Overkilled again
posted by Lillknotan
2001-04-06 19:54:10
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Well.. How can i even try to belive Mocho and Rogon in the same group will try a
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merilon2001-04-06 19:57:21
that big of group is gay
Elmir2001-04-06 19:59:30
*Mochomurka the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse (glowing).
* C HP:Fine *Snotty the Orc*:Fine>Elmir narrates 'OUt?'
Well, you never know...
Voile2001-04-06 20:03:51
Eek.. Mocho trying to steal my zone ? Thats the other log today i see him near/on oie...*curse*
Tiamat2001-04-06 20:04:25
comf dude, they got me the same way
Raichu2001-04-06 20:18:13
Who is Rogon in this log? =P I saw Tindomerel and some cute bns but furthermore.....
Cagim2001-04-06 20:19:30
where was Rogon?
Majere2001-04-06 20:23:05
Rogon is there.. he isnt in the trap but he hit us outside.. there now you got enough info to draw some conclussion.
Focus2001-04-06 20:24:24
a) Why didnt Elmir rock cliff?
b) Thanks for eq. After that Armodo-incident I needed it
Azazhel2001-04-06 20:27:06
Well what can i say, i made the mistake of telling jeremy (uldrak nimroth etc) about this char with his fucking word he would keep his big fucking mouth shut. Within 5 minutes he had icqd 2 other people i know who i am, and he told his buddies etc. Well it was fun while it lasted, never trust an nsl idiot. Where do i sign up for the antinsl clan?
Majere2001-04-06 20:27:13
Focus: Well if it had to happen im glad you got the eq you lost to the greedy orc fucks.
Azazhel2001-04-06 20:27:35
Oh and i wasnt grouped with the others, i didnt even know they were there, i was moving around on my own with 3 nsl chasing me from neni-morthan-tbad-OiE
Majere2001-04-06 20:28:02
Az.. Im 99.9% sure jeremy didnt break his word to you, atleast he didnt tell me.
Elmir2001-04-06 20:31:56
Laugh Azazhel, hes N/A at icq for the first and he hasnt said a word to ANYONE, and why sign up for this antinsl bullshit? Its not even legal to have in titles which really makes me laugh... Well, if you are Azazhel I must say that that was a close call, used all draughts and a couple of scrolls there... (ssc-fordableish). Was bad venomed moveless with poison affect... I regened like a god I must tell you!
Cagim2001-04-06 20:34:58
Um, I didn't know that azazhel was rogon, He even talked to me!

Sabin2001-04-06 20:41:03
o....v....e....r....k...i...l...l.....Hickor died going to TBad to the snott and Uth...so *comfort* both :p
Azazhel2001-04-06 20:43:49
I know for a fact elmir broke my trust, and if he broke it to two others, why not his rl friends? And how else would you know? I gave noone any clues, i grouped with noone, narrated nothing special. so stop the bullshit. I just think it sucks when you think someone is a friend, then he breaks your trust.
Majere2001-04-06 20:45:30
I dont rly care rogon.. Me and jeremy hangs out in lab thats pretty much it.. ive been there 1 time in 1 year.. you figure if he would break the trust for me.. Dont give him shit for someone elses actions.. the other two breaking of trust i cannot answer for.
Zaber2001-04-06 20:46:53
Well, its easy to see from peoples playing style who is who! Just at the log where azazhel warloded I knew who it was.. Hur som helst Jeremy sa inte ett skit, jag frågade vad stinger hade bytt namn till han sa, jag kommer inte ihåg, å försökte whoisa lite på skoj, för att blåsa mig, men var ganska obvious att han visste fast inte ville säga, sen gick du med thanquol, han går bara med dig eller torment liksom =p
Unknown2001-04-06 21:04:04
*Cagim the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a hungry warg. A WARG!
Azazhel2001-04-06 21:08:15
From the playing style? When i played like i do none of my other chars? sounds unlikely. Spare me the shit why dont you. There's lots of people smarter than you who had no idea!
Zaber2001-04-06 21:11:29
Well you got your point proven right? You can solo, and I coudn't care less about yoru feelings about nsl! Gimme some mooo!
grunge2001-04-06 21:14:52
i don't see rogon
Azazhel2001-04-06 21:22:57
I dont think for a second you'd care about my feelings, and i dont think for a second that a 10 line log of 2 people falling down a liftshaft says anything about who logged it. I dont think you're so stupid i'd believe that bullshit. And if you want a moo, yell for mother and she will come running and moo for you.
