Morholth dies
posted by Tapja
2001-03-21 02:27:40
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Was just pure luck, no skill involved :) Was minding my own busyness, heading b
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Aschit2001-03-21 02:43:42
You're Welcome!
Jahara2001-03-21 03:37:04
YEZZZ, magic missile power!!!
Nepenthe2001-03-21 04:00:33
Once again, it seems that the fabled poison-save feature of black arm wrappings is really nothing more than fable. =P
tapja2001-03-21 04:21:48
hihi, forgot to add that it was Aschit who had poisoned him, and thanks to aschit I got the kill. Gave him some of the loot :)
Aschit2001-03-21 04:31:47
And thanks to you for the loot! I probably would have caught up with him eventually during his nap, but probably doesn't pay the housekeeper! Was very generous to split like that. However, I wish I had thought to ask about gold, since I have barely enough to keep my moneybag from floating away in the breeze.
Alweon2001-03-21 06:40:57
Save vs poison, doesn't mean you are immune to getting it, it just means you have a better chance of not getting it than if you did not have the wrapping. Well, that was quite a tick Tapja had earlier! =p Lost every spell on you? *chuckle* comf Morholth, you'll be back to terrorize them Tharbadders!
Maghrib2001-03-21 08:14:56
nice job tapja! 'n good looting *400 laurent* :P
Pampalini2001-03-21 08:15:03
Heh like he had any chance to survive...
Prist2001-03-21 09:19:46
Logs like this make me feel sad :((((
Uinen2001-03-21 10:52:13
Like those midlevels down greenway have any more chance to survive when Morholth stabs them dead in one try.
Prist2001-03-21 10:54:35
Uhm, Uinen my dear, how is bn thief supposed to kill those midlevels then? :P
Skojardu2001-03-21 11:42:33
BN vs midlvl = bn win --- BN vs Legend = 85% legend win --- Troll vs everything = 100% troll will have a lunch.
morholth2001-03-21 11:53:39
yea Tapja was lucky there poison +lag = death. btw of course usin arachania is quite ok and most fair then traping *wink Aschit*. problme is that bn has sucky rem poison. i backfired my 2 attemps and needed 1 berries to do antidote my badluck, but even after death i was still 10 on warlord so Uinen i dont only kill newbies. but i really dotn care about your opinion. Clap for tapja that she warlorded i hope i whack fast someone with gleamin (its must for bn thief)
Aschit2001-03-21 15:07:32
*ponder* poison in a 1 on 1 fight is somehow as bad as trapping 9 on 1? *wink Morholth*. And, to further my point: Exa corpse corpse here) A slender dagger (brand new) Some sort of liquid is smeared on it a fetid green vial So venom is more fair than arachnia too? *ponder*
Aschit2001-03-21 15:08:09
Damn editor won't even save my spaces, let alone my line breaks! :P
Aschit2001-03-21 15:09:39
BTW, reason you were still #10 warlord is the 'feature' that prevents you from falling off when you die. Instead, you have to wait for someone else to gain some wps (even if they already have more than you), then the game checks and relists the warlords. (or something like that)
Tairach2001-03-21 15:28:07
I want to react to Morholt's statement that gleaming is a must for bn thief. Maybe Morholth didn't notice there was change with endurance so it no longer affects moveregen, instead CON affects it directly. Thus if its must for BN thief, its must for any thief.
morholth2001-03-21 15:31:06
i know how 10 place on list works but u dont see my point why i tell that uinen. and venom is child toy compared to arachnia, anyway my badluck here nothin more,
Alweon2001-03-21 16:21:37
That is the problem with playing a BN thief so far removed from safety =( Tharbad isn't usually the closest place to anyone else when you need help (ie. Remove poison in this case). I applaud you for fighting gway/tbad/eregion, but when you need back-up/help, I imagine it would take a while to get there =( I don't have a bn thief, but I can imagine the trouble one would be in if he were to be poisoned (of any type) way over dere.
Tapja2001-03-21 16:48:38
At 2001-03-21 11:53:39, Morholth commented: Clap for tapja that she warlorded...
Hihi, its a He btw, not she.
Samurai2001-03-21 18:19:54
Morholth, ouch dude. Ask me for flasks next time you see me...half a pound each, and
worth their weight in gold! Then no more deaths to pathetic Tapja. BTW Can't believe you actually wanted
other people to see how lamely you got to warlords, Tapja.
Re: Tairach (As2001-03-21 18:56:40
Endurance was changed so it doesn't affect move regen? I missed this somewhere! So what are effects of endurance now? (*Drools over the possibility of 20 spare pracs from decaying endurance*)
Pansar2001-03-21 23:08:48
I guess endurance improves your total hp and mps now I guess. I'm probably wrong though.
Aschit2001-03-22 13:43:38
I asked Namo, and he, at least, says endurance DOES improve move regen.
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