DT fight
posted by Elmir
2001-03-11 16:05:02
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After Ive defended dt with various elves, I leave to look for orcs. I find track
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Hurolg2001-03-11 16:09:18
well that sucked....
Alweon2001-03-11 16:16:27
Excellent of pukes to keep their composure. Why all the spam looting though? You basically looted crap, and since you blocked in there anyhow, why not just wait till all of them dead, then split the loot?
Gildur2001-03-11 16:19:13
Second attempt after this one wasn't so good, since tower had popped darkie. I died and like 3 others also. At least got like 300k exp in 5 mins, thats fast exp i must say :)
Zimar2001-03-11 16:19:17
i hadnt reeqed much.. sucked.. atleast we got 2 in this fight and 2 of you later...
Prist2001-03-11 16:21:50
Impressive how muck spamlooted my mighty eq.. *cough@greedy pukes*
Muck2001-03-11 16:25:02
and couple hours before this 5 or so darkies cleared dt and we killed them too. it's not really worth it
Zimar2001-03-11 16:28:29
i was ment to loot orc corpses for key..
if i had gotten key.. i coulda gotten out..
Kosmo2001-03-11 16:39:38
Well at least Vainafuck ripped
Bohemond2001-03-11 16:51:46
Bohemond is stunned and will probably die soon.
I was about a minute stunned , noone cured me and i bloodlacked.
Later it turned out that i dint get my staff and gold back , someone probably dropped itto carry more loot since it is useless to anyone but me.
liart2001-03-11 17:01:14
uh charge 8 on 8 overpowered pukes and let vainamoinen,reivax and muck have clear nuking line. Send log where naked darkies wins too?
Elmir2001-03-11 17:12:17
Please send the log where you killed aschit with 8 people in a trap, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
And, I was fighting Mammoth and 3 for ages, recited alot of scrolls etc. but still, Im a wuss that bashtraps/overkills... Why did they port 7 in, and let one orc enter btw? Was it ment to be a trap? Nooooooo... did we backfire? Yeeeeeees. Did Prist block? Yeeeees!
Mammoth2001-03-11 17:32:41
Na Elmir 8P Hats off for trying to fight us 4 in DT without calling for backup
for that long.

Well what can i say... whine all you want about orcies being overpowered.
They ain't.. if pukes just used all the resources they have they'd whoop
us all the time like they whooped us now.

There was nothing we could do.. i ofcourse could've hit some caster
stead of rescuing sharghl but my bet is most warriors had 80+ resc there
Can't beat 100%rescue 150defence/80absorb defence fighters and +4 attack casters.
Simply can't.. gotta overkill em!
Not to mention powerclerics with good age being able to keep 2 buffers
sanced permanently (yes i've tried it.. good age and staff and 107 sanc is the key)

K this sounds like whine.. well it ain't! Pukes are, should be stronger than us
but we won't give up! We come in swarms.. we die.. we kill but in the end
Sauron shall prevail!
Mammoth2001-03-11 17:34:25
You can blabber all you want about charred staves and crap
but all our real good crap decays.. can't hoard special items to use em
in the right moment.. like this fight 8P

Immos! Don't even bother to create neat stuff like charred staves if you make
em decay in 48 rl hours - point/less
Aschit2001-03-11 17:47:30
Elmir, it was 9, not 8 :)
Gildur2001-03-11 18:17:59
Ah Mammoth, you just whine too much! ;)
Magíca2001-03-11 18:56:00
Really nice =) Btw Elmir should get more rescue hehe... I know that it had to be really hard to see in that spam, but Melissa buffed for ages in there =) Funny thing was when Mammoth looted the Dunadan-mobs corpse =)
Jaron2001-03-11 19:26:57
Well it wasn't entirely fair fight no,hihi, but when i came back 2nd fight with Garkan i rowked *noble elf* with my lvl 14 burns *cackle*
Jeremy2001-03-11 22:54:12
Good to see you alive and kicking again Gurra.
I know you would stop playing cpmuddet.
Mammoth2001-03-11 23:28:01
*grin* newbie Magica, bet you couldn't even figure why
grunge2001-03-12 00:37:51
i was wondering why ppl were sorting out their eq while bohemond wasbloodlacking ....
Finwë2001-03-12 03:16:36
So was I Grunge...
Voltron2001-03-12 06:22:36
Bohemond is stunned and will probably die soon. << hrm didnt see what happened? i daresay noone cured him :p
Zhagrat2001-03-12 08:22:22
Nice instead of curing bohemond pukes spammloot.... Keep up the spirit...
Bohemond2001-03-12 09:12:03
Nod Grunge. I was stunned for a tick, just strange that noone notices it out of 8 people. I should have cured self once instead of keeping spambolting at awful hps, probably got critic wound from Zimar's harms. But as darkie i have learned that it is always better to spend all mana to nuking , not to curing self - helps more.
Uinen2001-03-12 09:27:19
Was good timing on that blind on Sharghl :)
Gildur2001-03-12 10:38:45
Well it's easy to see from log, not if you were there. Only the look was like 30 lines, how can you notice someone stunned there unless you have it marked or something. You wasn't there, keep your voice silent.
Liart2001-03-12 11:31:26
Elmir you pathetic slut where in my comment did i say you were the ones trapping, where do I claim that it was overkill, aschit log has already been posted and explained, and didnt naked darkies come back and kick pukearses later? As usual you cant get a single point right dumbfuck.
Elmirs best fri2001-03-12 12:10:44
Dizz2001-03-12 14:06:11
Damn ....if darkies would have gone for casters instead of buffers thing might have looked better ..=/
Meliza to Vaina2001-03-12 15:53:31
We had a nice 1 on 1 fight in there, too bad you were sanced =(
Even tho, we killed you later (my idea) =P
Bohemond to Gil2001-03-12 17:37:16
I'm used to type look after the fight is over. I do it several times. To see victims, corpses for loot etc. It is just strange that noone out of 6 people didn't notice it. I was more that 30 seconds stunned after the fight was over, i wish i had been able to tell or narrate.
Porien2001-03-12 17:56:47
Btw, its not to this log, but anyway - why its harder to play darkies than pukes ? In RL it alway was easier to be Bad boy instead of being right one.
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