posted by p(Zaber)
2001-05-03 01:15:24
<- Back Down to comments Down to last comment
Boring, flame it on!
I'll take a 2 year break atleast.. Just wanted to thank for
all the fun i've had here, many of you hate me, but its 
a fucking game (!). But anyways, might see you all in a year
or so, or if I log on to chat =)

Tro #
        *** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)

|   1,  0%,  #Mûrakar                  |   2,  0%,  #Zadnice                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Cmyger                   |   1,  1%,  #Nugelo                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Bape                     |   1,  0%,  #Mushrak                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Cyan                     |   1,  0%,  #Tzanck                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Hogwash                  |   1,  0%,  #Soptik                   |
|   1,  1%,  #Karuperse                |   1,  0%,  #Moosekant                |
|   1,  0%,  #Hirm                     |   2,  1%,  #Gugbuk                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Zambar                   |   1,  0%,  #Dos                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Gurthang                 |   2,  0%,  #Ynci                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Úvanimor                 |   1,  0%,  #Morhol                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Umbaros                  |   1,  0%,  #Lortsac                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Uthar                    |   1,  0%,  #Samurai                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Insane                   |   1,  0%,  #Bludgeon                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Valbeesk                 |   9,  2%,  #Treebeard                |
|   1,  0%,  #Gneiss                   |   2,  0%,  #Marley                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Stoned                   |   1,  0%,  #Kobold                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Kostihryz                |   1,  0%,  #Stormblast               |
|   1,  0%,  #Kovie                    |   1,  0%,  #Ganga                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Orian                    |   1,  0%,  #Jaron                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Râukh                    |   1,  0%,  #Tenchu                   |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (8%) ***
|   4,  0%,  #Basha                    |   6,  0%,  #Guano                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Sunshine                 |   2,  0%,  #Durcano                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Ozon                     |   1,  1%,  #Glum                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Lloigor                  |   1,  0%,  #Wierd                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Watár                    |   1,  0%,  #Nushènak                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Burzum                   |   1,  0%,  #Cagim                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Mélä                     |   1,  0%,  #Erami                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Vorne                    |   1,  0%,  #Kostêj                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Rungekutta               |   1,  1%,  #Kokeski                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Caligea                  |   1,  1%,  #Hairfoot                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Maag                     |   1,  0%,  #Disposa                  |
|   4,  0%,  #Gothargh                 |   1,  0%,  #Graze                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Opatuli                  |   2,  0%,  #Drakh                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Hate                     |   1,  0%,  #Torment                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Mishrak                  |   2,  0%,  #Kremlin                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Giishe                   |   1,  0%,  #Smogol                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Tarden                   |   1,  0%,  #Snowball                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Digtakh                  |   2,  1%,  #Grahf                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Widget                   |   2,  0%,  #Ughár                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Cletis                   |   1,  0%,  #Wry                      |
|   2,  0%,  #Calisto                  |   1,  0%,  #Reap                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Liart                    |   1,  0%,  #Grang                    |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (17%) ***
|   4,  0%,  #Adi                      |   2,  0%,  #Schat                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Sis                      |   1,  1%,  #Hämarik                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Zhágurz                  |   1,  0%,  #Severe                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Romsca                   |   2,  0%,  #Limey                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Calder                   |   1,  0%,  #Gorgoroth                |
|   3,  0%,  #Kurúki                   |   3,  0%,  #Decoy                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Fedtmule                 |   1,  0%,  #Kra                      |
|   3,  0%,  #Kosmo                    |   1,  0%,  #Dalmôrg                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Rageous                  |   1,  0%,  #Semirhage                |
|   2,  0%,  #Nosfe                    |   3,  1%,  #Azz                      |
|   2,  0%,  #Skoll                    |   2,  0%,  #Armadillo                |
|   1,  0%,  #Doh                      |   1,  0%,  #Wyrm                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Merlin                   |   1,  0%,  #Knöl                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Tuborg                   |   1,  0%,  #Milena                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Mâlak                    |   1,  0%,  #Kurm                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Nâed                     |   2,  0%,  #Salta                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Náz                      |   2,  0%,  #Ashmash                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Sabu                     |   4,  0%,  #Fromunz                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Glamhoth                 |   4,  0%,  #Blackcrow                |
|   8,  1%,  #Tromb                    |   2,  0%,  #Plexerdo                 |
|   2,  0%,  #Shriek                   |   2,  0%,  #Echo                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Gorbath                  |   1,  0%,  #Oruk                     |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (26%) *** 

