Sly and comp. short vacation at eregion
posted by Morholth
2001-03-07 23:58:04
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just a stabber log dont read if you dont like it.
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Oscarmeyer2001-03-08 00:22:17
Don'tcha love it when pukes play like that? Only thing I would have done different is stabbed the half b4 stabbing the sleeping man at watchtower. *might* have resulted in 3 kills right there (not counting Sly entering and ruining your fun). Great work, but HTF do you track that much w/o dying moveless every day like I do?
morholth2001-03-08 00:27:53
well Oscar now i have bob. ;-)
Shades2001-03-08 00:35:46
Don't you just love newbies? :P
Axel2001-03-08 00:51:13
i never meet grps like that! clap morholth I bet it was fun
Gonfor2001-03-08 00:52:56
I've always enjoyed reading Morholth logs. Glad you're back.
Gonfor2001-03-08 00:55:03
Oh yeah...forgot...who was it who said BN thieves weren't playable? Turns out you just need bob :-)
Agânnâlo2001-03-08 00:55:55
Lovely! Stabbers rule...
David2001-03-08 01:02:40
great logg man, glad to see some ppl with a bad link and a bad class still get kills =)
Durcano2001-03-08 02:08:26
wasnt boring at all ;)
Lurken2001-03-08 02:18:23
BN thieves are overpowered!
Molak2001-03-08 03:15:48
i actually enjoyed that
balzak2001-03-08 04:57:10
i enjoyed the log its soo hard to play theif now without moves
Limey2001-03-08 07:48:22
that was exciting !!! encore :)
Atastor2001-03-08 08:19:06
Nice, but, hell, you promised us Cirdan in this log...Now I am disappointed..:<
Fuinur2001-03-08 08:28:39
Rock on! :)
Enforcer2001-03-08 09:36:26
its nice u get kills morholth but u coulda saved me from mobdeath some days ago! *argh*
morholth2001-03-08 11:02:23
nod Ragface, but i was lost there too, and this damm door was opened so i didnt noticed name of it, when i track down Olo. But we get him soon and he will beg us for mercy, that's for sure. I have bsb for you if you need.
Elmir2001-03-08 11:05:46
Thanks for the shining.
Rocking log actually, nice going.
Johannes2001-03-08 12:11:38
Not boring at all! And gutsy to go for pukes at Cirdan too, *nod* self...
Borodjavka2001-03-08 13:57:33
at a boy, Morholth! kill em all!
Oscarmeyer2001-03-08 14:20:26
One important fact not really shown in log is this: I think it was winter when all this happened. You might have noticed, if I log on this char and it is winter, I rent until water thaws. It takes more balls (bobs?) than I possess to play bn thief in winter :P
Granvil2001-03-08 14:31:48
Nice going. Btw how comes you have detect invis? Is it something to do with the way shroud was recoded (sorry haven't played recently)?
morholth2001-03-08 15:17:56
well, i have to write bug report cause i still dont see srhouded people without detect (it happened after my last reroll). i almost died once by it just after reroll. hmm or maybe it dont depend from char level or what? eny ideas?
Gnarl the mean-2001-03-08 15:52:38
*clap* nice kills...... why can't I find stupid pukes like that. Great
pair of pukes guards standing watch there. Would have been even better
had you been able to whack all three pukes there before their fearless
leader returned. You should have whacked the half-elf second.
I have no clue why he just stood there ..... perhaps a bit shocked at watching
the blood spurting out of his brethern. What a scene that would have been*cackle*

Again well done! Makes me want to dust of my brd and crawl back out of the caves
to find some clueless pukes. (of course when I tire 10 rooms from the slag pit,
my enthusiam will have died down a bit)

Cheers, Gnarl
Voile2001-03-08 16:02:47
Hehe, way to go :)
morholth2001-03-08 16:08:13
hej gnarl i have better idea for your brd, all i could promise that it cant get rusty long time. you know fresh blood is the best for all blades. hmm maybe legend eq should decayed if it isnt in use for month or so? that could help eq hoarders to give some eq to others, hmm nah it wont help they worst then dragons
morholth2001-03-08 16:10:29
aha Oscar you right it was winter, i cut log but i was fainting 2 times when i was chazin them after contact at ravens. but i wasnt play this char so long and started exp my mage so i decided to log morholth for sec.
Guano2001-03-08 17:10:10
Who was the elf and man that died?
Gnarl the mean-2001-03-08 17:13:24
Hehehe, I hardly an equipment horder...... just a weary orc with a small
momento from those days of old when one could hunt and track prey without relying on
magic or special equipment. I just waiting for those days will return again.
morholth2001-03-08 17:20:31
dont rember names atm but one was 17 level mage and other 14 level cleric.
Jahara2001-03-08 17:23:02
I find backstabbing logs better and more exciting that the huge groups. It has
far more strategy behind the tactics instead of the boring throw all the darkies
and pukes into a big meat grinder. Congrats Morholth ;)
Juston2001-03-08 23:00:02
I think you mean Cinard, Cirdan's evil cousin.
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