Heyzeus dies
posted by Goten
2001-05-06 22:25:44
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ok that last log was gay but i kill a level 8 in this one!
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Log Reader2001-05-06 22:46:48
Uh-huh. This one is even more gay. Get a clue?
Fredde2001-05-06 22:54:11
pls post rma logs here! go to that danish page for this rma shit!
a *possum*2001-05-06 23:05:46
See here's my point exackly. If da *Elf* had just stiffened up like a board and fell down wit his little feets stickin' up I am purty sure youse guys woulda just left him there while ya go a'huntin somethin livelier. Werks fer me. That's all i can tellya.
heyzeus2001-05-06 23:28:16
yeah, way to go guy, you got a naked level 8 mage, by means of letting a *troll* and ibrahim beat me to death infront of your eyes:p and i don't know if its just my link or if its all ibrahim but damn dude, you're fast!
Aram2001-05-07 05:27:14
show me the vagina
An *ostrich*2001-05-07 07:59:11
Speaking of holes, if ya stick yer head in one ya become invisible. It's an old ostrich secret so don't tell the other ostriches I told ya or they'll kick me to death.
Lowyn tells you2001-05-07 09:57:37
Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER' Lowyn tells you 'COPPER'
The Mysterious2001-05-07 13:51:20
Ok, that was gay. In your intro to this log, you should have said that Ibrahim killed Heyzeus, not you
Par2001-05-07 16:11:02
Par was here
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