Unborn dies linkless
posted by Scorpio
2001-05-11 10:30:59
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Well he sure didn't look linkless from my screen, but who am I to decide? He di
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stolb2001-05-11 10:38:30
bla, zaparil igrat pukom, login orcov davaj
Scorpio2001-05-11 10:40:47
age netu
Vale2001-05-11 10:41:59
He sure was linkless. But he probably died in a few seconds RL time so you didn't really realize he was linkless until it was over. Then you realize, hey, that guy didn't run or anything. Sucks but it happens.
Alcion2001-05-11 10:42:28
"all of those NSLs" - I heard of the rumour and tried to piss you off, making you charge us. But you were to wimpy.
Scorpio2001-05-11 10:43:40
I heard exactly the same thing from Bobbie.. you are just a next one in line.
stolb2001-05-11 11:01:51
bleh, relax, kakja v zopu raznica, kakoj age, glavnoje fun
Hmmm2001-05-11 11:02:53
kogda chuvaki iz latvii priedut pit' pivo nakonec?!
Ecko2001-05-11 11:10:29
WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH MUME? Can anyon in the US connect? I cant load either page fire.pvv or mume.pvv...and cant get through with Zmud...obviously people are on now if they are posting new logs..but why cant I get on! Damn North America!
stolb2001-05-11 11:13:46
bleh, univer jebet, bojus do ujula ne prijedem :(
Ecko2001-05-11 11:14:40
in english damnit! ;-)
a snot2001-05-11 11:23:12
where was that funny log with several nslers whacking linkless like mad? adress anyone?
Ecko to Snot2001-05-11 11:33:03
do you currently have access to mume?
Jeyana to Hmmm2001-05-11 13:15:32
Prijedem na sledujushih vihodnih:)
Rhuka2001-05-11 13:19:26
Scorpio, why would we die to someone like you? You suck, you dont dismount and you dont do anything, I can just enter a nonridable and youre afraid its trap. Do some fun stuff? 170 defense or whatever should be enough to do something brave atleast. Tindomerel wannabe.
Elmir2001-05-11 13:19:59
Nice linklesskill, no way it was a few seconds rl. And btw, nice going playing with compact, got nonbrief aswell? Maybe spam?
Smrtihlav2001-05-11 13:30:19
i doubt NSL whined since Unborn is .cz , Thror followed him always as first , he is total moron for him it had to be obvious that he never fled more than 1 room, fucking lamer he is
Wryak2001-05-11 13:34:12
The reason it wasn't obvious for you he was linkless was that Thror was always in the room before you, triggering Unborns autowimpy making it look like he moved to you. Tho I don't think you would have spared him anyway *spit*
Scorpio to Wrya2001-05-11 13:46:04
Like you know me
Scorpio2001-05-11 13:56:33
Why do I always die in closeable then if I don't enter, Rhuka?
50% of my deaths are in closeable. Another 50% to moves or my cluelness.
I also play the way it suits me most (Brief mode on, spam mode on and compact mode in client) You have something against it?. And yes it took few seconds rl to kill Unborn.
Johannes2001-05-11 14:02:57
I like seeing a guy who has the guts to say he sometimes dies because of lack
of experience!
Raichu2001-05-11 14:03:36
Thror sucks. Another linklesskill he got, yeah he rulez!
Thror2001-05-11 14:04:09
Thror tells you 'Darkies are fucking overpowered!'
Astar2001-05-11 14:43:33
Thror is funny and sometimes pathetic dude ;)
*Doreth/Thor* yells 'WIMPS!' x 100
Fredde2001-05-11 14:48:30
Sweden - russia 4 - 3! now stop speaking that fuckin language!
Hmmm2001-05-11 14:50:00
Hmmm2001-05-11 14:51:02
Lucky bastards
Hmmm2001-05-11 14:52:31
Forgot to add: SUG KUK bastard
Rogon2001-05-11 15:23:49
Well from this log it doesnt look all that obvious, since he fled south twice, but wasnt south either of those times when the logger entered. Thror entered before both times tho, and i guess hit too and triggered his wimpy so he fled out. If it wasnt obvious for the logger, it must atleast have been very obvious to thror.
Dardhel2001-05-11 16:06:09
I sucked Raichu's cock this afternoon. He said I was the best guy who ever sucked his cock which is a huge compliment since he had his cock sucked by most guys
Dardhel2001-05-11 16:06:46
ps I am gay
Pivosos2001-05-11 16:16:55
Ne boisj , prijedem i popjem pivka !!