|   1,  0%,  #Puttefnask               |   2,  0%,  #Doof                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Frecas                   |   3,  0%,  #Nótt                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Gurcrog                  |   2,  0%,  #Lash                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Baldy                    |   2,  0%,  #Skud                     |
|   3,  0%,  #Plato                    |   5,  0%,  #Meliza                   |
|   3,  0%,  #Drooling                 |   9,  1%,  #Fearsome                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Thorak                   |   2,  0%,  #Naksur                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Karsk                    |   3,  0%,  #Misery                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Vertamen                 |   7,  0%,  #Peto                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Voiddweller              |   5,  2%,  #Slither                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Adorable                 |   3,  0%,  #Nucleur                  |
|   2,  1%,  #Beastman                 |   1,  0%,  #Bodycast                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Valdja                   |   3,  0%,  #Ginly                    |
|   7,  1%,  #Hades                    |   3,  0%,  #Shimmer                  |
|   3,  1%,  #Angelus                  |   2,  0%,  #Kakarot                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Andore                   |   7,  1%,  #Lignite                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Zoone                    |   1,  0%,  #Zedar                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Tarin                    |   1,  0%,  #Hogga                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Utumno                   |   1,  0%,  #Kangas                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Vecna                    |   7,  1%,  #Horast                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Kralosh                  |   1,  0%,  #Dengue                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Ironfist                 |   1,  0%,  #Melko                    |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (36%) ***
|   2,  0%,  #Agg                      |   4,  2%,  #Scumfoot                 |
|   3,  0%,  #Antaean                  |   1,  0%,  #Kozlor                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Fnuffi                   |   1,  0%,  #Gaurhir                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Rukhnam                  |   1,  0%,  #Prêz                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Thwag                    |   2,  0%,  #Azmodan                  |
|   3,  1%,  #Gorba                    |   3,  0%,  #Shadrach                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Urchin                   |   3,  0%,  #Trágg                    |
|   3,  0%,  #Monty                    |   3,  0%,  #Aye                      |
|   3,  0%,  #Trisk                    |   2,  0%,  #Devildog                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Sleth                    |   1,  0%,  #Burgui                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Mõhk                     |   4,  0%,  #Sauros                   |
|   3,  0%,  #Azhal                    |   1,  1%,  #Anpharazôr               |
|   1,  0%,  #Arkine                   |   7,  1%,  #Prist                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Fenrir                   |   2,  0%,  #Bup                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Bijec                    |   1,  0%,  #Dispater                 |
|   4,  0%,  #Riffraff                 |   1,  0%,  #Devran                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Kunduk                   |   1,  0%,  #Dizz                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Morholt                  |   1,  0%,  #Murghaz                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Tommy                    |   1,  0%,  #Snork                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Kreb                     |   4,  4%,  #Wetnox                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Darq                     |   5,  0%,  #Kaan                     |
|   3,  0%,  #Zorog                    |   1,  0%,  #Glek                     |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (45%) *** 
|   3,  0%,  #Drokk                    |   2,  1%,  #Aglin                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Freeze                   |   4,  0%,  #Zé                       |
|   1,  1%,  #Groug                    |   1,  0%,  #Khwaj                    |
|   6,  1%,  #Yellowbellie             |   1,  0%,  #Siroko                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Yôzâyan                  |   1,  0%,  #Sthringth                |
|   1,  0%,  #Zanetha                  |   1,  0%,  #Mephistofel              |
|   1,  0%,  #Kongur                   |   1,  0%,  #Konde                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Ghnomb                   |   1,  0%,  #Grul                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Lava                     |   2,  0%,  #Vanamoor                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Labero                   |   2,  0%,  #Burn                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Zomb                     |   5,  2%,  #Cindy                    |
|   5,  1%,  #Dramon                   |   1,  0%,  #Dust                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Thorzor                  |   7,  1%,  #Nerf                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Bulldozer                |   7,  1%,  #Gad                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Moby                     |   1,  0%,  #Cruel                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Iyachtu                  |   3,  0%,  #Teufel                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Xoone                    |   2,  0%,  #Mummo                    |
|   4,  2%,  #Darzhak                  |   1,  0%,  #Groz                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Korgath                  |   3,  0%,  #Zloobash                 |
|   2,  0%,  #Drinar                   |  11,  1%,  #Sharmak                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Eve                      |   1,  1%,  #Jäpe                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Xefar                    |   1,  0%,  #Zlo                      |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (54%) *** 
|   1,  0%,  #Newt                     |   3,  0%,  #Sunlover                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Wilem                    |   6,  1%,  #Hugar                    |
|   2,  1%,  #Argony                   |   2,  1%,  #Rapol                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Ergh                     |   2,  0%,  #Borodjavka               |
|   1,  0%,  #Silm                     |   4,  0%,  #Cyst                     |
|   3,  0%,  #Lothar                   |   3,  0%,  #Mrsina                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Slarg                    |   1,  0%,  #Balzak                   |
|   5,  1%,  #Hurolg                   |   3,  0%,  #Vargas                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Invader                  |   1,  0%,  #Voldemort                |
|   1,  0%,  #Smasher                  |   1,  0%,  #Amram                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Korgul                   |   1,  0%,  #Vasp                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Harley                   |   2,  0%,  #Dresden                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Fragil                   |   1,  0%,  #Aiki                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Molak                    |   1,  0%,  #Assa                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Tushie                   |   1,  0%,  #Krusty                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Narg                     |   6,  1%,  #Zhagrat                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Omicron                  |   4,  0%,  #Implithura               |
|   3,  0%,  #Loo                      |   1,  0%,  #Cerleg                   |
|   1,  0%,  #FNineteen                |   1,  0%,  #Index                    |
|   5,  2%,  #Cilúrâs                  |   1,  0%,  #Lunatyk                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Llort                    |   4,  1%,  #Gragar                   |
