posted by Aschit
2001-03-28 02:05:27
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Morthe dies to diam, focus, and prist, I head east thinking I'll just meet them
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Jahara2001-03-28 02:25:07
I like the ending. It reminds me of oblivion.
Aschit2001-03-28 02:33:41
As you see by this log, I had *no* clue that Morthe and elf were literally 1 room away for most of the fight (compare to Diam's log where he flees into their room several times). Also, if I had just thought to move into Prist's room after Diam died, Prist would have been toast too, and his vines were almost dead by that point, so I could have killed them to escape. Before anyone asks, Morthe got the spare eq, since he had just died to Diam.
Aschit2001-03-28 02:35:18
BTW, How is that eq-sharing for char separation? Most of you know of my 'fued' with Morholth. Obviously, I was more than happy to help out Morthe (who I believe is same player). I may be a clueless, whiney, spamnarrating, smartassed, lagged permanewbie, but at least I'm a nice one!
Prist2001-03-28 02:53:12
Morthe didn't die to diam, morthe jumped out of the castle windows and spamdted afterwards :)
Aschit2001-03-28 03:01:44
*nod* He told me that, I forgot to clarify in log. Also, from reading Diam's log, he was chasing Morthe, and you weren't locating me. Yet another twist of fate in this tale ;)
swork2001-03-28 03:01:44
I agree with Diamonium, lucky newbie. Instead of walking ONE room east and killing BN who was stuck in vines, you deal with looting diam's shit. And then, being NOT even tired, and on river, you narrate for fucking help?! Camoon.
Aschit2001-03-28 03:24:33
I know quite well (from experience) that carrying two sets of eq without bob is fatal. I thought both bns were chasing me (I didn't realize right away that Prist must have been low hps or mana from the muddle, as Diam was already dead by the time I realized the vines did dam just by trapping you.) And, as they say, 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' I wasn't about to leave a full set of eq lying in a corpse with at least 2 other darkies around. If I had managed to get trapped in another set of vines, I would have died to Focus if he had just entered the room (I was hurt hps when my vines died.) Yes, I was wimpy, but I'm sure as hell not going to enter a room with unknown contents/muddle when I'm already down on hps and have *never* been in the area before. I took my loot and ran. If I hadn't, Prist would probably have died, but I likely would have also.
Grimble2001-03-28 04:28:19
whoops...drop canoe....get all 2.corpse....*comf*
Mochomurka2001-03-28 09:08:21
how can Swork call someone newbie :P
Focus2001-03-28 09:19:40
It was 1:20 AM and I have to get up at 7. So I really needed to get some sleep. I was ABR, when Diam narred for help. I arrived too late ofcourse (Aschits tracks 2 tick old). Sucks. But what Morthe and Shala did was funny as hell. Both jumped out of different windows and died :). Thou such behaviour is ruining my trophy. I trying to keep solokills over 50%, but pukes who run past me and then decide to kill themselves really make it hard.
morthe2001-03-28 12:08:10
well Focus, hmm it could really be funny from your side hehe (i save i wp ;-)
first time i killed us both when we fall down. Second someone told us that we could recover eq so we decided go there back (i gad only lantern so really no reason to fight vs 3 sadists) so when i was tryin spamm away after i found my corpse empty i found another nice window out. btw Diam u were that place just too long (5rl h or so)so someoe finnaly should kick your black ass.
Râze2001-03-28 12:51:22
NICE! now now aschit remember your little naked hobbit friend now ;D he needs reeq! *funk*
Shala2001-03-28 14:30:42
Dammit Morthe was there for the first time, you lead me in i didn't know my way out, and STILL i didn't die there even with Prist and Diam. Later i went back with another char (lower level, cause that was the only one i had equipped), and STILL i didn't manage to kill myself even once... Even when fleeing around maybe look at exits sometimes? Or if they really on you so bad just flee (traps and falls are usually noflee). To Mocho: Swork can call someone a newbie cause he rocks?
Relim2001-03-28 14:48:47
I know it's against yer nature, Aschit ol' boy, but if you used shoot, you could've made a lot more toast there... (killed diam very quickly, killed vines even quicker and waded into bn to spank his ass :P)
Aschit2001-03-28 15:06:51
Relim, I don't have the pracs just to get all the thief skills I want. My only out-of-class skills are endurance and 'poor' level of parry. I don't have a *single* spell even :P And Focus, if you check my log you can see you were in next room as I left Diam's corpse :) You were far less than 2 ticks too late :)
Watár2001-03-28 16:07:56
Yeah traps and falls are usually noflee Shala? You still can flee into any of the timed dt's there and I saved serrated rocks dt 2x when I fled there (tho it's fixed now), exploring has these nice things :P the vines was a total shock, I died (dt death) to them the first time I was there, goddamn sun :/
Gonfor2001-03-28 20:19:51
These vines are nasty. I was tping and came across them. Spam fled from full moves to fainting. I managed to escape once...and fled right into another set of vines :-( Oh well.
Relim2001-03-28 22:42:25
*poke* Aschit. Missile is neither out-of-class or a spell. I know you don't use it on most of your scouts (any?) - was an observation tho. Drop that max steal ;) (<- I hope i don't need to spell out that the last bit was a joke... :P)
Aschit2001-03-29 00:14:23
I didn't mean to imply that I consider missile out of class, etc. My point was that even though I only have 2 skills out of class (average or so endurance and poor parry) I don't have the pracs to spend on missile. And, yes, both of my other scouts *do* have missile skill to some extent or other. I even have a warrior with some missile skill :)
Jocke2001-03-29 08:34:42
What on earth was Dia doing thouhg? Panic mode?
Aschit2001-04-01 03:30:31
You can break free of the vines if you get insanely lucky. I think he knew he was screwed in day, and was trying for his only chance :P
Aschit2001-04-01 03:31:05
BTW, note my 'rocking' stab with slender dagger: to hurt, and didn't even drop armour.
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