about rapyr
posted by Tiamat
2001-03-09 20:16:13
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some think he got demoted...
Rapyr mobdied some, he lost lotsa levels and decided not to go on 
with this crap trophy, but since he wanted to keep name, he mobdied even more
to lose all levels and get deleted faster, some guy asked him just what the hell
he was doing and he explained the situation. The god offered his help to get him
to play again with this name so they deleted char and now rapyr is playing again,
he didn't do anything wrong, he's an ok fella, just check your pockets now and then
when he's around...*wink*
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Rûkan2001-03-09 20:55:26
Was it really necessary to post this shit here? I mean I've never heard of that guy and don't really care what happened to him :P
Raichu2001-03-09 20:59:21
Who the fuck is Rapyr =P *shrug*
taroth2001-03-09 21:20:46
nod rukan
(my comment really isn't necessary either but excuse me)
Vorlin2001-03-09 21:49:06
Why do you -care- what's posted here? Dorien might care, it's his site, but if he isn't worried then you have no business being concerned with it. If you want to be a control freak, start with controlling yourself. Leave the rest of us out it.
A control freak2001-03-09 22:09:42
What business of yours is it what comments are written here? They can write whatever
comments they like.
Another control2001-03-09 22:10:24
Why is it your concern if Vorlin objects to the earlier comments? Get a life.
Still another o2001-03-09 22:11:04
Why are you so interested etc.
taroth2001-03-09 22:11:23
You don't want to change something for the better I guess, Vorlin. Well don't be such a freak and let others do it. I would personally like it so that when I click on a log then there really is one...or at least something humorous. It would suck if many ppl started to post stuff e.g. "hey *man* who u were at someplace 3mins ago...you sucked"
Aschit2001-03-09 23:08:12
I find myself agreeing with Raichu here.
Vorlin2001-03-10 00:35:35
I think it's obvious to anyone with an IQ over 4 why he posted the log: because people were sending him tells and such asking if he'd been punished or whatever. So he posts this to clear up the confusion. Change for the better? How is commenting post after post with obnoxious 'This post sucks!' comments helping anything get better? And if you can't figure out that a log of size 500 or so posted by someone you've never heard of is probably going to be marginal reading, well, see above 'IQ 4' comment.
Jaron2001-03-10 00:50:32
who the fuck is rapyr.)
ElriK2001-03-10 01:09:59
WhO ThE FuCk Is AlIcE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rûkan2001-03-10 02:13:57
If someone sends me 1 tell, or 2 people tell me - I don't have to narrate BUSY x 5 like some other people do, I sure as hell don't need to post a log either. Besides, why does Tiamat post this log if it was Rapyr who had himself nuked. Btw. Vorlin "who cares" people are the ones who ruin the mud. Why the fuck do you play if you don't care what other people think?
Vorlin2001-03-10 02:37:22
Rukan, you're first comment here boils down to: only people I've heard of and care about should post here. Raichu and Taroth echoed that sentiment. Since I consider that an absolutely asinine point of view, I flamed it some. You don't seem to like it when people treat you in the same shabby manner you treat others. What a shock.
Elmir2001-03-10 05:29:33
stupid log thanks for the shining Liart.
taroth has iq 42001-03-10 12:05:29
Vorlin, your first comment boils down to:"I don't care at all what logs are posted here but i am very selective about what the comments should be."
the "control freaks" kinda made this point already so no need to repeat actually.
This is still a logstation and not some community board..besides how many ppl could ask rapyr about the demotion? 5? 10? 11? if replying so many times is so hard he should use copy/paste or smth
Btw, the "who cares" ppl really do care but they think that attitude is cool...the ppl who really don't care don't say it
Tiamat2001-03-14 19:11:01
man! you don't like it, don't read, that simple, sorry for you 'oversensitive' guys
who can't read a crappy log, I'm a laisy fella and I hate answering 20 same questions, so I posted log
next time I'll add something to warn you ok?!
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