|   4,  1%,  #Garuda                   |   1,  0%,  #Zlob                     |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (63%) *** 
|   2,  0%,  #Cerberos                 |   1,  0%,  #Moandor                  |
|   4,  0%,  #Belemoth                 |   1,  0%,  #Shadu                    |
|   3,  0%,  #Dolik                    |   4,  0%,  #Unborn                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Kötta                    |  11,  2%,  #Ughlor                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Stinkbottom              |   8,  1%,  #Forek                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Fighro                   |   1,  0%,  #Dismal                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Osiris                   |   1,  0%,  #Ufthak                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Bombard                  |   1,  0%,  #Kreil                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Xanax                    |   3,  0%,  #Mogh                     |
|   3,  1%,  #Revan                    |   2,  0%,  #Gorlab                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Tessa                    |   3,  1%,  #Nepenthé                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Nornik                   |   1,  0%,  #Belgarion                |
|   6,  0%,  #Grakk                    |   1,  0%,  #Adûnakhôr                |
|   3,  0%,  #Grand                    |   1,  0%,  #Bathuz                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Dûrlak                   |   1,  0%,  #Sandra                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Cyric                    |   1,  0%,  #Kenny                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Xagor                    |   1,  0%,  #Splatter                 |
|   2,  0%,  #Leffe                    |   1,  0%,  #Morholth                 |
|   3,  0%,  #Wucheria                 |   1,  0%,  #Kazz                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Aaz                      |  10,  2%,  #Moonglum                 |
|   2,  0%,  #Haazheel                 |   1,  0%,  #Bud                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Murzilka                 |   1,  0%,  #Udread                   |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (72%) *** 
|   2,  0%,  #Berfert                  |   4,  0%,  #Venal                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Inghraz                  |   6,  1%,  #Ecko                     |
|   3,  0%,  #Digital                  |   1,  0%,  #Mogkshak                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Zendokh                  |   1,  0%,  #Grog                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Stokrotka                |   9,  3%,  #Mammoth                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Billabong                |  19,  5%,  #Nacs                     |
|   4,  1%,  #Gurgel                   |   1,  0%,  #Vanimeldë                |
|   1,  0%,  #Donk                     |   2,  0%,  #Bunghol                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Nird                     |   2,  0%,  #Heretic                  |
|   5,  2%,  #Baphomet                 |   1,  0%,  #Draugluin                |
|   1,  0%,  #Morigru                  |   1,  0%,  #Caryfuk                  |
|   5,  0%,  #Cele                     |   2,  0%,  #Zeroth                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Nazgúm                   |   1,  0%,  #Smack                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Scrounge                 |   1,  0%,  #Rok                      |
|   2,  0%,  #Baldie                   |   2,  0%,  #Amok                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Fidla                    |   1,  1%,  #Ishmael                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Gladush                  |   1,  0%,  #Gro                      |
|   2,  0%,  #Ulkaar                   |   1,  0%,  #Orgrim                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Tweak                    |   2,  1%,  #Zorgoth                  |
|  11,  3%,  #Sloshed                  |   3,  1%,  #Rumpel                   |
|   4,  0%,  #Hurliburli               |   1,  0%,  #Carcass                  |
|   5,  1%,  #Eidolon                  |   2,  0%,  #Brett                    |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (82%) *** 
|   1,  0%,  #Spit                     |   3,  1%,  #Zimar                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Panzarfaust              |   1,  0%,  #Kudla                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Frotz                    |   2,  0%,  #Hejkal                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Mosaren                  |   9,  2%,  #Blackfoot                |
|   1,  0%,  #Poleno                   |   1,  0%,  #Hannibal                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Fui                      |   2,  0%,  #Nerzhul                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Fet                      |   1,  0%,  #Trampa                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Vanor                    |   2,  1%,  #Huhu                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Photon                   |   2,  0%,  #Elajt                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Tyraxor                  |   2,  0%,  #Kurch                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Kolakas                  |   2,  1%,  #Grugh                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Ufgamog                  |   4,  1%,  #Karesh                   |
|   4,  0%,  #Trotl                    |   1,  0%,  #Getik                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Uaa                      |   1,  0%,  #Goliath                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Mordecai                 |   2,  0%,  #Slivojed                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Nazghol                  |   5,  0%,  #Lookhu                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Iranon                   |   4,  0%,  #Draaz                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Wenom                    |   7,  2%,  #Fearless                 |
|   5,  0%,  #Dodge                    |   2,  0%,  #Grymsh                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Kadzar                   |   1,  0%,  #Oscarmeyer               |
|   1,  0%,  #Njan                     |   4,  1%,  #Avant                    |
|   3,  0%,  #Vara                     |   1,  0%,  #Maal                     |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (91%) *** 
|   5,  0%,  #Warzûr                   |   4,  0%,  #Skojardu                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Dwimmer                  |   1,  0%,  #Dexter                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Bambi                    |   5,  0%,  #Morris                   |
|   5,  1%,  #Pampalini                |   1,  0%,  #Zac                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Ugragh                   |   5,  0%,  #Dromboll                 |
|   2,  0%,  #Shake                    |   1,  0%,  #Pulec                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Smoke                    |  10,  1%,  #Juko                     |
|   4,  0%,  #Almacar                  |   1,  0%,  #Ulk                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Khârgaz                  |   8,  2%,  #Reef                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Pretty                   |   4,  0%,  #Gryluk                   |
|   4,  1%,  #Touchstone               |   2,  0%,  #Krohm                    |
|   9,  1%,  #Toe                      |   5,  0%,  #Dragóth                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Bamsefar                 |   3,  1%,  #Sigh                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Hoor                     |   2,  0%,  #Orcobal                  |
|   2,  1%,  #Shado                    |   2,  0%,  #Mura                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Bootyho                  |   4,  1%,  #Dusk                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Palpatine                |   1,  0%,  #Inziladûn                |
|   1,  0%,  #Roadkill                 |   1,  0%,  #Gluksh                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Nurmur                   |   6,  1%,  #Warlord                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Xirt                     |   2,  0%,  #Groksh                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Fabel                    |                                      |