Vorlin2001-04-06 21:40:01
One of the most important things to learn in life: noone keeps secrets. They will tell -someone-, and that someone will tell -everyone-. Always. Yes, -always-. So only tell someone a secret if you purposefully want them to spread the word. /par/ I see no problem with this kill. The trap was so transparent as to be unreal, even the victim knew it. If you are going to drink from a bottle with a 'poison' label, don't bitch when you get sick.
Elmir2001-04-06 21:45:34
I do not care who anyone is from now on, cause some people play fair with some chars, unfair with others, some people are jerks as some chars and nice as some... Why blame all the chars? I mean, Im an asshole with all my chars so... Bah, where was I? I grab a smoke and eat some noodles.
balzak2001-04-06 21:52:59
i don't see rogon, unless he came before you started logging?
Zaber2001-04-06 21:56:22
Azazhel, listen, You and I tried that trap on some orcs, but they didnt come, I knew Stinger had a namechange, but didnt know to what, Then someone said Azazhel had a namechange, and It was quite obivous, atleast for me.. Hey I could have been wrong, but you fooled yourself, and exposed yoruself! =p
This is silly, really....
Mochomurka2001-04-06 22:12:50
first time in my life i have to be on rogon side :) no way u could recognize his style when even i didn't recognized and i was trying to recover who he is :) was absolutly different , almost always solo, not grouping with his freinds etc, and NSLfuck Majare whines about overkill? still much better than your wizkills #lick*
Voile2001-04-06 22:32:59
Hehe, comf rogon..Anyway, keep playing Azazhel the way you play him now.. its always fun to fight 1 vs 1.
Jelly2001-04-06 22:39:52
Oh, so Azazhel is Rogon? Bah! I'm impressed:)
Gerd2001-04-06 22:43:42
*nods Unknown* How did a BN get to ride a WARG? Maybe me dumb heavy troll can also ride a warg?
Aschit2001-04-06 23:13:39
Well, I never would have guess Rogon was p(Azazhal). I guess that's what happens when you make assumptions about people. I'm wondering when people will figure out a couple of my other chars. Would be quite hilarious to see when the people that 'hate' Aschit so much find out they have been grouping with pAschit for a year or more :)
Aschit2001-04-06 23:14:00
guess=guessed *sigh* And I *teach* reading :P
a snot2001-04-06 23:36:26
BTW IT WAS _ME_ SETTING UP TOTAL OVERKILL TRAP cause i wanted to totaloverkill lame nslfucks.
nsler whining about overkill is so funny, all you do is trying to overkill people with your
puke superchars, bashtraps and highlev cleric"friends". Thanks Lillknotan, for donating another
scalp to my growing collection of nsl&slaves-scalps. btw hearing that azazhel is rogon was a
mega-surprise :P cmon, solo orcwarr ROGON?!?
Tony2001-04-07 00:01:42
Azazhel didnt play like the rogon i have seen play, i think you should keep up this whoever you are go with that char *nodself* it makes you look better.
Azazhel2001-04-07 00:02:30
Bah i just wanted to have some fun, run around some, see if people would fight etc, and the mine thing was a real surprise, just went there for safety, didnt think anyone would jump in. I must be the first person who ever goes there since just going there tells him its me (no it wasnt jeremy who told them, he only told a few others but not his rl friends) etc. Oh well, i guess i make a new char now. See ya around, maybe!
Molak2001-04-07 00:15:34
dumbass that trap was alot easier to avoid than your bashtraps you cum guzzling piece of shit
David2001-04-07 01:30:59
btw.. had you been a mage.. with full staff.. ya coulda taken 2 bns with ye..
err.. with stored quakes then ofcourse =P
Prist2001-04-07 02:14:31
Don't think so David, Valamir quaked me 4X before today, doing 70 hps damage total and didn't even bring down my armour... that was all before he died horribly of course :) And really, I don't feel sorry for Lillknottan, as a matter of fact, i feel pretty well about it... .P
Unknown2001-04-07 05:54:42
Rogon is a good mume player, making Azazhel kinda proves it doesn't it? I myself would call it roleplaying on at least 1 level. Fooled 95% of mume players from the sounds of the comments. Don't even know why it should concern those 95% whether he is or not though, what Rogon does is Rogon's business, not yours.
