posted by Whine
2001-05-01 14:15:59
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Exits: North East South West.
*Snotty the Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg.
*Sharmak the Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg.

* HP:Awful>s
*Snotty the Orc* pounds your left arm extremely hard and shatters it.
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
You are in a pretty bad shape, unable to do anything!

* HP:Dying *Snotty the Orc*:Hurt>
You are in a pretty bad shape, unable to do an

* HP:Dying *Snotty the Orc*:Hurt>
You are in a pretty bad shape, unable to do an

* HP:Dying *Snotty the Orc*:Hurt>
You are in a pretty bad shape, unable to do an

* HP:Dying *Snotty the Orc*:Hurt>flee
You are in a pretty bad shape, unable to do anything!
You lost great renown in this battle!
You lose a level!

You are dead! Sorry...

o HP:Awful>Nah... 
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Awful>Nah... 
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Awful>quit
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Rhuka2001-05-01 14:18:16
Natash2001-05-01 14:24:11
Uinen2001-05-01 14:46:17
What a great log
Death2001-05-01 16:05:08
NewbieBN2001-05-01 16:36:53
damn newbies
Raichu2001-05-01 18:17:22
A newbie *bn*2001-05-01 19:42:38
You wuz doin' real good until them guys pounded ya. Better luck nextime.
Majere2001-05-01 21:47:15
You are SO FUCKING LAME. Why do you waste my PRECIOUS FUCKING TIME with
your stupid ass POINTLESS LOGS! You fucking suck, you fucking newbie.
Majere2001-05-01 22:45:24
YOU FUCKING DUMBASS NEWBIE POSTER. Now you have taken my PRECIOUS FUCKING TIME which I usually spent FINGERING MY OWN ASS while MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND BOBBIE is FUCKING some shrivelled up teachers at school so he can get a FUCKING D+ on his Donald Duck book he couldn't FUCKING read. FUCK!
Bobbie2001-05-01 23:01:11
Mature of people though... Me and Majere broke up yesterday! Idiots. And I didnt write about Donald Fucking Duck, wish I had though. All you morons out there who take mume as rl, quit doing it. But hey, its just an idea... I bet those who played quake before started whining just as much when there were 4 people guarding base while you attacked it solo. I bet Counter Strike players whines just as much when they are alone against 3 people. Hey, I bet people who played diablo whined juuuust as much. But what do I know? I only read Donald Duck, which rules btw. Idiots... all idiots...
Glaberzu2001-05-02 00:37:12
Bobbie to be honest i think you are one of few that sits infront of your computer 24/7 and act like you are no more than a little spoiled child. you are always the dick hanging around, its sad. A kid like you should be out learning about life.
Galerech2001-05-02 02:30:42
glaberzu as usually opens his fucking mouth and spouts off some inane insult.
Glaberzu2001-05-02 04:10:36
So maybe I should just kill Galerech so he'll learn that shutting the fuck up is better for his heath than trying to suck up to some dick brained prick like Bobbie.
Zoloft2001-05-02 04:36:54
give me my cake Bobbie! you slut! you promised me cake and I didn't get shit! I hate you!
Glaberzu2001-05-02 05:31:42
SUCKING UP TO BOBBIE? LAUGH NO and if you believe you could kill me in any group YOU were leading you are sadly mistaken
Wryak2001-05-02 07:57:43
You gotta give Galerech a break tho, no nsl-eq and grps for him if he doesn't suck up every now and then :/
Sharmak2001-05-02 11:25:15
This log most be old since i am retired for some time already! *nod self*
Bobbie2001-05-02 14:10:33
I bet that little old lady I scrogged outside the market whined too! get all purse.get all sweater. I thought i saw a putty-twat? It is a putty twat! It is a putty twat!
Galerech2001-05-02 15:17:09
and you know wryak has to keep sucking up to mestan and mumma cause if he doesnt he wont have anyone to group with since he managed to piss everyone else off :/
Kazan2001-05-02 20:24:26
Wryak sucking up to mestan and mumma? now there's a joke i would laugh of. get a clue about what u comment about pls!
Galerech2001-05-03 01:44:30
kazan? get a clue before you intrude on more of an 'inside joke'
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