something didn't work right in this
posted by forek
2001-03-20 17:56:56
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entered roots. never got trapped message. Shimoom enters and gets entangled so
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Herold2001-03-20 17:59:28
Elmir died quite a while ago the same way. Don't use bash dis to get out of roots
You might get out for a second but they'l remember you next time, and trap you without you noticing it!
forek2001-03-20 18:00:14
I wasn't trapped in em. never got a trapped message
David2001-03-20 18:01:10
wow.. harold didnt look like a chump.. NOPE =P
what a chump
Alweon2001-03-20 18:07:20
No offence dude, but live by the roots, die by the roots. Anytime anyone goes vale, you try to trap them there... I believe the your 5 on 2 yesterday at that exact spot sums it up.
forek2001-03-20 18:08:59
laugh 3 on 2 was yesterday. and this has nothing to do with living and dying with using roots. it has to do with a feature that wsan't working. How does a bug in muddle mean anything about dying in roots feature? Normally u have decent comments Alweon, that one just sucks
ElfyFan2001-03-20 18:16:10
When you hit roots, they instantly trap you when you are in the same room with them.
No message in that case too!
Rogon2001-03-20 19:13:33
Log doesnt even show when you enter the roots. why not? why claim you were never trapped, and not even show it!? besides, if you bash dis, you're still trapped, bash dis means you can leave the room while roots is bashed, not that they release their grip. you probably entered, got trapped, bash dised, left, came back, and thought you're not trapped anymore?
Torment2001-03-20 20:01:56
If Alweon is referring to when we got Silwyth there last night, it was actually a reverse trap on Sunaire (Nazgum char trapping, go figure!). They had already trapped and killed Heretic there with a troll charmie. We came in from the south (we being me Morla, and a level 15 dude) when they were gone to lure more, killed the charmie, then wacked away when they camee back chasing Forek. Sunaire lived by using a stored port heh.
Tony2001-03-20 20:41:08
When you bash dis roots you should leave and enter again and if you get trap message
do the same again until you dont get it.
If you bash dis and stand still you will be entrangled again without message.
Silwyth2001-03-20 21:41:39
I have good enough defense if i had thought about it quick enough i coulda fled, hit roots (maybe if you didn't hit quick enough) and bash dis them and flee without eating a bash from you guys, woulda been nice escape.
Torment2001-03-20 22:32:57
Heh, your defense wasn't that good Silwyth, I didn't miss a hit on you once. You did spam flee like a wildman though! I'd give you an A for effort on that part :)
Torment2001-03-20 22:36:27
Best part of the fight was Sunaire laughing several times before store porting out cause he knew he'd just fallen for his own trap hehe. Could literally see the 'Oops!' on his face hehe.
Veluslol2001-03-20 22:37:31
I was the lvl 15 dude!! Thanks for first kill.
Finwë2001-03-21 01:00:21
Tony - you're wrong. Rogon is right - if roots trapped you and you reenter room without killing them, you get trapped without a message. I think this is bad coding.
Alweon2001-03-21 01:16:31
I guess I should apologize to Forek. I am having a bad day =p Thanks for thinking my comments are decent! =)
Torment2001-03-21 02:00:37
What some call bad coding, others (usually with titles like Vala, Muddler, etc) call features!
Alcion2001-03-22 13:26:59
Who's Elfy? Alot of chit-chat going around about him/her but I've never seen or heard him/her live!
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