What people say whenever MUME is lagging
posted by Vognar
2001-03-12 15:57:37
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MUME freezes. Here are some players' narrates. A lot of loving pr0n comments for
Ginlon narrates 'insane fucking lag'
Bifur narrates 'FUCK LAAAAG'
Ostu narrates 'nice lags'
Aikios narrates 'yeah now i copped the lagg too'
Novari narrates 'I hate it when they download pron.'
Tiamat narrates 'we all are, crap'
Tiamat narrates 'what the hell is this?'
Vicar narrates 'lag bomb'
Kraagh narrates 'is mume laggin ?'
Ginlon narrates 'fucking insane'
Ginlon narrates 'nah, gothmog would warn before this kinda shit'
Ginlon narrates 'gabriel died'
Zarhuk narrates 'damn'
Johnie narrates 'isnt it mume-lag?'
Zarhuk narrates 'lag'
Vex narrates 'bad lag'
Novari narrates 'sweeet, seems to be the server according to tracert '
Vex narrates 'bye all'
Tiamat narrates 'FUCK'
Tror narrates 'it's badlagg!!! *nod self*'
Lunde narrates 'nod... same here...'
Tiamat narrates 'I was almost killed by wolfpack in this STUPID LAG'
Lynxy narrates 'LAGGG'
Lunde narrates 'very very bad..'
Tiamat narrates 'yay, 3 deep wounds'
Lunde narrates '*comf*'
Ginlon narrates 'people died to that lag'
Skyborne narrates '^%$^%#@$%!!!!!!'
Mumma narrates 'woha, lagg :P'
Tror narrates 'Let's all narrate some more, and cause some more lagg!!! =)
Skyborne narrates 'monster lag as soon as we hit cave, and not b4'
Vicar narrates 'ouch'
Finglor narrates 'nod'
Novari narrates 'd00d, I bet someone is h4x0ring the s3rver!'
Warf narrates 'ask reimburse :)'
Valkyrie narrates 'let's hope the mobs are this slow too'
Tiamat narrates 'there we go again...'
Tiamat narrates 'hm, this sucks'
Kraagh narrates 'fuck.......'
You begin to see some clouds.
Lunde narrates '*nod*'
Dorolff narrates 'you are not slow in lag'
Ling narrates 'and wtf is pron =)'
Aneur narrates 'At least you guys don't have guards looking for you!'
Dorolff narrates 'you only see it slow'
Novari narrates 'Ling goto: www.pron-elephant.com'
Aikios narrates 'ack my group all mob died... thats soo friggin stupid... i
hate this lag'
Lathander narrates 'pron is something that is wery bad do download ;)'
Vicar narrates 'dratted downloaders, hogging our bandwidth'
Flinnt narrates 'might ba a DOS attack'
Bifur narrates 'its getting better'
Gubbe narrates 'slain be a lethal mountain troll..god how embarassing'
Bifur narrates 'not'
Mumma narrates 'i wont go outside rdell!'
Heldo narrates 'nod'
Tiamat narrates 'noooo, no guards, wolfpacks'
Tiamat narrates 'even more fun...'
Daren narrates 'i cant move'
Tiamat narrates 'woohoo, lag gone?'
Maali narrates 'it were freezing and when i came back saw 3 wolves dead :P'
Zarhuk narrates 'hehe,it comes back'
Maali narrates 'no no'
Maali narrates 'its not ok '
Vicar narrates 'darkies all downloading pron'
Dorolff narrates 'what is that pron thing?'
Novari narrates 'I bet they're trying to install Windowz 2000 on the server
because it's faster, right guys...'
Tiamat narrates '*groan* NO'
Tiamat narrates 'hullooo, take care of this gods?'
Kraagh narrates 'fuck is this goin to be repared???'
Raze narrates 'oh looks like the lag isnt gone'
Lathander narrates 'pron is something that is very bad do download ;)'
Vicar narrates 'actually, there is one god (Eru) and lesser deities, Ainur'
Vicar narrates 'www.greasygurlz.com'
Vicar narrates 'rofl'
Madmartigan narrates 'it's cold during a freeze'
Vicar narrates 'farging lag!'
Daren narrates 'how long will it be'
Vicar narrates 'shazbot'
Goldilocks narrates 'Ahhh, the lag killed me! :('
Maali narrates 'when its gonna stop ?'
Kraagh narrates 'seemsnever'
Mandor narrates 'Let me guess, are 95% or you spam-pinging mume right now?
Adding to the lag?'
Heldo narrates 'I got no lag!'
Vicar narrates 'when little freshmen stop downloading pron'
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Vognar2001-03-12 15:59:11
It's for whitie side, I think that darkies weren't much of difference in their narrates. :)
Pilois2001-03-12 16:39:32
You missed the part where Maali narrates "STOP IT!" ten times
Gonfor2001-03-12 16:39:55
Isn't Pron Tron's brother?
Iyachtu2001-03-12 16:47:14
As all know..orcs know lot dirtier words :)
Raichu2001-03-12 17:16:28
It was a lot more like FAKK FAKK FAKK in the narrates on the trollside ;P
Salmar2001-03-12 17:50:57
Vicar narrates 'darkies all downloading pron' *GIG*
Madium2001-03-12 17:55:40
You forgot me! i get sick of lag to =P
Toe2001-03-12 17:59:59
Damn! I always miss the fun parts :/
Unknown2001-03-12 19:01:41
what prun ? no pron or prun there
Unknown2001-03-12 19:02:13
ah i seeeeee
Ilmarin2001-03-12 19:48:03
I love ppl narrating that ppl should stop narrating because it would even lag Mume more. Like 40 narrates would slow down the machine/link 0.001 promille?
Arhar2001-03-12 19:54:56
Ilmarin 100 different stations, who are pinging mume server can slow down link to server from ISP
Rogon2001-03-12 21:21:24
Seriously cool. Can someone post a log of the narrates the hours before this too? I want to read it.
krul2001-03-13 15:52:45
What the fuck is pron?
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