another misport after key has decayed
posted by Ozon
2001-04-27 01:32:26
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The code, which is responsible for finding destination, when you misport, simply
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Mordorin2001-04-27 01:40:58

LOL, you wanted to go to Cave, and you did!
So where is the problem :)
Ughlor2001-04-27 01:45:49
Naksitrall2001-04-27 02:02:40
2/3 times i misportal to aggressive mobs,
usually places like filthy etc.
Agarakhor2001-04-27 02:08:26
Port is for wimps!
Tiara2001-04-27 02:11:52
Sniff, big comforts to Ozon, sucks :-( Maybe try teleport thoro next time, I think you will port more accurate then.
Dhar2001-04-27 02:22:55
Dont you wish you had store so you could store 2 ports and not get screwed like this
Ozon2001-04-27 02:28:02
2 stored teleport wouldn't help me there, cause i would ate bash before i could end second teleport.
Granvil2001-04-27 02:46:24
Blimey that sucks.. The teleport keys change quite frequently but the old key still works for the place you originally located. I thought that once a key decays it doesn't work for anywhere and you get - Where do you want to go?.. but I might be wrong.. or perhaps the key had been randomly chosen again and you got unlucky.. I wonder what the odds are on that... or perhaps the keys are randomly generated but constrained by the room name.. hence the Cave descrption.. all you need to do now is work out the code used to generate a locate key and you can do away with locte life *nod self*
Thorkell2001-04-27 05:52:28
Ack! Anyway I think the keys get shuffled and reassigned if new zones open or
are changed.

The room you are in does have an exit. But the 2*mobdie sucks all the same.
Wryak2001-04-27 06:16:00
Thorkell he didn't mobdie even once, first he got pkdeath the 2nd time he acted fast and got out.
Urchin2001-04-27 07:32:15
My exp of keys are that everytime you get a new key, its different, even if its the same tick.
Portkeys last around 3-4h, and while you can use them safely (some decays faster), after that you
tend to misport more and more. Cast on a too old key just misports you. Of course Im only guessing here.
Astar2001-04-27 09:01:32
I told this many times before, and I will repeat again. Teleport IS NOT FUCKING WORTH A DIME for bns. Decay it and prac something more usefull! Permanent 5% mobdeath/DT chance for 30 mana and tons of pracs, do you really need it?
*a level-lost m2001-04-27 13:45:02
what sucks even more is when you port into someplace, then get *dissorient* and don't recover from it till lvl 15 mobs hit you dead
Edvard2001-04-27 14:09:52
you lazy ass, port from dt to cave... bah, thats like 15-20 sec of running
baphomet2001-04-27 14:38:19
been there, done that...except i wasnt able to find it again after the misport. and edvard, running is for chumps !!ALL YOUR PUSSY ARE BELONG TO ANONYMOUS
Nightchill2001-04-27 14:49:05
In my experience, the port key changes every tick and lasts for a bit less
than a RL day. The amount you misport depends on how well you pracced teleport
and your distance for the target. A while ago, when teleport was first changed so
you couldn't go from one end of Arda to the other, 4 zones was considered a safe
maximum, IIRC. I have been sad enough to consider trying to work out how keys are generated
but not sad enough to actually try it ;).
Stormblast2001-04-27 17:44:04
I have ported under 'carpet' of Fornost backway out.
Elestir2001-04-27 19:17:33
The portkeys evidently contain information about time when they were acquired.
Question is in how long time intervals they change for given place.
A young cavetro2001-04-27 22:43:52
"A troll mother lands a solid kick on you." GO MUM
Bambi2001-04-30 09:21:33
Bambi jast wanna zee som najs man mizportal inno pelftown zo dat fakker Cirdan
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