Hobbits colonizing Moria
posted by Wind
2001-05-12 21:52:06
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Gonfor2001-05-12 21:56:40
That's a lot of pars. You should try golf.
Lilljempa2001-05-12 22:00:38
Copper2001-05-12 22:18:15
Par2001-05-12 22:23:12
par? parparpar... parpar!! parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........??? par. Cute :=)
PAR2001-05-12 22:24:52
par par par par par parparparparpar parp arpar parparparparparpar parparpar.par.parpar par parpar parparpar
Peleus2001-05-12 22:30:14
whats with all the par?
A copper ring2001-05-12 22:30:42
Agarakhor.par2001-05-12 22:38:18
Don't worry, 6+ rangers avenged you but an hour later.par
Uparpar2001-05-12 22:39:59
Tpar reapar roparpar! Par! I lovedpar par when youpar par par par par! How did par par par insidepar par par?
Basha/Brogan2001-05-12 22:42:14
Poor hobbits they tasted good to bad I fucked up and missed 4th hobbit kill shrugs was fun
Aschit2001-05-12 22:44:25
I love those "LILLE" rascals!
Enforcer2001-05-12 22:46:49
WTF, whats with this PAR shit =)
Enforcer2001-05-12 22:47:29
WTF, whats with this PAR shit =)
Enforcer2001-05-12 22:52:27
ok , i put new verions, PARLESS!
Elistan2001-05-12 22:52:39
Par happens when you upload in a wierd format...just change file to a different format and resend or something
Zoone2001-05-12 22:54:37
hehe, new char!
lilladde2001-05-12 23:08:21
Ack! We got these maps of a friend but did not know that it would be bad guys there. We would have tried stay and fight you but i was seing if the passage was safe for my friends when you met them. They are only level21s and 15 and have no good defence. Me and Lilljempa were leaving, but we could not open the gate. Is this a bug? That troll was very mean, I was at hurt hps, then it hit me two times and I was awful! And I had very good defence too and good eq. Later we went to the orc homes wanting to fight orcs, with very bad equippment. Then many very high level orcs came. I don't understand that. Why do they not want to fight, why do they only want to kill fast? On the MUD we played before that did not happen often.
Peleus2001-05-12 23:22:42
Welcome to trapmud.
Fredde2001-05-13 00:04:12
mwahaahhaaha STÅNGKORV är allt jag kan säga!
Answer to Lilla2001-05-13 00:08:41
Because #1, mume isnt designed for fun pk anymore. Only hugegroup fights,
overkills..etc. #2, the player base is full of spoiled, bitter nerds.
Nuff said. Get rid of MUME.NET and LAB GROUPS and make a respectful mud
thats not one sided. Hell, NSL is like what? 1% of MUME population and they
dominate through link alone? Only the ignorant believe that myth. Imagine
the lunacy of creating a MUD without multi-playing and yet letting labs play.
Agarakhor2001-05-13 00:14:13
What has labs to do with this log? Three darkies, playing from three different locations, kill four pukes, playing from three or four different locations.
Unknown2001-05-13 00:17:16
In this fight I would say that the darkies was the overpowered side. 2 hits
from wounded to incap on a legend hobbitwarrior with shining?
faint2001-05-13 00:42:21
malmö rip!
Manatark to Ans2001-05-13 01:18:38
There is about about 30 active pkers on most of the time, and 2/3 of them unorganized. So if some lab decides to pk at one side organized, they tip the balance with no problem. End of fun.
Ughlor2001-05-13 01:49:51
Edvard to agura2001-05-13 02:02:00
nope, those hobbit-pukes lab like hell... atleast most of em, dunno about lilladde
Idun2001-05-13 04:15:49
As far as I know, one is Gbg, two are Malmö and one .no
Azg2001-05-13 05:08:46
hehe, only unknowns act like the 'lill' hobbits aren't already experienced swedes. Malmo. hehe
Answer to Idun2001-05-13 12:52:57
Meliza2001-05-13 17:48:43
It rawks to see them get rid of MY SHINING =)
Manatark to Idu2001-05-13 20:31:52
I really have no idea who the lilly-hobbits are, was just trying to make a statement about labs affecting balance. At least I think that was my point :).
Unknown2001-05-13 21:59:03
those lills are Mumma and co
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