Nothing to be ashamed here Pampalini :) nice kill.
2001-03-02 18:23:37
I thought this was skillfull pkill =) hehe nice log!
2001-03-02 18:45:39
way to kill that lamer, very nice
2001-03-02 18:47:14
Bnlife, you either get someone lagged, clueless or you're struck with extreme luck.
2001-03-02 19:17:49
Nice kill. Isn't Rza a caster? Why didn't he cure self if his link was bad?
Why was he always resting if his only problem was link? Link may have slowed him down, but it certainly didn't kill him... he had other problems.
> a double edged eket (dented); some sort of liquid is smeared on it
Maybe he thought that would save his life.
2001-03-02 19:20:52
rza is not a fucking lamer... atleast he havent done anything to me....
2001-03-02 21:12:06
Rza isn't a 'lamer', get a vocabulary. Half you people make Forest Gump look articulate. *points to puke* Lamer! *points to darkie* Lamer! *points to small rock* Lamer! As far as I'm concerned, there are only two conditions where 'lamer' applies in Mume: people who try to sundie trolls, and people who -purposefully- kill linkless people. Any other action could be described better with another word. Like 'asshole', for instance. :)
2001-03-02 21:20:52
khuzur and freeze did all work there
2001-03-03 17:45:41
rza is a one of the worst players in mume
100% of kils i seen thast fuck get
are always overkilling
linkless ripping or some shit
glad the lamer dies