Dagnir's quest
posted by Candid
2001-03-06 15:35:39
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NO PK - don't read if you don't like it, consider yourself warned.
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Candid/Gray2001-03-06 15:36:51
Respond here or by email plz - can't read mumemails from work.
Shala2001-03-06 15:43:35
Dammit man you just HAVE to ruin the fun of exploring new quests for others? I know what the potion did but i aint gonna tell ya...
Raichu2001-03-06 15:48:59
Let everybody explore themselves please?
Arno2001-03-06 15:52:32
I am not pretty sure, but could it be the entish-beverage from Fangorn, that Peregrin and Meriadoc drank when they were in the forest?
Gray2001-03-06 15:53:58
*shrug* I dunno really... Quoting Tairach (or was is Shadrach?): exploring smth in mud is like exploring that crab is cancerous (maybe slightly wrong citation, sorry in advance). I.E. exploring things that some other ppl in the world know already, pointless, no fun at all, just takes tons time. For example I dont wanna test regens/etc to see what is potion for - its why I posted this log.
Natash2001-03-06 16:01:17
Paras2001-03-06 16:02:22
I build this zone, and I am very sorry to see someone ruin all fun for others, and NO, I won't tell you what the potion does ... but still, thanx for the compliment
Roman2001-03-06 16:02:31
craw away! dont ruin the fun here, or we'll kill you like a crab *nod self* *evil grin*
Paras2001-03-06 16:03:38
I build this zone, and I am very sorry to see someone ruin all fun for others, and NO, I won't tell you what the potion does ... but still, thanx for the compliment
Paras2001-03-06 16:04:13
God damn, I hate this page's reload functionality ... :)
Nazgum2001-03-06 16:10:18
potion is +10 mana while you are affected by it Mr. Grey ;)
Fredde2001-03-06 16:16:11
nice going moron!
Nice2001-03-06 16:19:15
going asshole, ruin it for everyone
Kizh2001-03-06 16:24:56
Well done! He clearly stated in the beginning that this was a QUEST and no pk if you read between the lines. If you then read it all, its YOUR own fault, not his for sharing what he thought was a piece of mastermind-thinking. I really enjoyed reading this since I would NEVER do this myself when there are darkies to hunt on Arda!
Skojardu2001-03-06 16:27:37
Actually fredde - reread the log and look for something you missed - and you might see what nazgum saw?
Skojardu2001-03-06 16:33:18
I wish there "are" cool stuff like that for trolls - like i want 10 mana more yeah wooho ah well atleast its shiny.
Raichu2001-03-06 16:33:45
Nod Skojardu Gray needs to play more he does not even see his maxmana is changed
Roman2001-03-06 16:38:05
Gray, why did you insta used the cup? Someone should make quest where you get a cup of wizkill poison [for gray]
Gray2001-03-06 16:38:48
*laugh me* *thank Nazzie* :))) To Raichu: Candid is mapscout, so I really don't bother about his mana :P
Gray to... he k2001-03-06 16:47:13
Roman bat'kovich', ja ne ponjal? Tebe samoutverdit'sja nado za schet menja? Ty *zaebal* obsirat' menja na mume.net, i potom delat' vid chto nichego ne sluchilos' - kogda ja igraju. Ty vojny hochesh? Tak i skazhi.
Roman to grAy2001-03-06 17:06:03
net, smerti tvoej ja poka ne znelaju :)
Gray to Roman2001-03-06 17:33:22
Spasibo i na tom :P *grin* After all, I first tried to taste liquid in cup, but bugged mudlle didn't allowed me to do it. Not mentioning that scouts are useless chars after regen change (so I don't care about their deaths), how else can I find if it's poison or not? Ooh, sorry, I must prac detect poison as prolly all your chars do :P
Cur2001-03-06 17:42:40
How is sharing information with people that may not have the time to explore the mud as much as the rest of you morons ruining anyone's fun. Oh yeah, I see it now. It ruins the fun for those of you that like to be in the know while keeping others in the dark. Right? Very nice coding, btw.
Raichu2001-03-06 18:36:36
Cur, you can share information when it is a little older. The zones just have been built, let ppl who like to explore explore some? Furthermore I agree sure share info but not when zones are new?
Gray2001-03-06 18:48:24
Huh, Lorien is new? Its opened like two weeks ago! And if I was not on vacation when it was opened, I woulda mapped it at the same day or day later, and of course waited a week or two before posting log. 2 weeks are not enough for anyone "who like to explore explore some"?
Eothen2001-03-06 19:12:57
Well first off if you want just a bit of a liquid try "sip".
Second I thought it was funny how you commented that you enjoyed this quest, then proceed to deny that fun to 90% of the mume population by posting EXACTLY how it's done.
Gray2001-03-06 19:34:02
Ouch :) I really confused 'taste' and 'sip' commands, I take back my words about bugged mudlle *apol* :) As about enjoying the quest, hey? I just prayed thanks because this quest was SOLVEABLE, during reasonable time and by one player. Can't say that about Balrog quest - IMHO it's impossible to solve it without help of builders of Moria or friends who already know how to solve it. Try find *underwater* secret yourself? Without knowing where it is? My point is simple - the easier quest is, the better it is (the sooner you solve it and get back to pk - WHICH is fun in mud, not exploring).
