Dream log
posted by Nuniel
2001-03-29 00:59:53
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Not really a log in the traditional sense - this is a dream I had about MUME, fo
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Diam2001-03-29 01:03:33
Diam2001-03-29 01:11:39
btw, sorry for overkilling guys =( but i have had enough of it happening to me, so expect me to trap and overkill
or poison
Aragazt2001-03-29 01:18:52
AHA! I knew i was not the only one seeing all my dreams in 80x25 text only mode!
swork2001-03-29 01:30:46
Laugh, just like me already :)
Aschit2001-03-29 01:55:46
When I was in college (and mume-ing about 3 hours a day most days, more on weekends) I would find myself using 'tell' and 'say' etc. in emails. Once or twice I actually used the word 'say' when I was talking to someone RL. At that point I realized I had to either stop playing so damn much, or stop talking to people RL. I chose the former :)
Diam2001-03-29 02:01:49
// btw, sorry for overkilling guys =( but i have had enough of it happening to me, so expect me to trap and overkill or poison //
Tho i didnt write this, it is the truth!

Jocke2001-03-29 08:11:35
This is what i have experienced.
The dialoge that took place a summer day in -98.
Me and an old MUME player walks the streets a friday night after a visit to a
local pub. We stumble upon a guy lying in an alley looking all but sober.
The MUME player- Look at that guy, is he dead or just drunk? What do you say we loot
his corpse?
Me - Hmm get real, he is drunk and half asleep. You can't just walk up to somone and
rob him like that.
The MUME player, why not? He might have some EQ i need. I like those boots.
Me - (now i start to realize he is kidding and follow him) Well if you think they
fit, but i doubt you can find a mender this time of day though.
The MUME player - They should fit, he is human sized.
Me - Well if you're going to loot something, loot his gold atleast.
The MUME player - Yea, that i should do.
Two patrolling police men drives by.
The MUME player - Damn City Guards are here. Maybe we should leave the corpse as
it is.
Me - Yea good idea, Lets hit Thirsty Rangers before they close.
a snot2001-03-29 08:29:31
I have a true story about mume addiction as well. It was in the days when I still
played puke regularly and didn't hate everything. I was hunting with Reivax late in the evening who
confessed to me he had this problem. The thing was he really had to go pee, but
the door of his lab worked so that it locked itself when you left this late. Since
he was alone in the lab at the time, and the WC was outside the door. You get the
problem. I tell him as a joke 'well, does your lab has a window that is not alarmed?'
He said 'hm...true'......he said 'hm...afk a min'......he said 'back...'......
he said 'damn, I think somebody might have seen me, I heard people laugh outside'......
he said 'maybe it was just drunkards'. Well, I guess nobody will ever know. If I don't
remember it wrong, his lab was also on the second floor facing a street or so :P.
Donna2001-03-29 09:13:07
I don't know if this is normal, but when I meet a new person i always think by myself: exa . And when I'm hungry I mumble: cast 'create food', eat mushroom. This is really sad, but I'm glad to hear i'm not the only one.
David2001-03-29 10:05:09
hahahah.. this cracked me up =)
Arhar2001-03-29 11:50:21
Xexexe im not alone who ave seen many dreams in 80X40 textmode and use ' in emails
hehe it is fun when you sit in unix terminal writing some script :) and periodicaly hit stat and sc
or inf in bash.
Uinen2001-03-29 12:05:26
This is another perfect place to post that classic account of Slayer headbutting Stockholm cityguards :).
Natash2001-03-29 12:24:00
Whenever i chat/use Matlab: sc/stat/inf/who (which works in matlab, aswell as stat :) even changed colours from white on black to black on white :P)
I use social emotes all the time (in RL, saying: LAUGH, ROFL, spit, pat me etc...

Tho dreams like this i never had in 80x40... Even better... walking around in normal forest, when *an Orc* (Like that... yellow courier font letters ;)) would come and smite me all the time... Tho... mume changed from being a dreamworld, to just another game *sniff*
*a Newbie*2001-03-29 18:00:29
What did Slayer do? .P
Lurken2001-03-29 18:07:36
Friend of mine who used to play Anothermud, Burning + tons of more did this: a friend of his called him and woke him up, he told him to use tell instead cause its free of charge and hung up.
Shala2001-03-30 03:43:59
Ok, since this is the place fol such tales, here's mine. Some 4 nights back i had a really cool dream. I was running around somewhere and found a river, started swimming across, and drowned, well shitty day... Next moment i'm back home again, pick up the phone and call my friend to "go loot my clothes at the river, cause i'm spamming there as soon as i get full moves". Next thing i sleep a little, and go running toward the river through the city i live in naked, everywhere i see people staring and me, so i finally crack and yell at em: "WTF are you all staring, never seen a drowned person before?!". Well story had a happy ending and i got my clothes back... And i'm really surprised i didn't accidentally manage to spam any inf or sco here...
adroit2001-03-30 08:22:10
sometimes while i am working on a project, especially biochem related work, i start thinking to myself things like "Damn, where does 2,6 bisphosphofructose kinase load again?" or the night before a project is due or a grant proposal must be submitted and it is no where near done i sometimes ask my partners "wouldn't it just be simpler to go whack someone with a proposal that is already done?"
Kestrel2001-03-30 18:24:11
I am very happy these kind of things happen to other people. Often I dream in text, and the real crazy ones have layers of text...like 2 or 3 telnet windows on top of each other (though I can see through them). After hearing your tales, I realize that I am not completely insane yet (or at least, I am with friends). :) I love these stories!
Johannes2001-04-03 14:55:47
*ROFLMAO* (Can't say I didn't dream of MUME once or twice, but really hehhehe)
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