snotty dies (on request)
posted by Snotty
2001-05-03 12:33:37
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Pukes finally pkill snotty for the first time ever. Looked like I could get nice
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a snot2001-05-03 12:37:33
uhm in beginning of log i was supposed to say i checked if i could solo a cavebear!
Dr Rosenpenis2001-05-03 12:47:14
Nice log.
Elmo2001-05-03 12:47:39
wasn't planned trap man we was ford just got done prist for scroll, heard him narrating orc in cavebear near hillman come, so ran there and there you were.
btw way to go vaina, good job blocking from outside, most pukes would opened nad try get in letting orc escape or something stupid, but very non greedy smart thinking and nicely done by you
Majere2001-05-03 12:48:27
Could say comf.. But i'd be lying.. tihi...
Wryak2001-05-03 12:48:38
Ehe and I bet Rain was VERY proud of this too :P he tried a rocking trap 6 vs 1 on me the other day with Namire as the lurer. He always says how overpowered his dwarf is, yet he died to you 1vs1 like an utter jerk in his own trap...

Stormblast2001-05-03 12:49:18
Nothing surprising in the log, those that rock rock and those that suck well... suck! And those that rock get rocked by fuckuped rocks. There!
Wryak2001-05-03 12:49:33
Ok so you had 3 ppl inside, or 4? elf entered too I suppose, then you had Vaina block from outside, making u what, 5 ? vs 1? yeah great work Vaina :P
Rain2001-05-03 12:51:31
The other day? I just unretired last night. :P Think you're confused there slick.
Rain2001-05-03 12:54:33
Aye, I'm proud whenever slow linked North American people win.
Rain2001-05-03 12:56:04
Btw, today we learn that raw telnet is not an effective thing to play with. *nod self*
Sharmak2001-05-03 13:09:36
Must felt depressing for Rain cos i mean really yer fellows suck sooo much. instead of cureing or rescuing they let u die! Ok ok i know i am stupid i was hoping that they rescue u and are blocked in with u and u have to die or kill then with yer blacksword! ;) Comfs Snotty too :(
Enoreth2001-05-03 13:15:50
I was one of the first elves ot enter there, what the heck ya expect me to do Sharmak? HEAL Rain??? My heal would backfire! RESCUE rain??? Clerics dont have rescue! I'm lev 17 dammit!! :P Snotty trapped Rain with mobs+ him on him, he killed Rain, got the mobs on him again+pukes. He died, end of story....
Enoreth2001-05-03 13:23:45
ok, lil rash lat comment there, sry :p But hey, you win some, and loose a lil :P
Enoreth sux2001-05-03 13:29:05
wow enoreth now u seem even more stupid than u did before u commented
Dizz2001-05-03 13:30:58
How about cast 'cure ser' rain or maybe even cast 'dispel evil' orc you stood around a good while before you even did anything =P
Raichu2001-05-03 13:34:48
Snicker why not type get all.rock all.sable, too bad you have such bad typing skills, then just throw rock rock ! ! ! ! ! ! or so so u throw all rocks away and u would be free =P but nice kill on rain=P
Lava2001-05-03 13:39:15
Well Snotty, look on the bright side - at least Rain died.
Enoreth to Enor2001-05-03 13:43:41
Thanks =) As for cure ser, yeah, prolly, but I'm a newbie.. and in case you didnt know, with 2 mobs and a player on someone, LOS happens quite often.
Fredde2001-05-03 13:47:59
rofl rain needed more against one orc who was fighting against a cave bear and rain had black sword.. and then he dies! comon man i think iam even better then you! and then you should feel ashamed!
Wryak2001-05-03 13:56:34
Yeah, as I read the log again it was OBVIOUS Snotty trapped Rain with mobs! Yes! this was how it was! common Jens/Martin logic here.

a snot to raich2001-05-03 14:01:23
well you cannot use rocks unless you wield them, when you are engaged in a fight (dont know why it is so, u can use them from inventory when not fighting).
Belinda2001-05-03 14:02:34
Ofcourse you can use rocks without wielding them.
Unknown2001-05-03 15:08:04
What about the linkdropping? Rules say its forbidden to drop link
to avoid pk. He dropped link because he spammed to much close in order
to get other commandos trough. So linkdrop gave him an advantage. Its like
those shooters who die because they spammed too much shoot. If they would
drop and reconnect they could escape...
