My view for the bored ones
posted by Mummo
2001-04-11 22:11:29
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Mummo2001-04-11 22:12:58
dunno if i got some freeze or something there, looks damn slow reacting
larry2001-04-11 22:27:27
clap! die!
Dr.Doolittle2001-04-11 22:31:53
There are just way to few mobs in this log. Here is a list of mobs I like:
An angry rabbit, a striped snake, a healthy cow, a hobwill, a pigeon, a young colt, a raccoon, and a beaver. More logs with those please.
Shadrach2001-04-11 23:08:19
Is a hobwill an animal? I allways thought it was some kind of hobbit. *blush*
Can someone provide with a swedish translation? A young colt? is that a little gun?
Maru2001-04-11 23:09:58
A young colt I know I think(correct me if I am wrong). In swedish: ett litet föl (babyhäst)
Azg2001-04-11 23:39:01
I think hobwill is some sort of hobbit too, dunno what it is.
Elmir2001-04-11 23:55:06
A hobwill has like 3 legs and one arm, I doubt its a whobbit.
Mumma2001-04-12 00:07:30
sounds like a wobbit to me
Ordi2001-04-12 01:38:43
ya saying a hobbit aint an animal?? *think*
Ecko2001-04-12 10:36:54
hehe..Darconis is funny...NOT blah NOT blah..he forgot to mention it was in the sun...

but not his fault..I doubt he knows orcs are affected by the sun
Alcion2001-04-12 14:14:26
You fell down dead in pride though, sucked that you died.
Raichu2001-04-12 15:36:39
Comf mate good team leader spirit tho, don't loose that=)
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