posted by eilro
2001-04-17 20:16:18
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stupid log dont read
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eilro2001-04-17 20:16:52
K start flaming! ;)
Balduran2001-04-17 20:29:03
or smth to that effect!
(just saving everyone else their time!!!!!!)
Unknown2001-04-17 20:37:15
see lookat dat, you got away, even without a port... maybe instead of storeporting, you could just risk it, adding a little bit of challenge into the game, where it takes SKILL and LUCK to get away.
Heldo2001-04-17 20:37:54
I dont know really but I dont think Storeport is lame when Luke is
leading around a group of 7 orso
Balduran2001-04-17 20:39:37
I'd like to see unknown display that skill......................
a snot2001-04-17 20:40:27
so if i got it right you are in full defence staff and using storeports? If you in attack set, these orcs really needs some OB. Gotta love bns spamming hit too. :P
to A snot2001-04-17 20:43:47
all i have in staff is opal and hsb now u know!
Elmir2001-04-17 21:04:13
Is getting tired of these unknowns and all the fucks. What do you mean "with risking" Solo against, what, didnt see, 8? Yeah, store quake, stand there, use two of em, eat bash and die! Risk some! Idiots, I go back to my studying so no reason to reply to this message.
Harsh2001-04-17 21:14:11

LOL the same moron-darkies with maybe two more bns tried killing me blocked in icedoor. *sigh* when will these lameasses learn?
bunghol2001-04-17 21:22:29
i'm impressed you got away nice def, most store porters do it cause they don't know the map. I thought you were the same way but i was wrong.
Unknown2001-04-17 21:28:13
Does the word 'sun' ring a bell?
Britney Spears2001-04-17 21:36:03
Does the word Unknown make u cum to my boobies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown2001-04-17 22:04:55
without lightning up you storeport from one orc too
Gonfor2001-04-17 22:23:36
I'll stop using storeports...when warriors stop bashing, clerics stop blinding, thieves stop backstabbing, orcs stop poisoning, troll stop fighting on anything except wimpy, bns stop using fireballs, mages stop using call, thieves stop using sneak and hide, etc. It's an aspect of the game. Warriors have no qualms using bash disengage so why should a mage not use his most powerful escape weapon? Anyone who thinks storeporting is lame is undoubtedly someone who is pissed because they missed a kill. I say too bad.
swork2001-04-17 23:25:34
If you had more clue, you would have gone EAST instead of trying to spam west, and wouldv saved lots mana/spamming. U know u can go through country path too...
eilro2001-04-17 23:33:14
nod i know i coulda went n to assassin and end up w of wswept too but i havnt memorized all dirs in all places :P i need to fill my brain with other stuff to ;)
Rogon2001-04-17 23:38:54
I might be dumb, i just dont see the connection between a bash disengage and a storeport? One gives you a two second advance start if you fight a lone opponent, the other is always a 100% safe escape unless you're in no-locate. if we had word-of-recall-scrolls in the game everyone could use so not only mages had 100% safe escapes, you think mume would be more fun, or less fun?
Gonfor2001-04-17 23:57:27
Rogon: you're one of the largest opponents of storeporting. Why? Do mages have the same amounts of moves as warriors? No. Do mages have high endurance? No. Do mages have high wilderness? In most cases, no. Mages move around via teleport. So why should they not be able to port away from danger? Give one good reason why they shouldn't and someone might take the request seriously. But when you're only reason for not having storeport is because "it's lame," nobody is going to listen. And as for word-of-recall scrolls, when mages get the weapons of other classes that might indeed happen. When my mage gets to recite his 93%-armour-and-150%-ob scroll you might see a word scroll. And to be quite honest, storeports are not 100%. As you can see here, you face the no-locate possibility. It's also a tad difficult to storeport away if bashed. So use the weapons you have and don't moan when you're warriors can port away from trouble.
Stormblast2001-04-18 00:16:32
Storeport is like a save feature on some actiongame. "Ack I fucked up, les take it from the beginning!"
Prist2001-04-18 00:50:29
Ehm, since when do mages 'move mostly around via teleport' Gonfor? I got 3 mages or so, all with teleport and i tell you, i use it very rarely... why should i port when i can just get a mount and spam where i want, bobbing myself meanwhile if needed, instead of wasting mana on locate/port and risk with misporting which may end up very badly... and why you should have stored port at all? as you see in this log, Eilro got away on fine with bunch of darkies after him without much trouble so why is storeport needed here? and strmblasts comment is quite correct :P
Gonfor2001-04-18 01:16:39
Well, Prist, my mages (all 3 of them too) do move around via port. And I storeport whenever and wherever I can. Why? Well, the first reason is that I can; half the orcs on Arda poison because he can so why shouldn't I (or anyone else for that matter) be able to port away from the poisoning arses? The second reason I should use storedports is that it gives me a chance against any superlinked player. Come over to my house and try and spam away from Macros, Prist; I guarantee you that you'll have a slight problem spamming away. All your knowledge or Arda won't help you one bit if someone can bolt your ass before you can spam flee away. The only players who would be so ignorant as to overlook the value and benefits of a storedport are either those who play in huge groups or those who play from links that allow them the luxury of spamming away from enemies when needed. You can bitch and moan all you want but there's no intelligent reason to remove storeports. They don't hurt anyone and allow those of us who don't have the benefit of a superlink the chance to actually survive when confronted with grim odds. So until you can provide a good reason why someone shouldn't storeport, quit whining and bitching.
Gräve2001-04-18 05:09:38
Keep whining babies! Nice job, Eilro...I thought you 100% rip there
Kasper2001-04-18 09:41:44
Ok so it is cowardly to use storeport for when this happens? Trying to cheat those brave darkies of their 9 vs 1 kill. tsk tsk tsk
Stormblast2001-04-18 12:15:24
I think it is ok to store a port and jump 9 opponents and then storeport away jut to piss them off :). But starting a session and storing a port at once, so that you are 99% safe beats me. I have found myself not using the save feature on some PC games (only as a backup in case of power failure or something) cause it just takes the juice out of it.
Moonshade2001-04-18 14:01:40
I've decayed port on my bn because 30 mana and 50% chance to misport in to the
middle of nowhere really isn't worth it. And as about storeport.. pfff..
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