A note on Labs and management
posted by Nezer
2001-03-05 23:48:48
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a note on a comment seen on stormblasts log
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Shadrach2001-03-05 23:56:22
Did anyone read that?
olorion2001-03-05 23:59:09
I did :)
was lovely
Axel2001-03-06 00:00:58
I didnt, but I read Pugli's story
2Axel2001-03-06 00:02:22
All three of em? =)
Axel2001-03-06 00:03:20
ack, no only the 1st
Unknown2001-03-06 00:05:43
Last one seems to be most hilarious :)
Unknown2001-03-06 00:21:10
You took two entirely different matters that aren't even connected and
tried to draw a conclusion by a bunch of points that are basically meaningless.
Have you given much thought to why there is such a rule in the first place?
And how many times it actually HAS been abused to the advantage of another
player? I personally, dont condone any of the actions one way or the other.
As Torment said, we've seen shitloads of logs of people using coin loots
and other suspicious and incriminating behavior and nothing was ever done.
Some people have gotten lucky. If you want to fight back, don't break the
rules...bend them for every fucking thing they are worth and maybe it will
send a clear message. If not theres always real life, and taking breaks when things are frustrating can be refreshing. Unless your Shadrach of course.
Torment2001-03-06 00:28:11
I've always viewed coin looting and actionfleeing like speeding here in the US. Many people do it, some blatantly, some not as much. Who gets a ticket? Completely randomly enforced.
Jaron2001-03-06 00:48:44
To be perfectly honest i think Dain did what he should, no disrepect to the players. he punishes for illegal play, end of story
Fredde2001-03-06 00:59:05
Common Sense2001-03-06 03:00:06
I think these arrogant gods should remember something They serve US we DO NOT serve them! And THEY are changing this game to something retarded Do you think WE wanted Them to screw around with Regen??Or anything else that makes mume even Harder to play?!?I think most gods should be demoted back to lvl 1 and remember how tough it is to play this game from Whitie and Darkie sides.
Torment2001-03-06 03:19:15
The gods don't serve us, they serve themselves and the imps. Make of that statement what you will.
Azg2001-03-06 03:35:12
Nod. Players like Mr Stupid Unknown #1920 a.k.a. Common Sense should realize the gods don't owe you a damn thing. Its ultimately the imps game, and if they want to shut it down they will, I am willing to bet money that the vocal unknowns haven't donated a cent to FIRE, much less know what it is. Bottom line, the gods, like it or not run the game FOR FREE in their spare time, they own you.
Filifjonkan2001-03-06 03:38:29
I don't really get it. What have changed so dramatically on mume that everyone needs to trap, hugegroup, spampoison or even cheat? Don't you remember how hard it used to be when every puke just disapeared as sson as they narrated TRANS? Don't you remember that mages used to have 160 defence, and that stored spells had _no_ cast delay at all? I personally think that sure, Mume today is not perfect... but I think it rocks compared to previous versions. Then about gods and cheating... well this isn't new either, and if you break the rules you should expect to be punished. I'm pretty sure Dain did not enjoy demoting, but did it because he thought that it served a purpose. Since he is not a god rl, I can understand if things get out of hands sometimes and I actually think that this punishment was too harsh compared to the offence. *shrug*, just my 0.02$
Nepenthe2001-03-06 04:30:00
Was much too harsh for two people just trying to have fun that didn't hurt or even affect other players.
Rogon2001-03-06 05:21:39
I've heard player of stormblast quit mume a few times before. I doubt he quits now... he's way too addicted. he'll be BACK!
Alweon2001-03-06 07:56:00
One problem with today's mume to help Filif out: A warrior can slowpam from rd to bree no problem while the person slowtracking him, loses twice the moves. Wanna track at key points to get there quicker? All the warrior needs to do is avoid those rooms. Plain and simple, unless you poison someone at lb, they will get into either rd or fornost no problemo.
Alweon2001-03-06 07:56:34
Not to mention mages and clerics =p (Thieves can hide if they have to)
Raichu2001-03-06 08:51:04
Rogon please just shut your fucking mouth you are making most common sense ppl pissed with your mongoloistic bullshit talks.
Unknown2001-03-06 09:59:10
lol and you quit as well rogon but you won't admit it and you came back so waht's your point?
Merlin->Filifjo2001-03-06 10:18:46
Natash2001-03-06 13:42:07
What people forget that the fight between olorion and stormblast can (knowing stormblast: HAS TO) be interpreted as follows... char a tricks char b in dying, even though there was no yel like 'could you help me, i have a thorn in my paw, and i have exhausted myself putting defensive magics up...' (IMHO one can actually talk about OOC stuff while IC, as long as u try to keep IC) One last thing, i never read it myself, but i just heard the roleplaying argument again... Please, that is the oldest typo i know, saying that MUME is supposed to be roleplaying... ANYTHING anyone does to try to roleplay usually leads to demotes/gamechanges. As long as wobbits mages roam arda, elves can run from the blue mountains to rivendell in less than 3 hours, and other silly stuff like spears being the way they are (lack of pb), and the lack of alternative weapons (missile = bownarrow, try crossbow, or for more fun... sling :)), Mume is NOT something to be mentioned in the same paragraph as roleplaying. Management knows this, and surely will not use RP as an argument in any differences of opinion in MUME.... right?
To Azg2001-03-06 13:53:02
If you read the strict copyright rules that come with Diku
you would understand that in no way shape or form can any organization
make a profit in ANY way for running using they're code. Period.
To Azg2001-03-06 13:53:46
If you read the strict copyright rules that come with Diku
you would understand that in no way shape or form can any organization
make money in anyway shape or form from using the code. PERIOD
NĂ¡mo2001-03-06 14:02:32
In reply to "Common Sense":
>I think most gods should be demoted back to lvl 1 and remember how tough it is
>to play this game from Whitie and Darkie sides.

I for one regularly play newbie characters of both sides of the war. I know I'm not the only person in what is usually referred to as "the management" that regularly do this. The "management" is not a single person with a single mind. We constantly argue and discuss over changes. Together we try to create a world that is both Tolkienistic, fun and interesting to play. I'm sorry that some or most of you feel that we're failing at that.
Azg2001-03-06 14:05:41
I never said they could. Mr Unknown # 1621
Iluvator2001-03-06 15:44:57
I agree completely with you Namo. I've read some pretty stupid stuff up there and I wonder how they ever got that idea. I have 3 char
MOO2001-03-06 16:40:37
Shadrach? Can u type? I thought u didnt have any hands left...
Nerf2001-03-06 18:04:19
I'm still stoned from last night............heh.
Johannes2001-03-06 19:49:08
Well put, Filifjonkan! I agree totally, except I don't think the punishment was too harsh.
According to news, they have broken rules before. Suffer. *Shrug*
Indigo2001-03-07 03:31:06
Nice post Namo. I play both sides now and again, every class/race but troll (mine sundied back when, never going to bother with one again ;), I'm usually pretty rusty, my link sucks, I die alot, but I at least get some idea what its like to be in the trenches. Not that I have much say in the rules tho of course...anyways I think if you compare the "management" on MUME, who work for free, on a game thats free, versus the management on a game like EQ, which you pay for, and the GMS are paid for, IMO the MUME management is at minimum equal, significantly better I would say...
Edvard2001-03-07 16:29:45
shadrach, ofcourse i didnt actually read it...
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