Vorlin2001-04-07 06:38:58
Noone with a clue ever doubted Rogon was a very good player. :)
Common Sense2001-04-07 07:58:26
A trap is a trap, an overkill is very fucking lame. Nothing more to say.
Moonshade2001-04-07 08:16:09
Someone enlighten me and tell how to kill in "non-lame" way, without traps, overkill groups, poisons, link advantage, wizkill spells or skills and such. Duels are forbidden, so basicly you have to hope that opponent is clueless or fuckups hard. Actually they only way to kill some of mume best players is to trap them. That's why they whine so hard.
Nazgum2001-04-07 08:57:30
no point in making new char Rogon, Any v+ can see peoples account list, and more then a few of them are willing to leak out characters of interest to other people who would then spread it to everyone.. Ie make second account and tell no one you play those people in that account or accept you can never have secret char on mume.
Rogon2001-04-07 09:58:23
A slight problem with that is that any v+ can see ip numbers too and i'd get busted instantly anyway :/
Rogon2001-04-07 09:59:45
And i fooled fucking 100% of the players! not even the people i group with most knew it was me until they were told :(
Majere2001-04-07 13:58:28
Rogon: You fooled alot of ppl, i found out like 1 hour prior to this.. Well done, and now its over. On the trap subject. The lame thing here is the setup.. They KNEW we where 3 ppl.. if we port in 5 ppl in a darkie DT for orcs we dont rly know how many there are.. but we first ran into azazhel at bree, he fled and i dont blame him.. But then we run into Snotty, Cagim and another orc at tbad.. so 3 vs 3.. or 4vs 3 if they call azazhel.. fair fight? we thought so and followed.. and then they lead us to a trap (no big suprise) with 8 ppl.. I didnt know the area and didnt think of closing before i fled, stupid me. But to know you trap 3 ppl with 8 is lame, or?
Udo Spears2001-04-07 14:39:12
This game sucks so much!
Rackhir2001-04-07 14:55:55
i dont know why people complain and whine about overkill when its a part of this game...and every1 is doing it so no more whining please
Mochomurka2001-04-07 18:39:01
my group just went do ostin when Snotty called us that nsl after them,Majere how can u whine about overkill? u r nsl
, how can u say u wanted fair fight? u r nsl, when u fight 1 nsl that means 3 more coming when he bashes u, when fighting 3 atleast 6 of them will come when someone bashed :) comon :) no one else did so many wizkills as nsl, and this was 100% your fault fleeing without closing is absolutly newbie fault , so just shutup :)
Mochomurka2001-04-07 18:42:37
i'll enjoy trapping nslfucks anytime and if more people get exps from them , its only good :)
Elmir2001-04-07 19:30:53
I wouldnt call that a trap...
Hoeth2001-04-07 19:44:21
Luke, did you just happen to be around with Taircah and Dell after Misery died, or were you checking his corpse? And Misery, were your link shitty? Seemed to be a little bit to easy kill really. But lb from wounded to dead was nice =)
Lup2001-04-07 19:45:55
Been there...done that...*yawn*..
a snot2001-04-08 00:48:35
OH SORRY that i dont want to fight 3 on 3 westish when i am darkie, you are pukes, have lab, have instalinks, play overpowercasters who nukes u for 150-200 hps in 1 second etc etc. i would fight 3 of your darkies with my overpoweredpukes anytime. try use your shrunken brain. and only time i charged an nsl trap in dt you made a portal out from tower for safe escape.
Majere2001-04-08 04:04:13
Mocho: Snotty, cagim and another orc met us Tbad.. they knew we where 3 ppl.. we also know azazhel was around.. so we first thought oki we fight 3 vs 4.. fair fight and it all good.. then we remember that your on and i said to the others its a trap and i was right.. Im not playing 24/7 as others (*cough* Rogon who has 26 legends) so sure.. im not the best player and i dont rly care. I'll bide my time til the day i find you linkless.. ill kill you then ill narrate "Mocho RIP, linkless btw" and ill feel good :) what comes around goes around. And snotty: we wherent in lab, we where 3 ppl only and you didnt dare to fight.. very brave :)
Deor2001-04-08 09:13:17
I knew who azahzehkkl was the whole time!
