An other view of Focus's death
posted by Kogan
2001-04-22 17:17:34
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Hmm. After hitting a liddle BN called 'Focus' i got tired and too much lag to hu
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Kogan2001-04-22 17:25:34
Kogan2001-04-22 17:25:44
Yeah: I'm a really LADY-KILLER
1. *elf*2001-04-22 17:28:34
I am happy that i look like a lousy little elf but in reality i am a
Focus2001-04-22 18:01:47
Demote for coins-trigger!
grunge2001-04-22 21:18:37
and galerech wonders why i wanted him to spam bashes on you....
Unknown2001-04-22 23:58:45
nice action loot fag
Galerech2001-04-23 00:27:41
bah thats what botesia and i were trying to do, cept you were a little faster...
nazalbeth2001-04-23 11:16:28
Got red ruby for you focus.
AUTOLOOT2001-04-23 15:03:07
Vecna2001-04-23 17:41:04
I guess theres only a few things i can say are, some spell save might of saved you, and god damnit that sucked. Comfort!
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