2001-Mar-27 16:18:14  reached level 70 in 69:98 (Hall of Arms) 
2001-Mar-12 17:26:55  reached level 69 in 141:78 (Broken Trail) 
2001-Jan-30 23:22:05  reached level 68 in 161:26 (Dark Dreary Forest) 
2001-Jan-25 16:34:34  reached level 67 in 126:99 (Troll's Hideout) 
2001-Jan-18 23:19:52  reached level 66 in 125:10 (Deep Inside a Dark Chamber) 
2001-Jan-16 21:11:32  drowned in 171:108 (Flooded Underground Tunnel) 
2001-Jan-09 15:32:40  reached level 65 in 137:62 (A Slag Pit) 
2001-Jan-03 00:13:42  reached level 64 in 73:86 (A crudely carved tunnel) 
2000-Dec-28 02:54:52  reached level 63 in 50:62 (A Tunnel) 
2000-Dec-11 15:31:39  reached level 62 in 58:33 (The Great Library) 
2000-Dec-11 13:17:20  was regressed to level 61 in 138:30 (Small Hill) 
2000-Dec-11 13:17:20  killed by Rivet (linkless) in 138:30 (Small Hill) 
2000-Dec-06 22:16:16  reached level 62 in 73:6 (A Dark Tunnel) 
2000-Dec-04 16:30:19  reached level 61 in 165:71 (Dark and Silent Woodland) 
2000-Nov-30 11:16:17  reached level 60 in 131:50 (Dark Tower) 
2000-Nov-12 15:28:44  reached level 59 in 137:24 (A shallow cave) 
2000-Nov-07 15:28:42  reached level 58 in 161:39 (Blighted Land) 
2000-Nov-04 15:31:15  reached level 57 in 108:12 (Start of the Chasm Trail) 
2000-Nov-01 23:27:44  killed by the Necromancer in 42:55 (Research Chamber) 
2000-Oct-27 14:47:37  killed by Gravesh in 129:18 (Inside the Gate) 
2000-Oct-25 17:44:45  killed by Mochomurka in 22:30 (Dwarf King's Home) 
2000-Oct-23 22:16:29  reached level 56 in 73:7 (Caved-in Tunnel) 
2000-Sep-20 16:25:54  killed by Tairach in 131:89 (Broken Mountains) 
2000-Sep-19 22:49:47  rerolled 
2000-Sep-19 22:39:53  rerolled 
2000-Sep-19 22:36:02  rerolled 
2000-Sep-19 22:34:02  rerolled 
2000-Aug-20 21:31:10  died in 139:62 (Slope up the Mountain) 
2000-Aug-09 22:17:02  reached level 55 in 90:55 (In Front of a Palisade) 
2000-Jul-29 22:55:09  reached level 54 in 119:110 (Drafty Tunnel) 
2000-Jul-24 22:26:40  reached level 53 in 117:51 (Sleeping Quarters) 
2000-Jul-21 11:30:05  reached level 52 in 130:90 (Rock Face) 
2000-Jul-20 16:11:03  rerolled 
2000-Jun-03 22:32:17  rerolled 
2000-Apr-28 21:22:20  died in 70:70 (Forest Border) 
2000-Apr-17 23:38:36  reached level 51 in 82:57 (Old East Road) 
2000-Apr-11 12:46:39  killed by Huhu in 73:86 (A crudely carved tunnel) 
2000-Apr-04 15:13:39  reached level 50 in 80:63 (Brush-covered Stones) 
2000-Mar-14 01:46:08  reached level 49 in 109:50 (Before the Double Doors) 
2000-Mar-06 19:31:58  reached level 48 in 141:81 (Rising Hills) 
2000-Feb-18 11:53:16  reached level 47 in 73:15 (A Dark Tunnel) 
2000-Feb-15 21:30:31  killed by Drooling in 31:101 (Inside a Cave) 
2000-Feb-08 14:24:49  killed by 0 in 31:97 (The River Bruinen) 
2000-Feb-07 14:16:26  reached level 46 in 137:71 (Bend in the Trail) 
2000-Jan-27 14:53:43  killed by Donk in 31:75 (West of the Ford of the Bruinen) 
2000-Jan-17 20:05:54  reached level 45 in 1:123 (Corridor) 
2000-Jan-10 12:33:54  reached level 44 in 131:50 (Dark Tower) 
2000-Jan-05 21:50:16  reached level 43 in 31:67 (Rocky Plains) 
1999-Dec-24 02:43:14  reached level 42 in 31:2 (The Dark Forest) 
1999-Dec-20 15:14:08  died of his wounds in 58:7 (Top of a Steeply Sloping Path) 
1999-Dec-13 14:17:21  reached level 41 in 137:83 (Rocky Path) 
1999-Dec-08 11:02:01  reached level 40 in 207:100 (In an Underground Tomb) 
1999-Nov-29 13:38:04  reached level 39 in 41:71 (Guest Room) 
1999-Nov-24 19:22:25  died of his wounds in 114:2 (Pool of Lava) 
1999-Nov-24 15:55:42  reached level 38 in 94:3 (Camp on the Hills) 
1999-Nov-18 18:45:59  reached level 37 in 36:86 (Inside the South Gate of Tharbad) 
1999-Nov-18 15:52:54  killed by Goliath in 1:108 (A Great, Dirty Cave) 
1999-Nov-10 11:24:48  killed by Amadeus in 1:108 (A Great, Dirty Cave) 
1999-Nov-08 18:51:48  reached level 36 in 31:12 (The Dark Forest) 
1999-Nov-05 15:30:31  reached level 35 in 18:17 (Wandering Path in the Old Forest) 
1999-Oct-30 14:20:48  reached level 34 in 34:36 (The Hidden Room) 
1999-Oct-27 16:10:25  reached level 33 in 124:71 (Red Avenue) 
1999-Oct-21 20:24:30  reached level 32 in 74:88 (The Wightlord's Chamber) 
1999-Apr-15 12:41:35  created 

