I have to abuse doriens page some more it seems,
*shrug* I'm having problems with my stupid airline, I can't
get a flight before June 15th. So, I'm looking into what
dates I can get flights, and they said anytime between Jun 15th
and Jul 15th shouldn't be problems.
Anyways, I don't know who else is travelling to sweden this
summer, it sounds like a few were though whom I talked to.
I guess I'm asking if no one minds if the Mume meeting could
be put off for an extra two weeks or so. Otherwise if others
have booked tickets and such I'll just skip on this one and
book tickets some other time.
I'm not asking Mume meeting date to be moved yet, I would
just like to know if it would be a problem for anyone, and
if not then I would try to rebook diff flights and ask
gothmog to reset date a little further in june.
p.s. cozy lil canadian still lookin for places to stay
if things manage to work out.