posted by Idun
2001-03-23 22:18:09
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/at raiden exa
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Toe2001-03-23 22:26:39
Aista2001-03-23 22:36:01
Whats funny?
Arhar2001-03-23 22:38:12
Raiden is here The ;quit now seems to be closed., riding Skippy the kangaroo
"quit now seems to be closed." I suppose that is illegal.
Reivax2001-03-23 22:46:56
This is obviously a fake log! Skippy would never trap! *nuzzle skippy*
Unknown2001-03-24 00:07:51
And their leader is norsu :)
*a Saudi Arabia2001-03-24 01:06:17
I got lost, anyone have some directions?
Mors2001-03-24 01:13:36
Skippy rules!
Idun2001-03-24 01:18:08
I give up on Magica, and turn to Zaber instead, it was fun being hetrosexual, b ut I will enjoy JOhannes even more, I think.
Idun2001-03-24 01:50:44
*sigh* could you not at least try to make it plausible when you comment in my name?
Idun2001-03-24 01:52:51
Oh btw, MagĂ­ca stopped talking to me when I ran out of spares a few weeks ago.
Unknown2001-03-24 02:07:48
We all know this Idun
Reef2001-03-24 07:39:22
Idun2001-03-24 12:04:39
I play with myself often! *Flex*
David2001-03-24 15:30:42
idun, stop behavin like a nutt.. i never have spares for her.. and she still talks to me so =)
Rik2001-03-24 15:36:45
Raiden = Maia, anyone ever heard that maiar can make 1 room for himself.
And change the room descr. and can even use colors in those descr.
Idun2001-03-24 21:52:04
Well David, she stopped talking to me when I ran out of spares, giving no explanation whatsoever. If you want more details, use mume tells.
David2001-03-25 01:14:20
if you dont want your name trashed on the internet, dont trash others.. because im sure you dont know the half of it..
grunge2001-03-25 01:23:31
she talks to me, but that's only cause she knows that I am the only one that can give her monster orgasms....not like i'll ever meet her, but she has to keep her options open ya know :P
Idun2001-03-25 04:23:06
David, care to fill me in on the half I don't know?
David2001-03-25 12:47:05
not really.. just leave it and move along with out throwing bad shit around the room..
Harad2001-03-25 16:49:17
*sniffs* Bad shit?
Harad2001-03-25 16:49:28
Meesa dont smell no bad shit.
David2001-03-25 23:17:07
heyh.. harad.. do you want bad shit in your room? no shit is good shit.. but bad shit.. is baaaaaaad shit..
Johannes2001-03-26 04:01:52
Skippy may never trap, but that RubTemp fella is a wiley bastard I tell you...

And who let that blasted carpet salesman in!?
Harad2001-03-27 17:18:40
Bad shit.!()!
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