Saved by a crappy link
posted by Drenical
2001-03-03 03:14:45
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Sharmak, Liart and *orc* was chasing me from abr, but a combination of a crappy
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Drenical2001-03-03 03:18:17
I'm truly sorry for acting linkless.. but since I didn't say anything the whole time about beeing lagging or linkless, I don't think I did anything wrong. I did have a bad link, and I couldn't defend myself as should've been with better link. Next time I wont be such a coward though... :/
Zoone2001-03-03 03:40:27
you fuckin lame moron, that was pathetic and abusing the niceness of
such players. dont try to defend yourself, and while you're at it, fuck
Zoone2001-03-03 03:41:39
and let me add that you were not saved by a crappy link as the title says,
you were saved by deceit. i figured you stood with link frozen and thus
regenned a few mps when i started readin, and ran and seeked in, thought
that'd be cool as shit. you fuck.
Daevia2001-03-03 04:00:07
Why post this? Now everybody will kill you linkless regardless, dork. :P
Azg2001-03-03 04:20:03
Boy was this dumb.
Lothar2001-03-03 04:39:02
Real moron!
Lothar2001-03-03 04:41:08
And add: I am really really sorry they didnt kill you. Well, can fix this mistake anytime, either you have link or not. People will think you act linkless again. No mercy.
Durcano2001-03-03 04:57:12
that wasnt nice, after reconnect you shoulda tried to escape, not to fuck em so :( we will loose such nice players if ppl act so :(
Nepenthe2001-03-03 05:30:17
Lame =P
Salmar2001-03-03 05:43:10
Nice play from Liart, sucky from you :(
Kreil2001-03-03 06:14:08
Hrm.. well i don't know you so I won't comment on how you might play 'normally'.
I will say that saying you have bad link and seeing the 'ok' output from mume at the next prompt shows a damn fine link to me. When link is truly shitty.. you type nar "come moors" and the 'ok' comes much later.. not instantly afterwards. Sad form.
Damn seriously fair play on Liart's part though! *bow* err.. double *bow*

Rogon2001-03-03 09:42:29
if they thought he was linkless, kind of silly by sharmak to bolt/hit etc, since he dies linkless alot himself and know how much it sucks!
Jalin2001-03-03 10:30:17
isnt that powwow your using? if so shouldnt there be a # before
your connect command? if so you edited it...prob #zapped link to
make your lie look even more credible
Zanetha2001-03-03 12:56:11
Lamer :-) There stars your linklessdyingor jusy permadying period :) Nice work by Liart :)
Drenical2001-03-03 13:24:21
As answer to Jalin question... No it's not edited, just a bunch of narrates I've taken out. This is how I connect to mume: # {connect} now aliases {#connect 4242} in {default} group... if I'd done as you think I did it would've said "connect 4242", but since I'm using an alias to connect, "connect" is all I type in.
Arhar2001-03-03 13:25:05
heh, he really lost link and post log what wrong with that ?
Arhar2001-03-03 13:27:01
Drenical btw you play in default text mode ? or make text mode larger,
i mean increase rows and lines count ?
Drenical2001-03-03 13:28:11
You all know that I didn't have to post this. It's not an attempt to defend myself.. if I didn't want anyone to know, I didn't have to post this. What I'm trying to show is that Sharmak and Liart are two players that are worth a lot of respect, although they were stealing from me even during the time I actally was linkless.. :)
Alcion2001-03-03 13:45:37
Well, I knew, but kept quiet to save your sorry ass (posted an answer to some of Cele's reply) but that was really lame. Christ, you just chopped your own head off.
Aschit2001-03-03 13:49:18
The reason Sharmak kept hitting him (I think) is that he was trying to see if he was linkless or moveless. However, he had already regenned enough mps to flee a few times. My question is this: how many REALLY linkless/lagged people will die now, because you thought it would be cute to ACT like you were? Also, I'm still curious about this 'bug' that lets trolls, etc., sneak and hide w/o praccing it.
Aschit2001-03-03 13:50:59
In other words, this should have been a log that flamed dying moveless, not a log where you fake a bad link (what you show here would be a damn GOOD link for me), and trick some darkies out of a kill.
Stormblast2001-03-03 14:04:53
Ppl please don't act linkless or the next thing you know is the true morons of the game start linklesskilling again "cause he was obviously pretending".
Drenical2001-03-03 14:13:14
Point taken Stormblast and Aschit... and as I said, I didn't post this log to try to make any of this legible, just to show Liart's and Sharmak's fair play, and the appreciation they very well deserve. I hope they keep playing like that even after my sidestep...
Fredde2001-03-03 14:48:13
Drenical2001-03-03 15:08:27
Point taken Stormblast and Aschit... and as I said, I didn't post this log to try to make any of this legible, just to show Liart's and Sharmak's fair play, and the appreciation they very well deserve. I hope they keep playing like that even after my sidestep...
Rippin2001-03-03 15:37:01
That not the way to play... they spare u coz of link... What u shuold do is explain the situation: sa i have over 5 seconds lag :P gimme a break please? Sometimes that works... on kewl players... and if link does clear, and goes below a second orso, wave, say link somewhat better, and try get out the proper way. I mean, if they are fair with u, u owe it to them to be fair with 'em, orso.
Sharmak2001-03-03 15:42:55
I had spammed quick bolts alot and nod was some before too and yes i was hitting him to see if he is moveless or not and i told it Liart and i was sooo sure u acting but if shit link just say or yell it and cut link so i will not kill u and i dont kill lagged ppl either :) but still can happen sometimes
Common Sense2001-03-03 19:53:07
If Pretending to be linkless really that bad? Or do some of you people need a new hobby? In the role-playing Environment you could say pretending to be link dead is like playing dead (but you cant loot :P) And like 3 on 1 is a shit load of fun?This Game is improving in some areas but in other areas its well just crap and getting worse and instead of coming up with better ideas to make this game better (the only ideas you people ever seem to come up with is to change rangers) your flaming over someone who avoided death by being/pretending to be lagged?*sigh*
Oscarmeyer2001-03-03 20:01:47
Well, change rangers then, so we CAN think up other changes. Atm, rangers seem to be the 'feature' of game most needing change, hence all the flames about it.
Edvard2001-03-03 20:48:07
who cares, would have been a lame kill anyway...
Mulefoot2001-03-04 03:56:26
Have to say it is nice to see that not everyone is linkless killer :) And it is was kind of funny to see them messing around with ya :)
Pampalini2001-03-04 12:06:02
Kinda lamer-like acting. Abusing that some1 plays fair, wtf is that???
balzak2001-03-04 18:55:01
The overall effect of this log is bad, If you were happy about what other players did you wouldn't have done what you did. Once trust is broken it is very hard to get it back. What you did is bad for mume. This is one of the WORST things i have ever seen on mume, you should feel aweful and never ever do it again.
balzak2001-03-04 18:55:37
there is no honor in what you did
Voile2001-03-04 20:19:01
Ok.. you were just named "jerk of the year".... You should have died like a pig, and instead all you do is ruin the game for the ones with real bad links..
FĂ«agil2001-03-05 03:13:44
Too bad he's nameless anyway but if he does actually get some wps i hope everyone kills him linkless on every possible occasion and that the people who really do play fair keep up the good work...
grunge2001-03-05 10:42:57
drenical = raichu?
Baazunga2001-03-05 11:40:15
I hope you get demoted for this since this is as bad as it can get. When some ppl actually play this game fair, what do they get... fooled! Really nice to see that players like Liart exists even though I used to think of him as a moron (well you all are morons to me... BLOOD for Sauron is the motto).
Gad2001-03-11 11:12:36
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