Unqalome ambush (we keep dying)
posted by Bubu
2001-04-27 22:18:26
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Nasty Unqalome ambush, only question I have is, why they didn't block BOTH exit
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Everhate2001-04-27 22:28:24
And more redshirts die!
Agarakhor2001-04-27 22:31:52
Yeah, nasty slips there...
Mammoth2001-04-27 22:44:49
teeheee. CZechs rule!

Norsu2001-04-27 22:50:59
Bah was 6 pukes vs 5 darkies, ok one puke was lowbie, but our bn had mana for 1 harm and was then useless, so was 5 puke legends vs 4 orcs, you could atleast have TRIED to fight! And we didnt block granite cause we're orcs - we're dumb. We did block fracturedfloor tho *nod self*
a snot2001-04-27 23:11:36
not a very big chance u survive in there when ambushed, so can as well fight to death, especially if you know there is an ambush coming and don't know area which looked to be the case for some of the people who instafled here.
Norsu2001-04-27 23:22:29
Saw from tiaras log that 3 of the legend pukes were sanced too, you coulda done alot better!
Astar2001-04-28 00:42:03
Sheesh, why someone needs sanctuary when doing Unqa? Doesn't help for sure, waste of mana.
Fredde2001-04-28 02:56:58
well they saw *norsu* and paniced.. like everyone! when will they learn! cackle, yes i rock and you something or something
Marillion2001-04-28 04:06:57
well the only way we would have a chance in there woulda been to fear them or nuked some, to split them up, but casters was instatargeted all the time:/
Marillion2001-04-28 04:08:24
well the only way we would have a chance in there woulda been to fear them or nuked some, to split them up, but casters was instatargeted all the time:/
Everhate2001-04-28 05:53:26
I didn't target any casters, I targetted dwarves! Had no idea leader dwarf was a caster, but he sure did feel the pain of the HBM!
Bubu2001-04-28 09:27:19
5 ver 5 fight. Shake got artifact (great scimitar), Everhate got artifact (bhm) instapoisoning. rest of group had max sets too. Only chance was try some blinds, tho Marillion got spanked all the time.
Daevia2001-04-28 15:45:45
Don't forget that Norsu has enough scrolls so as to ensure victory eve if something happens to go wrong.
Norsu2001-04-28 17:15:45
All hail daevia, telepathic whiner elf. Yes i'm sure my black and azure scroll could turn any battle, those extra 150hp REALLY MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Now get lost or find out facts before you open your brownsmeared lips and spread that foulsmelling poo around here. shoo! shoo! Well that didnt work, i guess.
Raichu2001-04-29 16:06:22
Why is everybody whining about healscrolls, the error you made was instafleeing then failing climb resulting in useless fast loss of hps. Blind 1 or 2 orc warriors or nuke but don't flee. Nice going by orcs, btw I don't see why Shake is pathetic.
Johannes2001-04-30 08:50:54
Damnit, if you're gonna post a log, include whatever it is you're doing.
Nothing as senseless as a bunch of "Ok."'s and people nodding. *Sigh*
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