthy and after yell i died in lag , - i finnaly yelled when i was wounded but player fingeror shoudl realise that i have big link problems) but noone says enythin so he just killed me. hmm he wrote me to that its not his problem that i have link problems so fuck him and if i meet him linkless i will kill him for sure.
Unknown2001-03-01 18:01:11
And there are many more like Lothlori. I'm sitting here smiling knowning that Macros link finally bit him on the ass.
Ilmarin2001-03-01 20:04:44
Actually I've never received one single piece of eq from (p)Fingeror, but (p)Swork has given me lots of eq all the time.... Not that it has anything to do with this log, but. Comf on death. Now level my newbie Bn.
Ethar2001-03-02 01:23:23
ive been spared by macros, he had plenty of time to kil me i reconnected and he smiled at me i walked out he yelled if link was ok i said yes i continued to fight him and imrazor, so in my experiences p jocke does not kill linkless
lothlori2001-03-02 01:26:15
hmm Ethar maybe you just have shity eq but i lost fullset that day. Maybe Imrazor is his soul nad saves you from him who know.
lothlori2001-03-02 01:59:30
hmm Ethar maybe you just have shity eq but i lost fullset that day. Maybe Imrazor is his soul nad saves you from him who know.
Ethar2001-03-02 03:41:23
ohyea, iron, engraved, finegrey, some sables, really shitty eq, lets not forget my finechain sleeves, ohyea, those suck
Cur2001-03-02 08:35:55
Heh, loved the comment Zanetha made above. Btw, I still haven't quite forgiven you for killing me linkless -on purpose- when every other darkie had spared me. Every time some darkies (you know who you are) whine about pukes never going solo, it cracks me up because getting killed linkless is just about what you get from those darkies if you indulge them and try to be a fun player. Take me for example. I almost always go solo, and all the respect I got from Zanetha in return, was getting killed linkless. Blatantly. Comfs on the death, Macros, you are one of the players I kind of like (despite the fact that you've cheated) because you're gutsy and fun to be with, and to fight against. Better luck next time (as if you need luck :P ).
Jocke2001-03-02 08:45:30
As far as i know i have never heard of Lothlori. Some newbie who thinks he is well
known among the other players maybe, and that 'nice full set' you are taling about
is probably a staff, a belt and a greycloak, newbie eq that is. Anyway, if i ever
killed you linkless at any time i either came to the conclution that you cut the
link to avoid death, killed you so fast there was no way to stop or notice it,
or i simply didn't notice you were linkless. I admit in my early MUME years i killed
a few linkless just because i didn't know better. But that was years ago.
If it hapends today it's because of one of the above reasons. As for attacking
me unknown, well not much to say really. You are obviously a born looser and will
stay that way until you have the courage to tell us who you really are. Ilmarin,
what the hell does me giving you eq have to do with anything? Me like most of us
give eq to ppl whom we think deserve it, nice players, good players, players that
you know will be there for you when you yourself need something, or just somone
whom you think should have a freebie, newbie or not. As for talking about me cheating,
all i can say is, you don't have the facts and you know nothing about what has really
hapend. Maybe are you that extremly stupid and arrogant troll player who named
his troll Warlord once just to become a warlord. Ppl made fun of you cause of it
but you swore to make it up there, but you never did. You even started make up
stories in order to make the gods give you those WP's you so much wanted, even
though you never deserved them. If it's you, you know what i'm talking about.
You never bacame a warlord though, and the one and only reason for that was
cause you simply weren't good enough. Finally you gave up the Warlord storie cause
you could never manage to become a warlord and ppl still made fun of you.
If i'm not wrong you now play Goretongue. Enough said, i really have no reason
to take any defencive actions about anything, but i get really tired of listening
to a draveling spineless idiot all day long, who constantly pick on others behind
an anonymous handle. If you're not man enough to face those you pick on, then just
keep shut and crawl back to the stinking place where you once came from. You anonymous
idiot say that i allways kill linkless, then you say that you are afraid that if
you tell us your name, i will kill you if i find you linkless. Listen to yourself.
A 5 year old could tell whats wrong with that argument. I can respect anyone
who tells me right in my face that i'm an idiot, but if he hides behind a corner,
yells at me once and then run away, he is just laughable. Disrespect. Some times
though, you get really flatter me when you don't have the guts to step forward
telling me who you are. It clearly shows you are afraid of me. Muhah big nasty
Jocke could kick your ugly fat ass. :)
Wow i really made myself a novel here.
Sharmak2001-03-02 09:07:22
Nice comment Jocke :) And come back to the dark side ill help u re-eq :)
Raichu2001-03-02 09:30:24
Jocke was drunk? =P hehe I agree with your story tho =) i can give u some stuff right now!
lothlori2001-03-02 10:31:43
hmm brd, bejw, gleamin, red amulet, iron, fine, small pouch and some more other shit like ruby, noc pbs, i think is very close to thief fullset. sorry that i dotn use shinin as thief
Torment2001-03-02 11:53:05
When red amulets and small pouches are in your list of good equipment, you have just labeled yourself a newbie heh. And Macros already half way to re-equipping thanks to some whities who made some donations for us today!
Fuego2001-03-02 15:07:37
Macros your one to talk i ve been killed linkless bye you 3 times
so you had it comeing i 'm not saying it is right that you where
linkless killed but don't whine about it
Fuego2001-03-02 15:16:15
also i'm a bigger man and if i saw you linkdead i wouldn't kill ya even though i should
Unknown2001-03-02 15:47:41
Torment is an idiot. I'm certain black amulets are in his list of "legend eq."
Shadrach2001-03-02 16:42:15
Jocke is a loser. He cheats. He always has cheated. He always will cheat. And when he gets caught, he blames it on others. I'll never have any respect for your linkless killing, linkless whining ass.
Unknown2001-03-02 16:45:05
Taken from Gray's page Fingeror, Macros - nicelinked (, linklesskiller, warlord (usually #1) and that says it all
Throk2001-03-02 18:51:08
anyone else think torment is really full of himself?
Unknown2001-03-02 19:55:06
*nod Throk*
Roman2001-03-03 09:29:46
Gray and his page sux, I was always telling him and will tell again when he comes to visit us in a week, and even will beat him! *cackle*
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