Vi tolko zhdite :]] *burp*
Hmmm2001-05-11 16:57:44
Ja do 15 ogo gde-to mogu, tak chto davajte poshustree :)
Raichu2001-05-11 17:14:00
I totally agree with Dardhel. How did you know that?
Btw nod rogon thror sucks.
Aira/Amazonka2001-05-11 17:34:40
Malchishki, a vi kuda sobiraetes', ne v Moskvu-matushku sluchaem?
Hmmm2001-05-11 17:44:05
V moskvu kak-nibud v drugoj raz, ja ih priglashaju v Tallinn, popit piva poka ja ne uehal v Perm :> Dolgo escho ne priedu, god moget-bit, a piva popit nado uzhe seichas *grin*
Chuvaki iz Latv2001-05-11 17:45:04
Da vot v sled vihodnie i sobiraemsja kogda Gray iz Moscow vernetsja.
chisla 18 19 20 budem :) ja nadejus.
Hmmmm2001-05-11 17:45:44
ne volnuisja mi tebja i v Permi naidem i navestim :)
Arhar2001-05-11 17:46:06
err ne Hmmmmmmm a ja last comment. :>
stolb2001-05-11 17:57:37
nehera , poslednij! rasstupis chestoj narod!!!!!!!
Astar2001-05-11 18:01:01
We will kick Gray's ass, no poehat v .ee zastavim!
Arhar2001-05-11 18:30:48
Astar right lets kick Gray's ass. he deserve it :)))
Scorpio2001-05-11 18:31:14
Bednaja moja hata..
Roman2001-05-11 18:34:54
nu da :) viplil ja iz teni nakonec hehe. Vot. Komp prodal segodnjasvoj - to i nastroenije pakostnoje, v 4 utra leg, proekt odin delal sait, v 9 prosnulsa, v 10-12 prodaval svoj komp, v 14 na odnu rabotu, shaz v 19 na druguju bliiiiin. +vihodnije rabota, nu kak eto ploho:P PIVO!
Arhar2001-05-11 18:39:52
Romka derzhis. pivo mi s toboi popjem da i tak anyway ne zabudem.
i hope v rossiji u tebja hotjabi ICQ budet.
dumaju dorozhka na MUME tesnaja i vstretimsja esche ne odin raz.
dazhe esli igrat ne budesh. :)
Roman2001-05-11 18:43:03
dumaju da, po krajnej mere esli ne budet u menja ineta tam, to vse ravno ja zakazhu hosting i sdelaju odin projektik *evil grin*
Arhar2001-05-11 18:47:35
:) Scorpio ne volnuisja ja ne na tanke priedu :)
Romka ja chuvstvuju slishkom mnogo budet u nas v Rossiji znakomih chtob tyda ne navedivatsja raz v pol goda :)
Edvard2001-05-11 21:11:11
Störda jävla horor, dra åt helvete. Jag hatar er alla jävla kuksatans fittbuskar. Jävla slinkor, dra å slicka nån jävla hundballe era jävla helvetes kukskaft! kom hit och sug av mig då, jävla muttballar! helvetes jävlar vad förbannad jag blir när jag tänker på att era jävla satans iq tillsammans är lägre än mitt skonummer era dumma jävla satans helvetes idioter! jag hatar er alla mer än lennart, fucking morons! jag ska personligen skära av era ballar med en slö häcksax om ni fortsätter vakna upp på morgonen, och andas samma luft som jag! jävla idioter! sen ska jag leka med köttyxan på era hälsenor till dom går sönder som gitarrsträngar! då ska jag använda dom som tandtråd! jävla idioter!!! fuck you all!
Edvard2001-05-11 21:11:58
sigh... 30 minuts to go.....
Roman2001-05-11 21:15:13
nods, i eto horosho :) ¤
Roman2001-05-11 21:16:29
and all those swedes... GO away from Scorpio's log!
Edvard2001-05-11 21:22:33
nej... *SIGH*
Kogan2001-05-12 00:04:46
nice linkless kill :)
bad luck for that orc
shit happens.
Aschit2001-05-12 00:09:22
I'm wondering if he would have preferred to mobdie linkless instead?
American's Rule2001-05-12 03:13:55
Speak English, foreign languages are primitive nowadays
Unknown2001-05-12 17:18:49
English is a language for fools everyone knows it, but some of us knows two language litte american pisshead, just because you are totally screwed and dont understand anything else than this poor language dont mean we have to share your destiny.
Suka2001-05-12 18:48:59
Amerika soset bol'shoj sovetskij huj!
Hmmm2001-05-13 12:29:02
Stolb2001-05-14 08:56:42
sniff, ja toze s vami hochu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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