Turviniel2001-05-03 15:14:00
Erm as about to the fact that noone fights you fairly, snotty - you are wrong.
Whity2001-05-03 15:34:36
To Unknown: Thats a silly comment. He reconnected, he didnt drop link. From
the MUME perspective the connection was just "called by an other user". So
thats not even CLOSE to breaking a rule.
Raichu2001-05-03 16:03:54
Well sh (sheath) get all.rock sable hold rock throw rock rock ermmm ok in that time u are dead =P ;) too bad aliases fucked else you would gotten out=)
Mammoth2001-05-03 16:10:43
GORETONGUE2001-05-03 16:18:38
puke died.
Massacre2001-05-03 17:24:06
*lol Stormblast*
Gray2001-05-03 17:35:18
MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Proudest snot, who wants as much trouble for other ppl as it is possible (or even more), DIES! SUFFER MOTHAFUCKA! Hope you are pissed enough to stop disturbing us by your very presence, at least for a while!
*a Puke*2001-05-03 17:53:29
Yeah die, but gimme gold and eq first!
Rogon2001-05-03 19:14:25
Rain has yelled whins at me several times for fighting unfair, now he says he's proud of a 4vs1 win in a blocked room? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :)
Miss Manners2001-05-03 19:49:48
You cannot use 'ACTIONS' in combat with other players. Actions are client functions which automatically do anything based on your output from MUME, such as looting coins or equipment from corpses, fleeing, hitting, tracking, changing your aliases, changing key bindings, or anything else.
Miss Manners2001-05-03 19:50:13
You cannot use 'ACTIONS' in combat with other players. Actions are client functions which automatically do anything based on your output from MUME, such as looting coins or equipment from corpses, fleeing, hitting, tracking, changing your aliases, changing key bindings, or anything else.
The Queen of Cl2001-05-03 20:08:28
Cleaned out Rain's arsehole cavitiy rather nicely, next time we will concentrate on the proper group of chemicals necessary to destroy loser trappers with powerful tactical scouring agents...
a snot to turvi2001-05-03 20:41:38
no i dont fight u 4 on 4 when you powersanc the buffer and then nuke me with 120hp dispels.
Elmir2001-05-03 22:20:59
and then you watch the log above... what is there to complain about? You didnt scout for pukes, you made so the cave bear attacked rain instead, and dont lie. If you didnt youre fucked up in the head, cause thats what everyone else would do. So dont act like: This was all innocent. Idiot.
Jocke2001-05-03 22:50:22
Just say it like it is Snotty, you fucked up, It's not the first time and it's
not the last time. Grats on kill.. not that is was even mentionable. Snotty is
just an average orc to me.
Unknown2001-05-03 23:00:02
Fun log tho, aint it heh?
Torment2001-05-03 23:18:54
Who counts though as an above average orc to you though Jocke, I'm curious. I know I am not on that list, but would love to see what it takes to make that list.
Arkine2001-05-03 23:56:03
Hard luck Snotty. If Elmo doesdn't spam yell so damn much he can be a damn effective ppl. It was a good tatic by Snotty and he just got a little unlucky. Them the breaks. Snotty is a good ppl to group with and knows his stuff, if he is an average ppl Jocke then its time I packed it in.
dragóth2001-05-04 00:03:25
snotty rules,
a snot2001-05-04 01:17:07
I have to say something about jocke. You think you rock so hard, but you don't get close to mastering all aspects of the game. All you can do is to play this game like some arcade game, and you played in exactly the same style since i got here(autumn96) and probably some 4 years before that, no? Sure you can hunt around and track/spam down shitloads of inferior players (mostly with labbie) and never give up before they are safely inside. I used to play isolde&tindo that way for like 1 year, and if i remember it correctly i kicked you seriously in the warlords race. These days i choose to play a bit differently. You never ever stay to eat a bash, not even when you leading some powerpukegroup as slashing lev50? dwarfwarrior, and I think me and my lads would rip your group apart anytime in a tactical situation if we were equally powered. And besides, i spammed down and killed your flagship char in warrens with my level12 troll, and hunted your dwarf awful from hurt solo - your style, so you should keep your mouth shut. You call me bad player on what grounds, cause i dont bother spamming away 15 rooms instantly when i flee? you know, i could if i wanted to. How many times were u even close to killing me? PS anybody understood what action-unknown and elmir meant with those comments?
a snot2001-05-04 01:21:03
oh, and i dont think im the best player on mume even if it might sound like that sometimes. Different people are good at different stuff, have different links and different online time. Making some rankings of some general "mume skill" is useless which i hope all will agree upon.