You are a male Half-Elf.
You are 64 years, 4 months, and 24 days old.
You have played 3 months, 5 days, and 12 hours (real time).          <---- No god, mostly idle time!! (yeah right)
This ranks you as Zaber lost in the rl (level 70).
You are six feet 0 and weigh twelve stone.
Perception: vision 45, hearing -10, smell -25. Alertness: normal.
You must have been sent to Arda to free it from the sorrows that weigh upon it.
You are welcome in Bree, Shire, Fornost, the Grey Havens, and Rivendell.
You are carrying 136 pounds of equipment. Heavy, but we will manage...
Your base abilities are: Str:20 Int:14 Wis:13 Dex:14 Con:18 Wil:13 Per:13.
Offensive Bonus: 105%, Dodging Bonus: 43%, Parrying Bonus: 119%.
Your armour provides an average protection of 89%.
You have 432/432 hit, 95/95 mana, and 152/152 movement points.
Your mood is wimpy. 
You will flee if your hit points go below 150.
You have scored 73,604,410 experience points and you have 343,969 travel
You are one of the greatest captains of the armies of the West.
You need 1,895,590 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 129 lauren coins, 11 celeb pennies, and 20 busc pennies.
You are speaking Westron.
Affected by:
- strength
- bless

OB: 105%, DB: 43%, PB: 119%, Armour: 89%. Wimpy: 250. Mood: wimpy.
OB: 203%, DB: 7%, PB: 33%, Armour: 89%. Wimpy: 0. Mood: berserk.

You are using:
<wielded>            an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer
<worn as shield>     an ancient dwarven shield (brand new)
<worn on head>       a white chain mail coif (brand new)
<worn on body>       a shining breastplate (brand new)
<worn about body>    a fine grey cloak (brand new)
<worn on arms>       a shining pair of vambraces (brand new)
<worn on hands>      a thin pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
<worn on legs>       a shining pair of greaves (brand new)
<worn on feet>       a pair of iron-shod boots (brand new)
<worn around neck>   a necklace
<worn around neck>   a pale blue stone
<worn on finger>     a sapphire ring
<worn on finger>     a diamond ring
<worn on back>       a leather backpack
<worn across back>   a laced quiver
<worn as belt>       a gleaming belt
<worn on belt>       a sable pouch
<worn on belt>       a sable pouch
<worn on belt>       a sable pouch
<worn on belt>       a red ruby; it has a soft glowing aura
<worn on belt>       a small wooden box
<worn on wrist>      a keyring with a couple of keys and a set of lock picks
<worn on wrist>      a golden elven bracelet

*>exa 1.pouch
pouch (used) : 
a ruby ring
a twisted rock fragment
a twisted rock fragment
a bright red amulet
a flask of miruvor
a flask of miruvor
a flask of miruvor
a flask of miruvor
an azure scroll
a black scroll
a blue scroll
a purple scroll

*>exa 3.pouch
pouch (used) : 
a vellum scroll
a vellum scroll
a vellum scroll
a vellum scroll

Skickar signaler till fire.pvv.org [] med 32 byte data:

Svar från byte=32 tid=35ms TTL=246
Svar från byte=32 tid=37ms TTL=246
Svar från byte=32 tid=35ms TTL=246
Svar från byte=32 tid=37ms TTL=246

Ping-statistik för
    Paket: Skickad = 4, Mottaget = 4, Förlorat = 0 (0% förlorade),
Ungefärlig tid för  att skicka fram och åter i millisekunder:
    Minimum = 35ms, Maximum =  37ms, Medel =  36ms

Maybe that explains it =)

Didn't want to say so much more, just wanted some flames as usual =)
Those I want to say bye to knows that, those I dont want to say bye 
to knows that to, but still Wave all.