Axel2001-03-06 19:50:15
Lucky that I already did the quest. And I actually had fun figuring it out eventhough I got stuck from time to time. Nice you ruined it for all those who do not play every day. And YES YOU ROCK that you managed to figure it out.
Eothen2001-03-06 20:22:46
Yeah I did find underwater secret by myself :)
Unknown2001-03-06 20:43:57
Balrog quest?
Gray to unknown2001-03-06 20:47:58
on my page
Arhar2001-03-06 21:05:31
*laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh* *laugh*
ruin ruin ruin fun
DO NOT READ if you whant to get fun from quest solving.
For example i didnt read this log.
Azg2001-03-06 21:26:43
No one forced you to read it, morons. He warned you didn't he?
Axel2001-03-06 21:36:14
get real Azg, ppl who check mume.net read everything - posting that in public is plain egoistic
Rashnak2001-03-06 22:07:44
A labful of .cz or gazillion of spectacle jokes won't make me quit, but player of Gray and his behaviour in this event and others before just might do it.
adroit2001-03-06 22:17:51
yeah, axel i agree that most people just read everything, and like all dimwitted teenagers who show no self restraint they get punished...translation IF YOU LIKE TO EXPLORE AND CAN'T CONTROL YOURSELF ENOUGH TO NOT READ ITS SOLUTION YOU DESERVE TO HAVE YOU FUN SPOILED now go outside and try to scrape up some maturity
Axel2001-03-06 22:42:23
no Adroit, you grow up - if he shows that stuff to friends it is ok, but doing that in public places is just 'egoistic'
adroit2001-03-06 23:07:36
when i grow up do i get to use words like egoistic? or perhaps you think that this was somehow suppose to be a gray showing off log?! whats your issue he thought it was cool, and shared it with people that might be interested that can't get to it like say me, whose link to the game hasn't existed in 3 months
Axel2001-03-06 23:33:01
Adroit, dunno if you get to use such words, but maybe you will understand em and manage to get a feel for values - you will see how fun it is when you try to create a nice tricky quest and some moron just shouts out the solution. Or for instance you got that super nice present for someone and another person just tells about it. And then reasons: hey, why do you listen - or, hey those zones are already TWO weeks old! It is a matter of how you value the work of others.
adroit2001-03-06 23:54:43
i think it is very dissimilar to the present situation in that this spoilled nothing for those who were going to go do it unless you spoiled it for yourself, but was meant to show the maker that he appreciated it
adroit2001-03-06 23:59:26
sorry for the numerous comments but i just wanted to in addition to the giving paras his due, it was put there for those who would not have been able to experience and appreciate it first hand like me who lacks a link currently, or khiz who would rather pk or any other of the countless instances that would prevent someone from appreciating this truely impressive part of the game
RĂºkan2001-03-07 00:45:38
Any of you hosers ever played any other muds? with quests that take 12hrs to do when you know it? I spent 8 rl months of my playingtime exploring a single area and it's quest, I never managed to solve it 100%, but as far as I know I'm the player who's done most progress (I even led a group to the main monster, thought we failed to slay it). I like MUME since either you die or monsters die, but you don't spend whole day doing them, but I know there are places with a LOT harder quests than mume with stuff that would make underwater room look like it had a sign pointing the way. The builders here are too unexperienced to come up with tricky quests (yeah, verylongboringexitnamethatdoesntshowindesc isnt my idea of tricky) and instead implement this for ppl like Gray who can't do anything else on their own. growl
Gray2001-03-07 12:02:03
Just few quotes. Myself: "don't read if you don't like it". Adroit: "if you can't control yourself enough to not read" - it's your own fault. And Cur: "you like to be in the know while keeping others in the dark"? *clap Cur*, I can't say better! It is you who is egoist, Axel. Quests solving is nothing, only good in quests are exp and items, and fun is in pk.
grunge2001-03-07 12:31:18
Balrog quest? Perhaps if you were to explore moria you could learn it....
Axel2001-03-07 13:52:19
nod Gray, you are right
Rashnak2001-03-07 18:09:37
Gray, you have revealed secrets of a zone to many potential pkers who would have no clue of the area otherwise, and they are now capable of killing someone in there. Therefore you should be listed for breaking cross-race rules.
Rashank2001-03-07 18:13:19
Cur: "sharing information with people that may not have the time to explore the mud as much" is like saying "giving free legend kits to people that may not have the time to do the smobs as much". The reward of exploring is to know the zones, the reward of doing smobs is to get their equipment. Getting to the reward without doing the work should be treated as cheating in both cases.
Paras2001-03-08 11:21:27
Rashnak: All logs are some level of sharing info, ie. cross-race ...
Rashnak2001-03-08 11:26:15
Paras: But they are not (should not be) posted on sole purpose of sharing knowledge.
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