Surge thinks he is smart !
posted by Switch
2001-03-16 05:27:49
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Surge thought he was smart but i guess he dident think .
*>The Common Room
You stand in the main room of the Prancing Pony Inn. A big table is in the
middle of the room and some smaller ones are around in dimly lit corners.
Here hobbits and foreigners talk loudly of the events happening in the
farthest regions of Middle Earth. 
You can catch snatches of conversations about
Fornost, Rivendell, Tharbad, The Grey Havens, ... and the unnamed Shadow that
grows in the East.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
A large stone fireplace with a roaring fire warms the room.
A fine marble chessboard with ivory and ebony pieces is set here.
Scipio the Man is standing here.
Exits: East.

Gama narrates 'hm, you're busted?'

*>transe surge
cast 'transfer' surge
You muster all of your concentration...

Surge tells you 'up your ass...just bend your head down...and look in'll see me'

Surge suddenly arrives.

* Mana:Hot>
Surge has left the game.

* Mana:Hot>grin
You grin evilly.

* Mana:Hot>loo
The Common Room
You stand in the main room of the Prancing Pony Inn. A big table is in the
middle of the room and some smaller ones are around in dimly lit corners.
Here hobbits and foreigners talk loudly of the events happening in the
farthest regions of Middle Earth. 
You can catch snatches of conversations about
Fornost, Rivendell, Tharbad, The Grey Havens, ... and the unnamed Shadow that
grows in the East.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
A large stone fireplace with a roaring fire warms the room.
A fine marble chessboard with ivory and ebony pieces is set here.
Scipio the Man is standing here.

* Mana:Hot>
Scipio falls down laughing.
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Alweon2001-03-16 06:15:30
Well, I don't see a point in playing that character again since he was killed off of Sauron's list. I hope he doesn't think he will have anyone's respect for his past actions either.
Unknown2001-03-16 12:59:58
what the fuck is this saurons list everyone's talking about?
Unknown2001-03-16 14:24:23
If a whitiechar repeatedly sameside playerkills he can be put on saurons list. This means that it's free for anyone to whack him and that he will become level one upon death.
Alcion2001-03-16 16:08:43
Chuckle, I still think Grang rules.
Alweon2001-03-16 19:05:42
That is because he kills people, then gives you labbies the eq so you don't hunt him =p He does that with a lot of people.
Grang2001-03-16 21:35:17
i AM the fuckin shit! i appreciate your respects alcion!
Gilallen2001-03-17 00:29:12
Surge is such a POS he asked me to group and I say sure. He leads me to BM farm and closes gate. Then blinds me, attacks and cast burning hands. Keep in mind please I was lev 6 not inco. He had to be lev 9 or 10 and inco. This is cowardice at it's worst. Linkless killers are scum but same side pray on lower lev is total shithead. I got away BTW. Get a clue surge.. learn to play darkie.
Unknown2001-03-17 03:37:23
I'm kinda pissed at everyone bashing Surge for same side pk. After you play MUME long enough, regular pking gets boring and you want to try something else.
And considering Surge just ripped, he had no eq and was busted back to level 1 for being listed, theres no real point for him not to just use 'quit' just to piss someone off.
Juston2001-03-17 05:35:49
Then go play a fucking godwars mud and go away.
Surge2001-03-17 05:43:29
Juston is gay...repeat, Juston is gay.
Juston to Surge2001-03-17 06:55:09
Impressive, devoid of an intellectual leg to stand on you resort to the time-tested method of calling people 'gay.' Didn't really expect much from you so *shrug*.
grunge2001-03-17 07:34:41
there was only one good sameside pk'er, pMournblade, who has since long been gone...
Ophelia2001-03-26 22:31:43
geez!!!! why didn't anyone tell me this was here????
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