Top of Page Down to last comment

ARAM2001-05-03 01:19:39
YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES and i thought my day could not get any better
Horast/Quavair2001-05-03 01:22:02
You rock....
Sucks you are going...
Dardhel2001-05-03 01:27:28
What actually happened was that Zaber and I have been having sex with each other most of the time and neither of us have time to play anymore. Maybe when we get bored of each other then we will come back to mume. You will be in my dreams Zaber until we meet again
Guano2001-05-03 01:33:39
So, see ya in 1 or 2 weeks raiding warrens again? *wink* waves dude
A *newbie*2001-05-03 01:43:23
Bye and good riddance. More room at da top fer me!!!!
Guano2001-05-03 01:45:13
So, see ya in 1 or 2 weeks raiding warrens again? *wink* waves dude
Aschit2001-05-03 01:45:21
Why are you leaving?
Dr. Ruth2001-05-03 01:46:35
Vell, Dardhel, I ist not beliefing anybody vould take times off of ze Mume to have sex vit you. You ist confusing yer fantazy sex life wiz ze blow-up doll and real life again. I haff warned you about zis in ze past. For God's sake, pleeeeeeeez let ze air out of zat thing and be done wit it. Even chicken sex vould be healthier (vell, not for da chicken of course).
Fredde2001-05-03 01:47:41
fan en av dom normala å roliga i nsl drar.. aja cs johan!
Unknown2001-05-03 01:51:49
Dardhel2001-05-03 01:54:05
But Dr. Ruth how can I go have sex with a chicken when the animal wants nothing to do with me. Sure my cock may be as big as a chickens but I am just not appealing to chickens. I enjoy Julie (my blow up doll) and she loves me and we are a match made in heaven. Sorry Zaber but I must dump you and continue to see Julie
Reef2001-05-03 02:00:31
Damn im in good company there on the last page of his trophy :)
Dr. Ruth2001-05-03 02:01:01
You muzt werk harder at ze dating game. Trust me Dardhel, wit ze bath and lotz of cologne and a regular job even you could be attractive to ze poultry. If nothing elze, perhaps zey could luv you out of pity. Try pouting a lot.
Dardhel2001-05-03 02:05:29
The only regular job I held in the last 2 years was pan handling outside this cow barn I call a college. Cologne would work fine but it hurts my face if I use it. My face is covered in zits and I pop them as a hobby. I once got a girl to like me she only wanted me for my pan handling skills (I can earn $2-4 on a good day). IM SO FUCKING UGLY ITS SICKENING
Dr. Ruth2001-05-03 02:09:08
Vell, ya got me dere. All I can say is "poor Julie" and I hope ze two of you vill be vewy happy (alzough I muzt think Julie doezn't have much hope of zat!).
Dardhel2001-05-03 02:12:58
I asked Julie to marry me last week and I shook her head in a nodding motion as if she is saying yes. So we are engaged and most likely going to be married this coming winter and I will invite all my friends!! I will invite....hmmmmm....can't seem to think of any friends. Dr. Ruth would you be my friend so we can have at least 1 human guest at our wedding?
Dr. Ruth2001-05-03 02:31:38
Sorry, I'm buzy zis vinter. Maybe ven hell freezes over.
Shiznit2001-05-03 02:38:19
THATS A F*****g trophy! (size not solo kill rate)
Korf2001-05-03 03:26:27
impressive trophy :) sad to see ya go zaber, you were always fun
to talk too. i hope to see ya on chatting sometime soon. drop me a
line if you're ever near DC :) chase_cogs@yahoo.com
--take it easy bud
Fezz2001-05-03 03:33:45
Fezz2001-05-03 03:34:01
Laf aram
Uriond2001-05-03 03:50:47
God damn, 203 ob berserk WITHOUT leather and 162 def *whistle*
Ecko/Gau2001-05-03 03:57:37
Dear god..did you say you live in DC KORF? nooo..I am moving!! Cant stay here anymore ;-)
Azg2001-05-03 04:10:34
Yes! Zaberstats! thanks buddy!
Vorlin2001-05-03 05:27:17
Well, I never hated you, and anyone who actually hates someone because they play a game well needs psychiatric counseling. And I'm not joking about that. I'd say that 9 of ten times, people here are verbally attacking others because they just can't compete with them in Mume, so they try to get some sort of weasely little victory here on mume.net instead. Petty people using petty methods to accomplish petty goals. Rock on.
Wryak2001-05-03 05:49:06
I hATe EVerYYOnE! Oh wait, I leave that to Shadrach. Btw. Forek he beats your 30%!

Unknown2001-05-03 05:49:36
No tears shed for a self-labbie-supporting jerk of a player, thats overlinked and overstatted... I order to be missed you might do something besided single yourself out as a bashtrap whore, and someone who has a fast enough link to abuse the intended game mechanics (entering dt and maniplating doors quicker than other players links can or mobs can, abusing NOC and warrens defense mechanics). Its amazing how many brownnosers like Vorlin still kiss your ass, hoping you will come back some day. Even more impressive to think how a guy like Rza plays on a link that you can execute at LEAST 4-5 commands, and see 4-5 results before he executes one... Thats 8-10 commands and results for ever line he sees.
Basha/Brogan/Di2001-05-03 06:01:15
well, my darkies hated you
My whities loved you..
I'll miss you
Lochdale2001-05-03 07:15:41
An awful lot of 5 0% suggests far too much lab playing and group killing. Ah well, I would be lying if I said that I was not sorry to see you go from a playing perspective as it is so hard to survive against your groups. Still, a decent chap who spared me linkless and even afk, good luck with RL, its really much more important, come back and finish the job.
Fearsome2001-05-03 07:53:59
9, 1% fearsome?? i didnt play that char very fucking long sheesh
Shadrach2001-05-03 08:27:41
MUAHAHAHA! Good to see you gone. I wont miss you. Maybe its time for you to finally meet a girl huh? Or a boy perhaps?
I hope you never come back.
Altok2001-05-03 08:27:53
Nice. I like it how you did a "cha height 20" before listing your trophies. My mother kicks more ass! ;-) Either way, sorry to see you go. You're a great player :p
grunge2001-05-03 08:28:37
I felt pathetic (not having level 70 chars) until i saw your playtime :)
seeya around, i'll feel a bit safer now :p
Prist2001-05-03 08:31:19
Wow, 7, 1%, #Prist and 3 more of my chars... scary :P and don't worry, you'll be back soon enough :/ I started to think of unretiring Prist about a week after retiring him or so :P
Mammoth2001-05-03 08:47:33
Hope it's the army that got you!

