posted by .
2001-05-10 23:43:02
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Kakarot2001-05-10 23:46:46
Whose the moron that posted this log?
Please grow up and post smth meaningful, but
then again, from they way people get there kicks
about posting as someone else's name, what do you expect.
Sometimes you just got to wonder what kind of sick people
there are out in this world of ours
kaaren2001-05-10 23:56:14
Hey this log is better than most the shit that's sent here lately. Quit yer bitchin
A *critic*2001-05-11 00:07:09
Lacked drama, suspense and plot is very thin. Dialogue is plodding. No redeeming special effects. Storyline is not helped by lack of sympathetic characters. Let's face it, who gives a rat's ass if Kaaren dies?
Unknown2001-05-11 00:12:00
Krill narrates 'level!'
siskel2001-05-11 04:55:12
I disagree. Isn't that the most messages you can possibly receive on a death? So maybe it isn't as pointless as it would appear--I give it one thumbs up, and one thumb jammed in my ear because I'm dead. or is ebert dead?
Granvil2001-05-11 11:30:49
It was a lot of messages, but was lacking You gained great renown bla blah!
Raichu2001-05-11 14:34:21
Kaaren entered warrens on me when I was bad and 3 trolls came smelly to help and she died cause of spam, and orc got lucky and had last hit.
Johannes2001-05-11 14:34:23
Galerech2001-05-12 01:26:47
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