Breeze Dies
posted by Moonglum
2001-04-06 10:24:01
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Three VS One Fight.
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Shadrach2001-04-06 10:30:31
THanks for the log, i was bored at work
Rogon2001-04-06 10:50:34
I'm shocked. moonglum spamquaking
Moonglum2001-04-06 11:01:23
spam-quake solo ... vs ... spam-poison with group of four ... fuck off rogon
Trisk2001-04-06 11:02:48
Moony yea mate! Way to go, all that was missing were the cheerleaders!
Shala2001-04-06 13:40:04
FUCK! I need myself a darkie quaker, this trick only works on pukes... Vs darkies you get bashed after 2.quake or if no basher they just flee out *sigh*
Rogon2001-04-06 15:43:10
Hihihi, some people are touchy :)
Mammoth2001-04-06 16:01:40
*tickle Rogon* ... Rain.. feel it on my fingertips
Nazgum2001-04-06 16:13:05
As I have always always said, Moonglum fucking rocks!! And, it's hilarious to see Rogon bitches at someone for using quake when solo vs a group of 3 legends (Breeze and Barret are legends anyways, elf probably is) as he NEVER NEVER plays solo, and uses poison as every fucking char he plays in a massive overkill group vs some solo puke. *cough* You rock moonie :)
a snot2001-04-06 16:22:03
rogon sure plays solo, as puke, as raindrop - and what stored spells is it he is spamming? *choke*
Elmir2001-04-06 17:19:17
Quit whining and do whatever you want, its a game... Please store 2 fireballs if you think thats better, store 5 earthquakes if you feel like it, use 3 types of different poisons, use fear scrolls, use scrolls, draught if youre out of moves and use the features when they are avaliable.
adroit2001-04-06 17:26:40
YES ELMIR! we should all just do whatever the hell we want to with no concern for how it might impact the game. we should all move to sweden to get a 10 ms link and sit in a lab and destroy all the fun for the rest of the mume population, we should roam all of arda with packs of 50 elite players annihilating every smob, and player and horde all the eq, and hide behind cheap excuses like it's just a game, or but it's what I think is fun.
Elmir2001-04-06 17:35:48
Get a life... I didnt say abuse them, I said use them... learn the different american pornstar wannabe? Seriously, your attitude sucks big fucking dick and Im sure youre doing the same just so your father wont smack your ass everyday.
adroit2001-04-06 17:54:14
I realise that english is not your native language, but seriously.."learn the different american pornstar wannabe?".. and the rest of your comment..well i'm glad that rather than trying any sort of rational dialogue you would rather gibber on like a 12 year old with phalic obsessions. I agree features are put there to be used but many people like to ballance on the edge of abuse and hide behind that arguement. I think it is especially sad since most of the people doing it have the ability (which i admittidly don't have) to be unbelievable without the use of such stretching the limits of the use/abuse line.
adroit2001-04-06 17:55:44
And yes I know there are misspelled words in there before you bring up the language thing again..I am dyslexic-you might as well tease a blind person for not being able to see properly
To Adriot2001-04-06 17:57:03
Erhmm... How can one hide behind excuses like its just a game??? Thats not an excuse Adriot, It's a fact that MUME is A GAME. For those of you who think otherwise I can only say I feel sorry that you don't have a life to relate to, and compare it to MUME so you know the difference...
Nefarios2001-04-06 18:12:43
nothing changes that NSL sucks a big fat one! fuck nsl!

i think ill send a pipebomb to their lab...
Lochdale2001-04-06 18:24:37
Hmm...Adroit makes an excellant point Elmir re: Abusing game features via a link and a lab. That said, Adroit, don't insult someone on their prose when it is not in their native language...though the phallic obsession was witty.
Rogon2001-04-06 18:28:06
Yup i ran around some and storequaked with raindrop, so I THINK I AM ENTITLED TO GIVE MY OPINION ABOUT IT! - pathetic!
Moonglum2001-04-06 18:33:15
Hehe. I think I'll quit posting / reading logs. All we ALL do is bitch and moan about them anyway. *wink* By the way, if you are REALLY bored, check out this site ...
Rogon2001-04-06 18:42:55
I dont mind if people whine at me! why do you? laugh at the complaining one instead! I just feel sorry for the ones who doesnt dare use their names.
Lothlahn2001-04-06 18:46:03
I tried to quake once, it failed horribly... And my native language is not english, why should it be? English is such a dick language. If it was I wouldnt be able to call you din stora jävla balle. And I wouldnt trade that sattisfaction for anything in the world since I still can talk and understand english. And Adroit, what other languages do you speak that I wont understand?
Zaber2001-04-06 19:03:25
Adroit please explain to me how we swedes are supposed to know fluent english? And you are just supposed to sit on your fast ass, and only talk your own language!
Voile2001-04-06 19:57:28
Faen va du er en javla balle Adroit. Du suger jo... See Adroit ? Even if i am not fluent in sweedish i managed to get my message through in another language than my own.. bet you cant do that. Eh.. va te faire foutre enculé! Hey, seems i knew another way to tell you to stop harassing ppl for not beeing english..
Hm.. wonder if i can manage in german to ? Du bist ein dumkopf ? (at least it sounds like that). Godam ppl like you are irritating adroit!
breeze2001-04-06 20:06:47
errr im not a legend nazzie ;) not that if i was would it have made much of a difference, but the other elf was, nice kill moonie that woke us all up.
adroit2001-04-06 20:18:32
I wasn't harrassing him for his lack of english skill. Infact i only noted it because of the typical level of mastery in the english language that nsl, and other non-english speakers. To be honest it impresses me quite a bit. I just thought it was a funny sentence, I appologize for giving the impression that i was insulting him for being a non-english speaker. my comment was meant to come off as "this is funny, though more than understandable since he doesn't even speak this language, yet more than manages anyhow most of the time."
Reef2001-04-08 04:58:19
I get more confused reading Adroits comments than Elmirs :)
Asmandeus / Vec2001-04-09 01:49:21
Elf was me :), It was late and seeing you woke us all up. And btw i feel theres nothing around with quaking groups like that, it shows guts. Rather than running like hell why not try your chances? I love it when tons of darkies come to bree and i go out there and solo fight them - and they call me lame for not staying still so they can kill me. Granted i port, but hey what is a 800ms linked person supposed to do against +5 darkies who poison (rather than die)? I'm not going to stand by and let them lay to waste our area.
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