Heldo2001-05-03 08:57:21
Ack!, Zaber var endå en skön kille =)
Just curious2001-05-03 09:08:14
What was in 2nd pouch? :P
Alcion2001-05-03 09:09:45
It is, Mammoth.
Majere2001-05-03 09:19:55
Well.. Another fast and skilled player leaving.. He leads 99% of the time so you cant rly complain about his knowledge.. Well well.. cyas soon IRL.. And at Friday its the nice party, time to finally nail Karin maybe? :) *bow*
19, 5%, #Nacs2001-05-03 09:21:29
Majere2001-05-03 09:25:14
Well.. Another fast and skilled player leaving.. He leads 99% of the time so you cant rly complain about his knowledge.. Well well.. cyas soon IRL.. And at Friday its the nice party, time to finally nail Karin maybe? :) *bow*
Vorlin2001-05-03 09:36:59
I'm a brown nose? *laugh* I've never grouped with Zaber & Co., never received gear from them, and God knows my troll has been abused up one side and down the other by him. Do I admire Zaber & Co.? In a gaming sense, to some degree, yes. They've managed to min/max this game probably better than any other group (future idiot repliers, please note the word 'group') to ever play it, and that includes a lot of skilled players. /par/ The only criticism I ever had of the NSL is that they played/play pukes far too much. If they had restricted themselves solely to darkies then I wouldn't have anything negative to say about them at all. /par/ Over the years I've played here I've seen that the better you are at mume the more everyone else flames you. God help you if you warlord, or are just an effective pkiller, because then you'll attract the legions of mume players whose only skill is heaping shit onto others.
Edvard2001-05-03 09:51:14
bwahaha only 2 of me totally! 1 hann, 1 bamsefar.. aja men du, vi kan ju starta en klubb nu, jag har hållit upp i 70 dagar nu! men ser inte ut som jag kan slita mig från mume.net dock.... udda jag är....
Ainagul2001-05-03 09:51:45
Toe2001-05-03 09:56:16
Never could beat ya Zaber, but I had a lot of fun trying (and dying).. I beat ya on his last page of trophy, Reef! Thanx for posting the trophy Zaber :) Always wanted to see that one.
Toe2001-05-03 09:59:52
1999-Apr-15 12:41:35 created ... sheesh! You've been busy those 2 years!
Unknown2001-05-03 10:01:34
19, 5%, #Nacs *haha*
Majere2001-05-03 10:10:42
*Laugh* Just came to think of the first time Zaber started Mume.. Some of us had allready been playing a while (Galadon, Alcion, Gimilzor and some more) I was still a lowbie in my 15's or such.. And so here this more of a partyguy comes around.. fancy dressing and such.. NOT the kind of person you would take for a Mudder.. I think many of youd be suprised if you saw Zaber irl.. So he said he wanted to start playing.. Elmir told him to be a half-elf warrior *laugh* cause we never thought he'd start playing.. But soon enough he became legend and he's now the highest char in the whole lab.. Ahh as the years goes by.. *sniff* so old memories :)
Cele2001-05-03 10:22:16
Magíca2001-05-03 10:22:18
Yeah lol *nod Majere* I remember that it was MUME-meeting here in Stockholm, I didn't get to meet the estonians but Zaber and co did. A week later or so one of the estonians told me 'jeez, I never could have imagined Zaber that way... is he a model or something?' =) Rofl =) Anyway army got Zaber! *sniff*
Bulldozer2001-05-03 10:22:29
wow only once :D | 1, 0%, #Bulldozer, only thing i have against you is the overwhelming advantage from that damned link ;/

Reply from bytes=32 time=461ms TTL=221
Reply from bytes=32 time=460ms TTL=221
Reply from bytes=32 time=471ms TTL=221
Reply from bytes=32 time=471ms TTL=221 << :((((((((((((((

Cele2001-05-03 10:22:51
killed by 0 in 31:97 (The River Bruinen)
Ehe.. there should be trolls name, what is that?:)
We hate Majere2001-05-03 10:25:57
You will always be lowbie, Majere
Majere2001-05-03 10:31:39
And im proud of it :)
Elmir2001-05-03 10:36:04
Well... I think its fantastic that he could play Zaber anyhow... I told him to take like half-elf warrior with newbie stats or whatever... And suddenly hes level 70 and fucks around with all of us... Bah! Army sucks, Im off for school, wtf am I doing here?
Diam2001-05-03 11:21:11
How come you don't have me in trophy :(?
1, 0%, #Zaber - and i remember how many times i got ye awful, whilst being solo.
Diam2001-05-03 11:22:03
Ah the army days:P, I warlorded #1 and next morning left army rl. Rocked :)
*a Historian*2001-05-03 11:22:35
Who did the Swedish Army ever defeat in combat anyways?

