You are a male Eriadorian.
You are 124 years, 2 months, and 13 days old.
You have played 1 month, 29 days, and 23 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Raiden the Man Recruit (level 1).
You are five feet ten and weigh ten stone and five pounds.
Perception: vision 40, hearing -10, smell -25. Alertness: normal.
You are a well-meaning person, always glad to help your friends.
You are welcome in Bree, Shire, Fornost, the Grey Havens, Rivendell, and the
Blue Mountains.
You are carrying 0 pounds of equipment. Peanuts.
Your base abilities are: Str:16 Int:12 Wis:12 Dex:13 Con:13 Wil:12 Per:12.
Offensive Bonus: 7%, Dodging Bonus: 16%, Parrying Bonus: 0%.
You are not wearing any armour.
You have 14/14 hit, 114/114 mana, and 95/95 movement points.
Your mood is wimpy.
You will flee if your hit points go below 13.
You have scored 1 experience points and you have 0 travel points.
You are not known for any acts of war.
You need 999 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 0 copper.
You will be understood by everyone.
- Dain demoted me for eating a few boards. If anyone knows his adress
or where he works please mail it to me at
I'm doing a tour of europe in 2002. I am going to get this fool, check
You have played 1 month, 29 days, and 23 hours (real time).
So i figure he can spend 2 months in hospital for wasting my time.
I am not joking please send info to me.