Rogon2001-04-08 11:18:38
majere, i make 6 legends in the time you make one, so i think we have about the same playing time!
Sharmak2001-04-08 14:20:14
Rocking kill there ;) allwayse makes me happy to see nsl whine ;) And clap Rogon that was nice trick u played on most ppl (i loved it!) ;) Happy 13-th friday soon!
Majere2001-04-08 18:18:33
LOL.. yeah right.. do you seriously belive we even have NEARLY the same playing time? You got what, 19 legends or so.. and i have 2.. you spend about all your time awake on mume.. Oki.. go on and try to deny it but its kinda common knowledge.. I hope those hours,days, months will serve you good IRL =)
Galerech2001-04-08 18:25:19
shrug mume is fun in sparetime do it instead of watching tv and you soon have alot of hours racked up ( play from like 8pm -10pm everynight
Galerech2001-04-08 18:26:11
except on fridays and saturdays that is!!!!!!!1
Rogon2001-04-08 18:37:08
All my wake time? duh i must sleep alot. i havent played mume on weekdays for months except a few minutes here and there, and like 5-6 hours total on weekends! havent xped for months, only pkd alittle here and there! But i guess, in the true style of a whiner, you got no idea what you're talking about!
Majere2001-04-08 20:23:01
We know the truth Rogon.. dont worry.. be happy :P In the true style of a guy lacking a life its allways as fun to see your sad attempts to explain yourself :) 19 legends.. geez.. im sooo jealous =P
Wryak2001-04-08 21:43:19
I got no life whatsoever, does that make me the only honest person on MUME?
Rogon2001-04-08 22:30:17
And i think i have like 16 legends only, but since a legend takes 25 hours to make i dont see the issue there! i've made legends just because i wanted to try something out, then retired them and never played them again.
Luke2001-04-09 09:11:02
nslfucks got some 6 absolutly obvious linkless kills on my chars with flag, i don't count kills without flag anymore(it can be called accident), and still i didn't killed any nslfuck flagged(sure some accidents happend too), so wtf u Majare talking about? sure i understand u, for sucky morons like u its only way how to get kill, just go straight on and do it , atleast i'll have more fun beating nslfucks rl when i'll be in .se , only Elmir and Galadon against me, that would be total overkill :)
Luke2001-04-09 13:56:20
and Majare , how many times u saw me and Rogon in same group? :P
Majere2001-04-09 15:50:48
Rogon: *cough* lie *cough* but sure.. try to keep a nice face, you knwo the truth and so do i. Mocho: So.. accident.. god mocho are you still with your utterly pathetic english trying to deny the fact you killed alvedon linkless.. god your sad. That wasnt an accident so stop bullshitting. I think i have a total of 2 linkless kills.. one was a month ago when we stormed priest and a troll died like FAST.. so dont pester me about that. The way mume is now with ppl like you makin these hugetraps i dont see any reason what so ever to spare any of you linkless. When you trap 10 vs 1 i got a 0.0001% chanse of living.. and that chanse can be translated into a linkless person fleeing into bree or something. LOL.. another bigmouthed little fucker.. its so sad to see.. bring it on mocho.. we'll be waiting and i know you will back out of fighting.. if not you'll make our day. I didnt say i saw you in group alot.. BUT when it happend that the 2 biggest trappers in arda group/lure you know its gotta be a trap.
Luke2001-04-10 09:09:04
ehhe last time i'm answering majere cause this creature is absend minded,so once more to you poor moron: 1. i didn't kill Alvedon linkless and neither wanted to, 2.Lothar kill in priest was extremely obvious , moror Elmir scouts check he has flag , brings group back and narates nuke Lothar, and u whacka 700 hps troll, 3. u nslfuck talking about huge groups? *laugh* , 4. u don't see reason spare hugegroupers? u gonna kill linkless NSLfucks too? 5.this wasn't trap at all , u were extremly stupid didn't close cliff and fled , u should be really silent after that and don't whine,6. i didn't know Azazhel is rogon, i didn't meet him there , and sure we were not grouped, and 7. i think its useless to tell u anything cause u r one of those assholes who will talk shit anyway and don't listen to arguments, Galadon and Elmir r lame morons but atleast they don't say shit like that :)
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