<> It does seem that Sweden hasn't fought and defeated anything for about 400 years. So why do they keep a standing army? Possible Answer: *A Sarge* suddenly arrives. You wear a bathtowel over your gonads. *A Sarge* orders you 'Take off every Zig'. You drop a towel on the ground. Leave the rest up to your imagination.
Diam2001-05-03 11:22:49
You have played 5 months, 18 days, and 2 hours (real time).
Harad2001-05-03 11:24:03
P/Zaber one of the nicest players IMO anyway, gonna miss ya, for what it's worth :P
*a Historian* p2001-05-03 11:24:07
The majority of battles are from the period 1600 to 1660 when Sweden established herself as a great power in Europe and from 1660 to 1721 when she defended this status and her very existance from old bitter enemies and new growing powers. BAHAHA So they havent done shit since the dark ages, when they were fending Finns off of the rumps of their herds?
Khwaj2001-05-03 12:10:11
Wave, we have had our fights.
Wryak2001-05-03 12:56:48
The eastern border defense of Sweden = Finland. It's hilarious actually how pathetic their defense there is, and the excuse for it is that we don't pose a threath! Well maybe so but plah, if we have to serve for a year, how long do the swedes serve? .)
faint2001-05-03 13:29:51
look at all those solokills

well good luck in quiting tho=)
many tried and some succeded but the rest....=)
Zaber2001-05-03 13:45:57
I am gay.
Raichu2001-05-03 13:58:34
See you later, maybe I have some decent level to get overkilled or bashtrapped by you later, and I can flame all I want again on this whinepage=)
Good luck RL!
Zaber2001-05-03 14:14:29
no army. im just a small kid.
jimmy2001-05-03 14:14:59
wow - look at all thise kills *laugh* no solokills at all. NO RESPECT
Majere2001-05-03 14:49:46
Jimmy you pathetic fuck.. Do you know what the recent changes to kill system was? If i WALK past an orc that 5 mins later die to Zaber i get a kill to.. and no solo.. so just stfu.. cause 99% of the kills nowdays arent solo.
Eàle2001-05-03 15:26:05
im so sorry to see ya go.you have always helped me when i asked and your one of the greatest players in this mud.i hope you come back after the army... see you around.
Gray2001-05-03 16:06:28
ICK! Impressive set/pouches :) And army... geez, there is tons way to avoid it! Bleh, for me it's easier to picture you at comp than with gun :( Anyways, hope you will be back! :)
Evan2001-05-03 17:20:28
I wonder whats in 2.sable ... Ponder why only show 1.+ 3. to much eq ? :)
Moonshade2001-05-03 17:22:21
Majere, wtf are you talking about? One of my mages has 150+ kills and 80% solokill rate.
Hurolg2001-05-03 17:44:47
ha det så bra!
Fyrestar2001-05-03 18:34:32
nod Majere, Zaber is far frm what i'd expect a mudder to be :P Heck almost none of ya whom i met in Dec. were. Zaber good luck with RL, dont let the army kill ya, and hopefully see ya sometime next summer if/when i go there again. :)
Oile2001-05-03 18:41:01
Liars! There are a bunch of solo kills up there, and at least one 4x solo kills (so what if it's probably a newbie bn, it proves he does walk around solo). Nice to finally know what NSL pings really are, use dialup for fair play!
Jocke2001-05-03 19:23:23
"A Historian" doesn't know much about the history of the peace loving swedes it seems.
The last battle on swedish ground was in 1809 at Ratan, Vasterbotten, when the
russian Tsar Alexander tried to invade Sweden. The Russian army of 7500 men, led my
General Kamenski was ambushed by a small army of 4000 swedes led by General
Wachmeister. Over 2000 russians were killed (over twice as many as the swedes)
and the remaining russian force fled head over heals back to the russia.
Jocke2001-05-03 19:27:37
Oh btw, Sweden has since 1521 fought 31 diferent wars.
General Kamensk2001-05-03 20:15:50
Let's be fair. 1975 of my troops died from eating bad meatballs. And they rest took off after I stupidly manuevered them downwind of the Ratan Rotten Fish Festival. Give me a nose-clip and a spoon and I'll kick Sweden's ass into oblivion. We'll actually, whever you can go from oblivion because it's pretty oblivious already. Why don't you guys sneak into a real country and leave that joint to the penguins (if they'll have it).
Rambo2001-05-03 20:19:11
Is it true that basic training in Sweden is a two-week course in making hand-stitched white flags and learning how to say "I surrender" in 78 different languages?
Swartzenegger2001-05-03 20:50:02
I walked up to the Swedish command post undetected past the guards, ja. After slitting the throat of the radio operator, ja ja, I found the second in command Relim looking at one of those Danish boyporn magazines. I dutifuly removed his Gonads, ja, after slitting his throat, ja. The commander drew his pistol and fired, a stream of water hit my face, but i was undeterred. I closed in for close combat. He rose from his Swedish posturpedic matress, quickly drawing an emema bag and his trusty manual entitled "I surrender in 78 Languages". He then bent over, this was a manuver I had never before seen in combat, but my training is to react in any circumstance, ja ja. So I swiftly kicked him halfway to Hanoi. Mission accomplished. I'll be back!
Drenical2001-05-03 21:24:40
Fan vad tråkigt.. :/
adroit2001-05-03 22:24:37
hey man, I never grouped with you or even talked with you except once to confirm that you indeed had 7-11's, but i'll miss seeing everyone whine on you and remember all the lowbie orcs i never really got around to leveling since whenever i logged on y'all were sitting in NOC. good luck
Unknown2001-05-03 22:57:52
I love chars that have 430+ hps, and more then 8 cleric spells *lick*
danny2001-05-04 08:59:38
Amras2001-05-04 14:54:05
Later dude, sure was fun bangin' with ya.
Hare så bra irl.
Bulldozer2001-05-04 16:37:50
sif you swedes have anything on the anzacs!
Rackhir2001-05-23 17:59:03
Eyo hörs kompis ses någon gång när du har permis kanske..nice natt gib :p
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