After meeting 14 hardern rangers and instantly mobdying my BN at Neni, I logged on a puke. I met 3 Orcs and attacked them; they fled although I was solo, and I followed one of them into Priest, just to have a total of 6 Trolls, 3 BNs and 8 Orcs portal in on me. I then proceeded to log on my immortal and whine; unfortunately I was a bit upset and insulted a tad too many people, earning a permanent noshout and one week in Morgul Vale. This made me quite angry, and I smashed my hand against the keyboard, breaking both the keyboard and 3 of my fingers (it hurts quite a bit). I doubt I will ever log on a mortal again, although I might log on Idun once my fingers have healed, to talk to friends. Goodbye, I had some great fun over the years.
Cagim | 2001-03-07 10:12:24 |
Unknown | 2001-03-07 10:12:46 |
Toe | 2001-03-07 10:13:58 |
Fyrestarr | 2001-03-07 10:17:45 |
Shadrach | 2001-03-07 10:19:40 |
Baazunga | 2001-03-07 10:24:20 |
Jaron | 2001-03-07 11:18:37 |
Fredde | 2001-03-07 11:20:29 |
liart | 2001-03-07 12:05:13 |
Gimilzor | 2001-03-07 12:32:43 |
Bulldozer | 2001-03-07 12:42:39 |
Zarhuk | 2001-03-07 13:04:37 |
Elmir | 2001-03-07 13:17:26 |
Uinen | 2001-03-07 13:23:58 |
GRUNGE | 2001-03-07 13:27:11 |
Reivax | 2001-03-07 13:29:20 |
David | 2001-03-07 13:43:04 |
Rza | 2001-03-07 13:53:16 |
Toe | 2001-03-07 14:21:43 |
shadrach | 2001-03-07 14:28:40 |
Skojardu | 2001-03-07 14:34:04 |
Idun | 2001-03-07 14:35:05 |
Fredde | 2001-03-07 14:59:22 |
Edvard | 2001-03-07 15:53:29 |
Edvard | 2001-03-07 15:54:52 |
Molak | 2001-03-07 16:02:44 |
Magíca | 2001-03-07 16:05:51 |
Wryak | 2001-03-07 16:06:32 |
Natash | 2001-03-07 16:10:05 |
Shadrach | 2001-03-07 16:14:23 |
Maedhros | 2001-03-07 16:17:19 |
Kakarot | 2001-03-07 16:36:39 |
Hamfist | 2001-03-07 16:41:17 |
Idun | 2001-03-07 17:08:45 |
Vorlin | 2001-03-07 17:20:32 |
Raichu | 2001-03-07 17:51:30 |
Mouser | 2001-03-07 18:12:18 |
A keyboard says | 2001-03-07 18:19:42 |
Idun | 2001-03-07 19:01:42 |
Lochdale | 2001-03-07 20:07:44 |
Unknown | 2001-03-07 20:42:46 |
Harmony | 2001-03-07 20:47:02 |
Idun | 2001-03-07 21:03:53 |
Shadrach | 2001-03-07 21:22:46 |
Magíca | 2001-03-07 21:31:15 |
Harmony | 2001-03-07 21:33:30 |
Lochdale | 2001-03-07 21:34:33 |
Quavair | 2001-03-07 23:47:52 |
Antar | 2001-03-08 01:19:49 |
Molak | 2001-03-08 02:47:25 |
Grang | 2001-03-08 03:16:05 |
Azg | 2001-03-08 03:55:07 |
adroit | 2001-03-08 06:17:58 |