Rain2001-05-04 01:42:56
Anybody notice the blacksword bug in the log? I topple bash, still engaged with Snotty. However, blacksword proceed to make me engage warg. I get approach delay on hitting warg and then hit Snotty on the next line! Which makes me be engaged with warg when Snotty flees and comes back. Bleh.
Elmo2001-05-04 02:49:46
i was spamming close waiting to see block trapano was spraying i was hoping he'd know to block so i spammed close so much waiting for it, time i notcied rain was gonna die i had so much spammed in i ddint rescue and for that i'm sorry, but i was sure, thus i felt bad and gave rain the full shining set ruby ring and otehrs things.
A *newbie*2001-05-04 06:12:49
Somebody kill Elmo, pleeeeeeeease!!!
Unknown2001-05-04 10:26:06
Erm Rain its not a bug, and you are using illegal triggers to keep that sword sheathed in your ass.... I believe the intent of blacksword is it randomly hits anything around it... But obviously you have figured out its code and abused it *yawn* loser. Very nice to see you use sneaking companions with it now so it can't hit them either.
Devastator2001-05-04 19:32:51
Why would snotty be an average orc? *cough*
Jocke2001-05-04 19:42:54
Laugh, that's EXACTLY why you will never become a player of respect Snotty, you think
to highly of yourself, and that i don't like. Tormen, you are on the "list" where snotty
will never be. There is more to getting my respect then beeing able to spam kill,
talk bullshit about others, acting like a fucking diva and beeing generally arrogant.
And Snotty, i never ever claimed to be "good" i just try to be a nice guy. Some
ppl however, constantly fail to treat other with the respect they deserve. Thats why
some players will never be respected, no matter what their pk abileties are.
Snotty is the kind of guy who allways need to stay in the centre of attention.
Snotty is the kind of guy who allways need others to say "oh my god you're good!"
"You rock!" in order to feel significant. If they don't get this attention they
turn all frustrated. Enough said.
Ps Mr Snotty, your comments about you and me and PK only tell us how little you have
learned during these years so i don't even bother to comment on that. But honnestly,
you give me a really good laugh! :) *laugh*
Alcion2001-05-04 19:49:45
There's a reason why some ppl really dislike pTindomerel, I haven't heard/know of anyone feel the same about pIlmare. That has to mean something, skillful or not.
A *newbie*2001-05-04 20:34:46
Snotty should kill Elmo. Elmo is one of the best on the game, he said so himself. If Snotty kilt Elmo then everybody would have to love and respect him. Kill Elmo!!! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!
Rain2001-05-04 21:19:27
Unknowns should at least make sense. *slap slap*
a snot2001-05-06 15:15:13
There is a difference between being a person who respects others and being a spineless buttlicker. And what the fuck you mean by never claiming you are spamyell bad player after me everytime i see you and you narrate "newbies" all the time to other players. Besides, your whole comment stinks with some "im a better person than you are" attitude, from start to end. And I have more enemies than you have here, and more friends too (some who used to be my enemies). I hope you read this.
Feon2001-05-06 17:27:56
whine whine whine,
Snotty thinks he is the best player on mume, let him have that.
Its okej for him to feel that way if it makes him better as a person.
(I dont think it does, but) I think snotty is the best player in mume.
And I think Dain is the most active player in mume to. So dont take a word to seriously.
I have no ide what im writing, but im writing anyway. Because its makes me better as a person.
Jocke2001-05-06 19:04:49
Ofcourse i yell newbie when i see you, cause i feel that i have to insult you as much as i possibly can.
I also call my friends newbies when they fuck up, in the same way they call me newbie when i fuck up.
We all still have a lot of fun though and there is nothing peronal into it. This
you would never understand though. well enough of this. Even if it's fun flaming you
this got boring. But don't feel sad about all this Snotty, or what ever your rl name is.
If you start acting normal in the future i will respect you too.
Johannes2001-05-07 06:59:48
Remind me to check my rock alias someday before I start trying to pk a lot :-/
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